Timeline of People to White Oaks

Timeline of people to White Oaks New Mexico

White Oaks, New Mexico: A Boomtown in 1880

In 1880, White Oaks, New Mexico, saw a rapid population increase after news of its mining potential spread.

The first to arrive were John Winters, the owner of the Homestake Mine, and Livingstone, who discovered the Little Mae mine in August 1879. The following spring, William C. McDonald and Edward Bonnell joined them. On April 27, 1880, the “White Oaks Migration” began, bringing 300 miners to the area.

Growth of White Oaks

Over the next few months, more people arrived, including:

  • Jones Taliaferro
  • Dr. Allen Lane
  • J.A. Cooper
  • Col. Jewett

By the end of 1880, the town had grown quickly. In total, 150 houses were built, and the White Oaks Hotel opened in November. Doctors Melvin G. Paden and John Hewitt also arrived to serve the growing population.

This influx of miners, doctors, and entrepreneurs turned White Oaks from a remote outpost into a thriving mining town in just one year.

Timeline of People to White Oaks

1879: First Gold discovered

August 1879:  John Winters owner of the Homestake Mine

August 1879:Little Mae mine discovered in August by Livingstone

August 9. 1879: Claims made on mines

1879 J. Howe Watts arrives in town was named town surveyor

Nov 1879:Old Abe Mine is discovered

Dec 23 1879 WINTERS grants  DOLAN CAROLINE F Homestake Lode

1880: 38 People named in article coming to White Oaks in 1880 

March 1880: William C. McDonald arrives in White Oaks

March 28, 1880: Daily Gazette predicts thousands of gold seekers to White Oaks

April, 1880: Edward Bonnell comes to White Oaks

April 27, 1880: White Oaks Migration starting

April 27, 1880: 300 Miners now in the Camp

May 8, 1880: Mr. Whiteman builds a store house in White Oaks camp 

May 25, 1880: Hundreds flock to White Oaks daily from Las Vegas

May 1880: Jones Taliaferro

May 1880 Dr. Allen Lane arrives in White Oaks.

June 13 1880 J.A.Cooper, Taliaferro ,Lender and Crapster group to White Oaks

June 19 1880 Post Office established at White Oaks

July 20 1880 Col. Jewett arrives in White Oaks

August 10, 1880: 12 buildings being constructed

August 19, 1880:  Whiteman ships 9 tons of freight to White Oaks

August 29, 1880: Whiteman shipped over 50 tons of freight in last few weeks

Summer of 1880: James A. Tomlinson M.D. constructs first house in White Oaks

Sept 22, 1880: 30 more houses being built

October 15, 1880:  Daily mail delivered to White Oaks

October 22, 1880: 50 houses built in White Oaks now

Oct 26, 1880: Capt. Hutton delivers smelter to White Oaks

October 27, 1880: B F Gumm  investigates White Oaks(Gazette)

October 29, 1880: 150 houses built in White Oaks now

Oct 29, 1880: John A. Brothers builds first Stone House in town.

Nov 8, 1880: White Oaks Hotel opens J. B. Collier

1880: Melvin G. Paden, M. D arrived in White Oaks

1880: John Hewitt arrived in White Oaks

1880 Dec 18: White Oaks Golden Era  published by Jacob A. Wise

1880 Dec 20: First transaction of lots in White Oaks Township Oliver Perry Burt

1881: George L. Ulrick settled to White Oaks

Feb 1881 Joseph Biggs comes to White Oaks

March 21, 1881: Charles Mayer arrives in White Oaks.

March 21, 1881: Jack Winter discoverer of the Homestake Mine Dead

May 1st 1881 INA W MAYER

May 10, 1881: 300 buildings

May 27, 1881: Smelter on the way to White Oaks

June 3rd, 1881: Tracks and trucks for Mill

June 15th, 1881: 40 Men employed now at South Homestake

June 7th, 1881: 140 feet tunnel into mountain

July 1881: John Littell First came to White Oaks

March 1882: William H. Weed resides in White Oaks

July 1882: Morris B. Parker’s family

1882: Please specify the URL of your media file that you wish to pop up in lightbox

Oct 21, 1882: First issue of Lincoln County Leader

Jan 20, 1883: William Caffrey takes ownership of Lincoln County leader

Sept 11, 1883: Mr. Brown came to White Oaks

Dec 20. 1883: Town Hall Plans

Jan, 1884: Charles Mayer’s arrives in White Oaks

Feb  09, 1884: Dedication of the new Town Hall 

Feb 09, 1884: White Oaks Dancing Club was organized

March 27, 1884 White Oaks Surveyed

Jan 17, 1885: Pioneer Saloon Closes,

Jan 24, 1885: Only 1 Saloon in operation

Feb 28, 1885: W.C. McDonald is working on White Oaks Plat Map

1885: White Oaks Township N.M. Plotted

1886: Levin W. Stewart arrives in White Oaks

Dec 1886: Albert Zeigler comes to White Oaks

Jan 1, 1887: John A. Brown opens establishment 

May 7th, 1887:John Brown purchases house on Livingston St.

Aug. 22, 1887: White oaks Academy incorporates 

Oct 10, 1887: White Oak Academy opens

August 27, 1887: Oscar Dyer takes over Southwestern Hotel

Nov 19, 1887: Ditches are dug on both sides of White oaks Ave.

March 23, 1888: E. H. Chew constructs furniture store on  corner of Livingston and Pinon Sts

June 2nd, 1888, Methodist Church under contract to erect

June 23, 1888: Carrizo Hotel in operation

Dec, 1888: Population of White Oak 1,000

Feb 2, 1889: H.C. Reil takes charge of Southwestern Hotel

April 27, 1889: Population of White Oak 1,300

Jan 11, 1890: Children attending school in the Methodist Church

Feb 21, 1890 Homestake mills running good

Feb 28, 1890 South Homestake down for repairs

Feb 28, 1890: White Oaks Academy is flourishing

March 7, 1890: Congregational Church is receiving the finishing touches this week

May 17, 1890: Memorial Day Tribute

May 24th, 1890: Theo Heman quitclaims his mine to George B. Barber

July 12, 1890: All able bodied men subject to road work for taxes

Oct 3, 1890: North Homestake Mine to start up

Oct 3, 1890: Railroad contract arrangments

1890: The true Gold Vein of Old Abe discovered

Dec, 1890:Old Abe first opens

July 1st 1891: fire erupted at the South Homestake Mine killing 2 people

August 29, 1891: The Social Event of the Season Albert Ziegler Marries

Oct 5, 1891: White Oaks high School starts Oct 5th, 1891

Oct 10, 1891: Hoyle purchases the Whiteman Store Building

Jan 21, 1892:Mathew Hoyle started contract to build the Hoyle House.

March 19, 1892 :U. Ozanne purchases Carizo Hotel

March 24, 1892:Old Abe Mine Incoporates.

August 4, 1892:Stone and brick walls erected on Hoyles House.

Sept 1, 1892:Public School will open in Brown Building

Nov 17, 1892:Hotel Ozanne opens

Dec 12, 1892:Hoyle purchases 20-Stamp Mill for Old Abe.

Dec 16, 1892:Construction on the Mill will commence in a few days.

Dec 22, 1892:Hoyles new residence will be completed soon

Dec 31, 1892: Last issue of Lincoln County Leader

March 23rd 1893: Zeigler brothers have full ownership without Goodman

Oct 19, 1893:Hoyle throws House party

Nov 23, 1893: Koch and family move to White Oaks

July 1894: White Oaks School almost completed

Feb 7, 1895: Gumm Mansion almost completed

March 11, 1895: Mine Shaft Burned; Eight Miners Imprisoned in the Old Abe Mine

July 18, 1895: First Issue of the White Oaks Eagle

Sept 05, 1895: Heavy rains flood White Oaks

January 30, 1896: Population of White Oak 800

May 16, 1896: Kenneth Robert Watson was born in White Oaks

Oct 7, 1896: White Oaks Stagecoach Robbery

July 7, 1897: David L. Jackson arrived in White Oaks by stage

Dec 2, 1897: Mr. John Brown ready to take charge of post Office

Dec 9, 1897: John Gallacher to be deputy postmaster

June, 1900: White Oaks Population 800

July 1900: White Oak Phone Line

April 18, 1901: Fire breaks out in the Little Casino

July 18, 1901: Hotel Ozanne changes ownership to F. M Lund

July 23, 1901: White Oaks Votes called for school election

April 10th, 1902: James Cooper’s house burns down.

Oct, 1912: White Oaks N. M. Supplied with Electricity

This concludes the Timeline of People to White Oaks until further updates