School Reports 1884-1965

The link to the following is provided by  Charles Barnum & Judy White See Here

Some Students and Teachers living in or near Carrizozo
as mentioned in Lincoln County Newspapers 1884 to 1965

White Oaks Golden Era 3/6/1884.
Report of “A” grades in the White Oaks School on Feb. 29, 1884: Total students enrolled 56. Class standings were: Lane, Bruce; Lacy, Robert; Collier, Joanna; Collier, Lizzie; Collier, Elbert; Hope, Jennie; Parker, Morris; Lane, Ida; Lacy, Robert; Miller, Anna; Wanchop, Ina; Wanchop, George; Lea, Carrie; Blanchard, Willie; Blanchard, Clara; Blanchard, Willie.

“B” students were: Lane, Mary; Biggs, Mary Joe; Green, Mamie; Davis, Paulie; Sperlin, Albert; Schaffer, Frank; Kelly, Alexander; Wells, Nona; Tucker, Robert; Tucker, Gabrel; Kelly, Jenny.

J. C. Culver, Principal; Jos. Collier, Jr. Assistant.

White Oaks Golden Era 4/10/1884 School Report.
B Department, J. Collier, teacher. No. Enrolled 49. Names of those promoted to A department: Gertrude Lea. Minnie Kelly. Alexander Kelly. Rebecca Sisneros.

A Department, J. C. Culver, teacher. No. enrolled: 48. Absent or tardy students: Elbert Collier. Lizzie Collier. Jennie Hope. Ida Lane. Morris Parker. Frank Parker. Ada Wauchope. Gertie Lea. Sam Wells. Albert green. Anna Miller. Ina Wauchope. Clara Blanchard. Willie Blanchard. Willie Hudges. Bruce Lane. Anna Lane.

White Oaks Eagle 4/6/1884 School Report.
Misses Austin was praised. Misses Gilmore was praised.
Class 1 with grades:
Mabel Walsh 99
Florence Wharton 98
Julian Taylor 90
John Lane 87
Roy Trent 79
Richard Hamilton 72
Class 2
Ethel Walsh 94
Mabel Stewart 94
Willie Gallacher 93
Rosa Capuano (unclear) 92
Edith Parker 99
Gusseta Kastler 91
Pearl Keith 89
Class 3
Della Little 93
Bessie Reid 91
Marshall Parker 99
Ralph Treat 89
Class 4
Ruth Tompkins 92
Gordon Wharton 90
Clarence Ridgeway 88
Mimmie Capuano 84
Jones Taliaferro 83
Emma Uebrick (unclear) 80
Melvin Paden 79

White Oaks Golden Era March 6, 1884 Student names.
Report of “A” grades in the White Oaks School on Feb. 29, 1884: Total students enrolled 56. Class standings were: Lane, Bruce; Lacy, Robert; Collier, Joanna; Collier, Lizzie; Collier, Elbert; Hope, Jennie; Parker, Morris; Lane, Ida; Lacy, Robert; Miller, Anna; Wanchop, Ina; Wanchop, George; Lea, Carrie; Blanchard, Willie; Blanchard, Clara; Blanchard, Willie.
“B” students were: Lane, Mary; Biggs, Mary Joe; Green, Mamie; Davis, Paulie; Sperlin, Albert; Schaffer, Frank; Kelly, Alexander; Wells, Nona; Tucker, Robert; Tucker, Gabrel; Kelly, Jenny. J. C. Culver, Principal; Jos. Collier, Jr. Assistant.

White Oaks Golden Era 3/6/1884 School Report
A Grade; Pupils 43; Deportment:
Bruce Lane
Joanna Collier
Lizzie Collier
Elbert Collier
Jennie Hope
Morris Parker
Ida Lane
Robert Lacy
Anna Miller
Ina Wauchop
George Wauchop
Carrie Lea
Clara Blancher
Willie Blanchard
B Grade: 56 enrolled; Above 90% standing:
Mary Lane
Joe Biggs
Mamie Green
Pauline Davis
Albert Sperlin
Frank Schaeffer
Alexander Kelly
Nona Wells
Robert Tucker
Gabrel Tucker
Jenny Kelly
School Report continued from 1st  month; 4/10/1884
B department, J. Collier, teacher
Promoted to A department:
Gertrude Lea
Minnie Kelly
Alexander Kelly
Rebecca Sisneros
A Department:
J. C. Culver teacher:
Elbert Collier
Lizzie Collier
Jennie Hope
Ida Lane
Morris Parker
Frank Parker
Ada Wauchope
Gertie Lea
Sam Wells
Albert Green
Anna Miller
Ina Wauchope
Clara Blanchard
Willie Blanchard
Willie Rudgers
Bruce Lane
Anna Lane

Lincoln Independent July 7, 1890
Enrollment was 70. Average attendance was 42.  Those maintaining an average above 75 per cent in recitations, reviews and examination, were as follows:
Grade V. Daine Nabours, Albert Sepulver.
Grade IV. Jodie Biggs, Cody Kempton, George Sepulver.
Grade III. Anna Wallace, M. Hice, Lois Anderson, Irene Chew, John Gallacher, Maggie McCort.
Grade II. John Sepulver, Leopoldo Parheco (sic), Nick Brill.
Grade I. May Lee, Jose Torres, Blythe Biggs, Eddie Queen, Willie Sepulver, Albert Hice, Gussita Kastler.
Those highest in deportment were Jodie Biggs, George Sepulver. Teacher: M. M. Rudisille.

Lincoln Independent July 7, 1890
Best Letters written by boys and girls aged 6 to 12 contest.
6 years: Tucker Smith -Lookout
7 years: Edgar Watson-Nogal
8 years: John Gallacher-White Oaks
9 years:  Robbie R. Lane-White Oaks
10 years: Henry Jernigan-Lookout
11 years: James Lerch Kibbee-Lincoln
6 years: Pearl Gallatin-Nogal
7 years: Mary Virgibia Levens-Nogal
8 years: Edna Johnston-Eddy
9 years: Ella Lea-Roswell
10 years: Nellie E. Howe-Eddy
11 years: Cora Perill-Seven Rivers
12 years: Ula Gilmore-Fort Stanton
New Mexico Interpreter March 27, 1890
Public School, Enrollment 70; Average attendance 42. Students in 75% grade rank.
Grade V: Daise Nabours
Albert Sepulver
Grade IV:
Jodie Biggs
Cody Kempton
George Sepulver
Grade III:
Anna Wallace
Mause Hice
Lois Andewrson
Irene Chew
John Gallacher
Margie McCourt
Grade II:
John Sepulver
Seopotdo (as found) Parheco
Nick Brill
Grade I:
May Lee
Jose Tories
Blyth Biggs
Eddie Queen
Willie Sepulver
Albert Hice
Gussita Kesler
Highest average level students:
Jodie Biggs
George Sepulver
Notes: The names of children were never published by the newspapers except in the school listings. Also, married women were referred to by their husband’s name.

The Old Abe Eagle November 10, 1892 page four: 125 total number of students. Honor Students who received gold $15 metals: Joanna Collier, Burt Lund, Robert Lund, John C. Warton, Leona Rudisille, Edgar Watson, Thomas Alexander, Eugene Stewart, Medora Hurd, Addie Clayton, Bonnie Allen, Hattie Sutliff, Ella Watson, Hunter Watson.

The Old Abe Eagle December 1, 1892:
Other: White Oaks School: Prof. Whartron, Primary Department-Miss Collier. Enrollment 147. (That is more students than Carrizozo HS had in 1962.) Scholars: Cora Arthur, Charles Arthur, Levi Russell, O. V. Russell, Miss Allie Leonard, James Lessley, Robert Lessley, Miss Ada Riviles.

The Old Abe Eagle December 29, 1892:
Our Schools: Grade school examinations: Students with 80 or higher:
Addie Clayton, 98.
J. C. Wharton, 98.
Eugene Stewart, 93.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 86.
English grammar:
Addie Clayton, 99.
Bonnie Allen, 97.
Medora Hurd, 99.
Eugene Stewart, 98.
Robert Lund, 99.
Hattie Sutliff, 100.
Ella Watson, 100.
Lois Anderson, 90.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 90.
Jodie Biggs, 90.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 90.
Fannie Lalone, 85.
James Lee, 85.
United States History:
Medora Hurd, 92.
Hattie Sutliff, 84.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 85.
Ella Watson, 80.
Hattie Sutliff, 98.
Medora Hurd, 99.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 97.
Ella Watson, 99.
Jim Davis, 80.
Kirk Jacobs, 80.
John Gallarcher(sic), 90.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 80.
Hunter Watson, 90.

Mrs. Pool was the school teacher at Eagle Creek. Dec. 1891. White Oaks.

May 19, 1892, The Old Abe Eagle; Prof. J. E. Wharton opens public school Monday in Keith neighborhood between White Oaks and Raventon (later spelled Rabenton).

The Old Abe Eagle January 4, 1893:
Our School: 141 students. Honor students:
Medora Hurd, 98.
Addie Clayton, 97.
Bert Lund, 97.
Ella Watson, 96.
J. C. Wharton, 95.
Elwood Heman, 94.
Hattie Sutliff, 94.
Hunter Watson, 94.
Robert Lund, 92.
John Gallacher, 92.
Allie Leonard, 92.
Gus Collier, 91.
Lang Keith, 91.
Harry Gallacher, 90.
Intermediate Students:
Edgar Watson, 95.
Lorena Sager, 95.
Rosa McDade, 92.
Claude Goff, 92.
Leopolo Pichaco, 92.
Lydia Forsythe, 92.
Leona Rudisille, 90.
Frank Owens, 91.
May Lee, 91.
Carrie Lalone, 91.
Blythe Biggs, 90.

The Old Abe Eagle March 9, 1893: Page one:
Academic Students:
Addie Clayton, 98.
Hattie Sutliff, 97.
Anna Wallace, 97.
Leona Radisille, 97.
Medora Hurd, 97.
Ella Watson, 97.
Elwood Heman, 94.
Hunter Watson, 94.
Robert Lund, 97.
John Gallacher, 96.
Harry Gallacher, 95.
Allie Leonard, 92.
Bert Lund, 90.
Gus Collier, 91.
Lang Keith, 91.
Cody Kempton, 90.
Roy Gumm, 90.
Elwood Heman, 92.
Jas. Lee, 92.
Intermediate Students:
Maud Cooper, 90.
Leona Keith, 92.
Edgar Watson, 97.
Helen Allen, 94.
Agnes McMains, 93.
Lydia Forsythe, 92.
May Lee, 91.
Manda Littleton, 91.
Carrie Wilson, 91.
Rosa McDade, 90.
Maggie Wickson, 91.
Lorena Sagar, 97.
Claude Goff, 91.
Frank Owens, 92.
Mabel Stewart, 92.
(Above does not include the non-honor roll students of 110 students.)

The Old Abe Eagle March 23, 1893: Page four: The Salado school is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. H. S. Smith.

The Old Abe Eagle March 30, 1893: Page four:
School: Closes for the harvest and summer. Studies: Mediaeval and modern history, U. S. history, Physics, Physical Geography, and Pedagogy.
Honor Roll students:
Bert Lund, Leona Rudisille, Elwood Heman, Allie Leonard, Jodie Riggs, John Gallacher, Anna Wallace, Robert Lund, Jas. Lee, Addie Clayton, Mary Fitzpatrick, Roy Grumm, Medora  Hurd, Harry Gallacher, Gus Collier, Ella Watson, Thos. Alexander, Edgar Watson, Robert Presley, Claude Goff, Blythe Biggs, May Lee, Maggie Wickson, Leona Keith, Rich’d Taliaferro, Minnie McDade, Levi Russell, Mary Eakers, Roy Treat, William Watson, Mary Mains, Carrie Wilson, Rosa McDade, George Forsythe, Edgar Strumquist, Richard Hamilton, Pearl Keith, John Strumquist, Gusita Kistler, Ralph Treat, Leo Schwarts, May Wallace, Bessie Taliaferro, W. Gallacher, Addie Lalone, Henry Gibbons, Johnny Duke.

Other: White Oaks school enrollment was 100. Daily attendance was 80. Honor students were: (all blurry) Robert Lund, Paul McCourt, Harry Gallacher, Roy Gumm, Elwood Heman, Jas. Lee, Sas.(?) Davis, John Lane, Emma Parker, Emma Brothers, Susie McMains, May Lee, Medora Hurd, Jodie Biggs, Margie McCourt, Allie Keith, Helen Allen, Lora Leslie, Maud Littleton, Fannie, Lalone, Modero Hughes, Blythe Higgs, Carrie Lalone, Edward Strumgquist(sic), Duncan Ferguson, Robert Presley, Omer Owen, Ernst Keith, Flora Keith, Minnie McDade, May Wallace, Mary Keith, Guesita Kistler, Mary McMains, Adella Keith, Florence Murdock.

The Old Abe Eagle December 21, 1893, page four: First Session of White Oaks Graded School with 130 students.
Honor Roll:
John Gallacher
Robert Lund
Roy Gumm
Jas. Lee
John Gallacher
Lang Keith
George Queen
Jas. Wickson
Jas. Davis
John Lane
Kody Kempton
Lura Leslie
Carrie Lalone / LaLone
Medora Hurd
Jodie Biggs
Margie McCourt
Allie Keith
Fannie Lalone
May Lee
Blythe Biggs
Hellen Allen
Lorena Sagar
Leona Keith
Rosa McDade
Susie McMains
Modeno Hughes
Maggie Wickson
Edward Strumgquist  (as found)
Fred Blackhart
Jesus Padilla
John Strumquist (as found)
Roy Treat
Nachu Capauano
Perfecto Archuleta
Omer Owen
Bennie Sandoval
Rich’d Hamilton
Robert Pressley
Mary McMains
Bessie Taliaferro
Florence Murdock
Adella Keith
Gusaita Kestler
May Wallace
Ada Steck
Pearl Blackhart
Janett Lee
Bonito Grieshaber
Agnes Ferguson.

The Old Abe Eagle February 1, 1894 page four, Honor Students, 147 students; average attendance 84.
Robert Lund,
Harry Gallacher,
Roy Gumm,
Cody Kempton,
Coke Keith.
The Old Abe Eagle March 14, 1895: Page four:
White Oaks Graded School students, 156 enrolled, honor roll:
John Gallacher,
Lund Robert,
Roy Gumm,
Ella Watson,
Margie McCourt,
May Lee,
Lang Keith,
Jodie Biggs,
Lois Anderson,
Elsie Ricket,
James Lee,
Harry Gallacher,
Cody Kempton,
Elwood Heman,
Pearl Blackhart,
Bessie Taliaferro,
Mitte Cox,
Ernest Keith,
Nettie Lee,
Maud Bailey,
Edgar Stramquist,
May Cleghorn,
Addie Steck,
James Davis,
Edgar Watson,
Claude Goff,
Robert Presely,
Robert Parker,
Carrie Lalone,
Fred Blackhart,
Riley Watson,
Leona Keith,
Fred Lalone,
Anthony York,
Roy Treat,
George Queen,
Omer Owens,
Mary Keith,
Joe Schultz,
Clarence Rickert,
John Lane,
May Wallace,
Necho Capnano,
Frank Kiser,
Julian Taylor,
Addie Lalone,
John Strumquist.

The Old Abe Eagle March 29, 1894: Page four:
School Examination Reports, students scoring 80 percent or above, all classes, many names duplicated for various courses:
Margie McCourt, May Lee, Carrie LaLone (previously spelled Lalone), Manda Littleton, Jas.  Davis, Jodie Biggs, Harry Gallacher, Roy Gumm, John Gallacher, Lang Keith, Margie McCourt, Helen Allen, Lang Keith, Margie McCourt, Lang Keith, John Lane, Allie Keith, Helen Allen, John Gallacher, Cody Kempton, Roy Gumm, Harry Gallacher, Geo. Queen, Jas. Davis, Medora Hurd, Coke Keith, Roy Gumm, Margie McCourt, May Lee, John H. Lane, Robt. Lund, Jodie Biggs, Medora Hurd, John Gallacher, Harry Gallacher, Robert Lund, Medora Hurd, John Gallacher, Cody Kempton, Jas. Davis, Fred Blackhart, Earnest Keith, Leona Keith, May Lee, Gusaita Kestler, Perfecto Archaleta, Benio Sandoval, Mary McMains, Richard Hamilton, Fred Blackhart, Edw’d Queen, Roy Treat, Robt. Presley, Adella Keith, Jose Sanchez, Duncan Fergusson, Jose Torres, Benino Sandoval, Pearl Blackhart, Bessie Taliaferro, Jose Torres, Edgar Strumquest (spelled three ways in the records), Edgar Watson, Richard Hamilton, Roy Treat, John Strumquist, Leo Schwartz, Willie Owens, Clarence Rickert, Gusita Koetler (blurred), Leo Schwartz, Maggie Wickson, Blythe Biggs, Ed. Strumgquist(is this a different person or a different spelling?), Roy Treat, Henry Gibtens(blurry), N. Capauano, Adella Keith.

The Old Abe Eagle December 20, 1894, page four: White Oaks Graded School 137 students, 134 average daily attendance.
Gallacher, John
Lund, Robert
Gumm, Roy
Watson, Ella
McCourt, Margie
Lee, May
Keith, Allie
Keith Lang
Biggs, Jodie
Anderson, Lois
Richert, Elise
Lee, James
Gallacher, Harry
Kempton, Cody
Heman, Elwood
Dearmore, W. H.
Owens, Omer
Blackhart, Pearl
Queen, George
Lane, John
Davis, James
Jacobs, Kirk
McMains, Alice
Hughes, Modina,
Baily, Maud
Lalone, Carrie; Also spelled LaLone
Blackhart, Fred
Watson, Riley
Keith, Joe
Keith, Leona
Biggs, Blythe
Tailliaferro, Bessie
Cooper, Maudie
Watson, Will
York, Laura
York, Anthony
Treat, Roy
Wharton, Florence
Littleton, Manda
Archuleta, Perfecto
The Old Abe Eagle April 18, 1895: Page four: White Oaks school closes for the year due to scarlet fever, diphtheria, la grippe, croup and other diseases. White Oaks teachers were S. M. Wharton and Mrs. W. P. McComar?(blurry).

Carrizozo News 5/12/1911 Report of Nogal School
Males 18; Females 18. Those present everyday were:
Verma Acher
Thelma Eaker
Gladys Hust
Eunice Clem
Moah Clem
Absent less than five days were:
Muriel Aker
Grace Moss
Sadie May
Agness May
Chloe Zumwalt
Floy Zumwalt
Clifton Zumwalt
Susie Vega
Franklin Vega
Teacher: Mrs. S. R. Moss
White Oaks Eagle School Report extracted from 4/6/1884. Misses Austin was praised. Misses Gilmore was praised.
Class 1:
Mabel Walsh 99
Florence Wharton 98
Julian Taylor 90
John Lane 87
Roy Trent 79
Richard Hamilton 72
Class 2
Ethel Walsh 94
Mabel Stewart 94
Willie Gallacher 93
Rosa Capuano (unclear) 92
Edith Parker 99
Gusseta Kastler 91
Pearl Keith 89
Class 3
Della Little 93
Bessie Reid 91
Marshall Parker 99
Ralph Treat 89
Class 4
Ruth Tompkins 92
Gordon Wharton 90
Clarence Ridgeway 88
Mimmie Capuano 84
Jones Taliaferro 83
Emma Uebrick (unclear) 80
Melvin Paden 79

Capitan News 12/2/1904 Capitan and Coalora schools close, lack of funds. Teachers Miss May Skehan, Prof. A. G. Burlingame.

Capitan News 1/22/1904 Capitan attendance honor roll: Leilah Chance, Macaria Silva, Ethel Griffin, Gladys Puckett, Fred Chance, Morgan Reily, Lola Highfill, Gregorita Silva, Euseba Pucket, Mabe Craig, Sam McCorkle, Wilbur Coe; Teachers -Mary Skehan, Prof. A. G. Burlingame.

Capitan News 8/4/1905 Capitan School Teachers Prof. H. C. Harper and Mrs. H. C. Harper.

White Oaks Outlook, March 3, 1905 White Oaks School closes for lack of funds. Professor Stephenson continues the school using private funds.

Capitan News 10/27/1905 Alto School to open School District 15, Teacher Miss Mae Gilmore. Several schools were open three months only die to lack of funding.

Capitan News 11/10/1905 Analla School Teacher Wm. Blanchard.

Capitan News 3/16/1906 Nogal School student Sophia Littleton mentioned.

Capitan News 11/15/1907 Lincoln County had 1,981 students this year.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/6/1907 Carrizozo school opens October 1st. Mrs. Zane Ogden is teacher.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/13/1907 Carrizozo School opens Miss Virginia Heber in charge.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/27/1907 The east side demand a school. This is the Mexican side of town, in later years known as St. Rita later. This move was in fact a segregation of Whites from Hispanics. Note: Ranchers are increasing buying homes in Carrizozo so their children can go to school.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/13/1907 Mrs. Roberts is teacher at Oscura (or Oscuro) school.

Capitan News 3/2/1908 Miss Bennie Morrison establishes subscription school in Capitan. No mention graduation. Capitan News becomes Carrizozo News on June 12, 1908.

Capitan News 4/3/1908 Capitan had a Private school run by Miss Morrison.

Carrizozo News 7/3/1908 Nogal teacher was Mr. Kelsey. The Carrizozo school was being built.

Carrizozo News 7/3/1908 A census showed 300 school aged children in Carrizozo. Only a small number actually attend school.
School to open October 12th on the South side (across the tracks). Two places will be used for North side, McDonald Building and the Tent. School house not yet completed.
Miss Bennie McGill teaches the South Side. She has 43 students.

Carrizozo News 11/13/1908 Corona school closed due to scarlet fever.

Carrizozo News 12/18/1908 Miss McGill teacher of the Mexican School on the “south side”. This area was later described as across the tracks.

Carrizozo News 9/10/1909 Oscuro school’s teacher was Miss Alma Martin. By 1910 Oscuro had its own Precinct number and School District number.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/22/1908 Olsen brothers of Oscuro, proprietors of the Oscuro Restaurant and Hotel, transacted business in our town Tuesday.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/4/1908 Lincoln County teachers who went to Normal Institute as required by law: W. T. Blanchard, Lincoln (village).
J. B. Blea, Hondo,
Mrs. Booth, Picacho,
C. L. Davis, Carrizozo.
James Dow, Lincoln (village)
Miss Franks, Corona.
Helen Jones, Oscura (sic) properly Oscuro,
C. L. Kennedy, Jicarilla,
Mr. Martin, Oscura(sic) properly Oscuro,
I. N. Taylor, White Oaks,
Mrs. Smithsan, Capitan,
Cherilla Wells, Capitan.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/20/1908 Carrizozo schools on North side closed because Emuel Anderson contracted scarlet fever.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/18/1908 Carrizozo Schools have 208 students. Lincoln County schools start basketball teams.

Carrizozo News 7/3/1908 Carrizozo School house being built. A census showed 300 school aged children in Carrizozo. Only a small number will actually attend school.
School to open October 12th on the South side (across the tracks). Two places will be used for North side, McDonald Building and the Tent. School house not yet completed.
Miss Bennie McGill teaches the South Side. She has 43 students.

Carrizozo News 2/12/1909 No mention. Corona partial list of students were L. Simpson, Hattie Brown, Lucy Beaty Brown, Mae Brown, Florence Fort, Lottie Parker, Loe Simpson, Hattie Brown, Bessie Dishman, Etta Holcomb, Ollie Beaty, Martha Simpson, Mitchel Sloan, Bert Penix, Joe Holcomb, Florence Forte, Mae Clements, Lottie Parker, Lucy Beaty, Richard Suttemeyer, Dora Clements, Lessie Haynes.

Carrizozo News 8/20/1909, Oscura was being called Oscuro as is currently done. Other: Lincoln County teachers at the “Lincoln County Normal” session for teachers. L. M. Mathis-Corona. Samuel Kelsey-Nogal. Howard W. Hall-Carrizozo. Mr. Irene Peters-Lincoln (the village). Miss Jennie Peppin-Lincoln. Mrs. Elizabeth Gumm-Carrizozo. Miss Elsie Mountz-Carrizozo. C. L. Kennedy-Carrizozo. Miss Carrie Worthington-Ruidoso. Miss Alda Anglin-Mt. Park. Miss Mary Adams- Corona. Miss Callie Thompson-Corona. Miss Annie Hensler-Carrizozo. Miss Pearl Taylor-White Oaks. Miss Cora Kelley-Carrizozo. Mrs. G. W. Smithson-Capitan. John Henley-Nogal. Miss Eula Collins-Carrizozo. Miss Margueritte Moody-Carrizozo. Other: Ancho gets a new school house.

Southwestern Outlook 5/21/1909 The (Carrizozo) Outlook became the Southwestern Outlook beginning this issue.

The Southwestern Outlook 8/20/1909 Carrizozo becomes the county seat. Voting: Precincts:
1, Lincoln (village) 150 Lincoln – 16 Carrizozo.
2, San Patricio 149 Lincoln – 10 Carrizozo.
3, Los Palos 77 Lincoln – 23 Carrizozo.
4, Picacho 37 Lincoln – 2 Carrizozo.
5, Reventon 40 – 13 Carrizozo.
6, Richardson 16 – 13 Carrizozo
7, Jicarilla 14 – 83 Carrizozo.
8, White Oaks 5 – 65 Carrizozo.
9, Capitan 68 Lincoln – 29 Carrizozo.
10, Ruidosa(sic) 36 Lincoln, – 25 Carrizozo.
11, Nogal 4 Lincoln – 57 Carrizozo.
12, Bonito 15 Lincoln – 65 Carrizozo.
13, Corona 2 – 135 Carrizozo.
14, Carrizozo 1 Lincoln, 298 Carrizozo.
15, Oscuro 0 – 65 Carrizozo. (Oscuro was given its own precinct number for the first time.)
Total: For Carrizozo 899, For Lincoln 614.

The Southwestern Outlook 9/3/1909 student baseball game Oscuro players: Simm, Auer, Haller, Arnold, Fuller, Harper, Gottachalk, P. Edwards, Martin. Carrizozo players: Jones, Whalon, Wright, Riley, McDowell, Peck, Masters, Cavander, Brockway.

The Southwestern Outlook 10/22/1909 Carrizozo Schools numbers by teacher Mrs. Gumm 53, Miss Kelly 51, Miss Mountz 49, Miss Hensler 26, Mr. Chapman 34, Total 213. The High School has 8 students.

The Southwestern Outlook 11/12/1909 Miss Lena Auer is running the Mal Pais Hotel in Oscuro.

The Southwestern Outlook 12/3/1909 It may be of interest to the many settlers on Township 9S Range 8E adjoining the town of Oscuro on the west, that Pitt Ross…etc.

Carrizozo News 9/10/1909 Oscuro school’s teacher was Miss Alma Martin.

Carrizozo News 9/24/1909 Carrizozo school has over 200 students.

Carrizozo News 10/8/1909 Miss Eula Collins is the teacher for Bonito. Carrizozo established a High School for the first time, classes in Geometry, English, History and Science.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/29/1909 All children must be vaccinated.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/9/1910 Nogal school teacher is Mrs. S. R. Moos.

Carrizozo News 12/24/1909
First Honor Roll published for Carrizozo. Also, school announced that children aged five years and have had their vaccinations could enter Primary class.
Honor Students:
First Grade: Ruth Edmiston, Willie Riley, Aileen Andrews, Katherine Pine, Gordon Pine, Jodie Bently, James Lee, Bryant Casner, John Adams, William Johnson.
Second Grade: Mary Adams, Bernice Collins, Charlie Moody, Winnie Peck, Berssie Gross, Willie Gray, Frederick Laster, Issobel Tinnon (as found), Barney Gray.
Third Grade: Lucile Cole, Willena Wingfield, Margie Lacy, Joe Spence, Sallie Johnson, Carlton Metzner.
Fourth Grade: Emewreson Gross, Bessie White, Rachel Hughs, Sobrey Collins.
Fifth Grade: Thelma Coe.
Sixth Grade: No honor students.
Seventh Grade: Beulah Brazel.
Eight Grade: Ida Grumbles.
Ninth Grade: Pearl Taylor, Edna Baird, Mildred Peters, Helen Canning.
Grade 10th, 11th, 12th no one listed.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/30/1910 Oscuro’s Teacher is Miss Helen Jones.

Teachers and students in Carrizozo NM from the 1910 Census:
Mounty, Elsie K. Teacher
Pfingsten, Agnes Teacher
Chapman, Ester B. Teacher (male)
Kelley, Cora M. Teacher
Moody, Marguerita V. Teacher
Collier, Thad M. Teacher (female)
Collier, Ula J. Teacher
Blea, John B. Teacher
Gumm, Elizabeth Teacher

Carrizozo News 2/25/1910 Honor Roll Note: Several local teachers held private classes for students. In 1910, It appears that the Carrizozo Public School had five grades, 1st through 9th only. (and probably a pre-school grade called primary.)
1910 Honor Roll of the Carrizozo Public School.
First Grade: James Lee, William Johnson, Glenn Walker, John Adams, Lillie Lee, Lorena Brazel, Barbara Hust,
Roy Burrell.
Second Grade: Mary Adams, Lorena Haley, Willie Gray, Gordon Pine, Luella Harris, Louis Andrews, Erra Adams, Ruth Edminston, Louis Cavender, Sidney Hust, Jodie Bentley, Charles Moody, Isabella Tennon, Pearl Kennedy, Barney Gray.
Third Grade: Willena Winfield, Gladys Crawford, Sallie Johnson, Carlton Mentzar, Clara Humphrey, Pink Roberts, Margie Lacy, Joe Spence, Clyde Walker, Hattie Hust.
Fourth Grade: Emerson Gross, Arthur Hoffman, Rachel Hughes, Sabrey Collins, Addie Johnson, Bessie White, Estella Hughes, Frank Trainer.
Fifth Grade: Ula Edmiston,
Sixth Grade: None.
Seventh Grade: Beulah Brazel.
Eight Grade: Ida Grumbles.
Ninth Grade: Pearl Taylor.
10th, 11th, 12th grades none listed.

 Carrizozo Outlook 10/4/1910 C. L.  Kennedy teacher at Reventon school. Mrs. Bertie Jones teacher at Alto school. Jicarilla school closed because missing teacher.

Carrizozo News 5/12/1911 Nogal School: Verma Eaker, Thelma Eaker, Gladys Hust, Eunice Clem, Moah Clem, Muriel Eaker, Grace Moss, Sadie May, Agnes May, Chloe Zumwalt, Floy Zumwalt, Clifton Zumwalt, Susie Vega, Franklin Vega. Teacher Mrs. S. R. Moss.

Carrizozo News 4/21/1911 8th Grade graduation mentioned. No names.

Carrizozo News 4/12/1911 Sunday School song practice Alto: Misses Annie Hagee, Nora Colman, Maud Linum, Jessie Bracken, Claud Linum, Ethel Phillips, Estelle Linum, Messrs. James Bracken, Charles bracken, Bob Hagee, Jim Howard, Ott Howard, Hart Hale, Joe Phillips, Knox Phillips.

Carrizozo News 5/12/1911 Report of Nogal School
Males 18; Females 18. Those present everyday were:
Verma Acher
Thelma Eaker
Gladys Hust
Eunice Clem
Moah Clem
Absent less than five days were:
Muriel Aker
Grace Moss
Sadie May
Agness May
Chloe Zumwalt
Floy Zumwalt
Clifton Zumwalt
Susie Vega
Franklin Vega
Teacher: Mrs. S. R. MossCarrizozo News January 1, 1915
Monthly School Report
Neither absent or tardy:
Low First Grade:
Lillie Harkey
Sue Shulda
Ethel Johnson
Mandie Hamilton
Kathryn Stidham
William Porter
Arley Steward
Edward Hale
Earl Carl
Roy Richard
George Vent
Freddie Salone
Kastler Taylor
Mandie Hamilton
Sue Shulda
Lucile Fite
Katheryn Stidham
Mildred Bixler
Second Grade-Excellent
Lois Stidham
Maurine Collier
Mela Lueras
Mae Bixler
Lon Montoya
Arleen Haley
Opal Eite
Elbert Collier
Reelyn French
Velma Niles
William Kahler
Sam Kennedy
Marselino Herrera
Preciliano Padilla
Second Grade neither absent or tardy:
Charlotte Elliot
Robana Corn
Lois Stidham
Lucy Montoya
Arleen Haley
Dora Anderson
Zelma Foster
Josephine Lalone
Elbert Collier
Julia Mendoza
Adellande Chavez
Albert Lalone
Ollie Niles
Velma Niles
Chat Branum
Elmo Lovelace
Delbert Carl
William Kahler
Frank Vega
Alfredo Lopez
Jose Lueras
Charles Byrd
Third Grade neither absent or tardy;
Ella Rowland
Chifford Stewart
Byre Duggar
Harry Cole
Alvie Porter
Jullian White
Vaden Gallacher
Daniel Elliott
Clayton Hust
Edward Corn
Charley Cole
Marty Miller
Ada Corn
Fourth Grade Neither absent or tardy:
Helen Hansen
Nettie Sandoval
Alta Carl
Dora Gray
Janette Johnson
Bird Lacey
Rose Goddard
Karl Kahler
Dalton Herron
Third Grade Excellent:
Raymond Bixler
Edward Corn
Ella Rowland
Rose Goddard
Fourth Grade Excellent:
Ha Roundtree
Myrtle Rowland
Rose Goddard
Fifth Grade Neither absent or tardy:
Noah Norris
Ruth Schaeffer
Kathryn Spence
Nell Hanson
Ella Hust
Weldon Harkey
Johnnie Cole
Sixth Grade:
Esther Bixler
Vera Howell
Katherine Pine
Willie Reily
Areno Stevens
William Johnson
Frank Norris
Dero Stevens
Allison White
G. B. Herron
Johnny Rowland
Lesnett Anderson
Elmer Eaker
Deon Miller
Fifth Grade Excellent:
Claire Adams
Kathryn Spence
Ruth Schaeffer
Sixth Grade:
Clarissa Leggett
Esther Bixley
Ruth Edmiston
Kathryn Pine
Lesnet Anderson
Deon Miller
Albert Bixler
Elmer Eaker
Sent for Tardy:
Pearl Kennedy
Lorena Haley
Florence Lacey
Perola Stevens
Gordon Pine
George McGee
Pearl Hyde
Eunice Williams
Seventh Excellent:
Lorena Haley
Perola Stevens
Gordon Pine
George McGee
Homer Donelson
Gladney White

Carrizozo News 5/7/1915 Baseball game players were:
7th and 8th grade: Mayo Hamilton, Ware Brazel, S. Bether, D. Gumm, Mayo, Sam, Deane, Joe Spence, George McGee, Homer Donaldson, Pink Roberts, Lawrence Rowland; 5th and 6th grades: G. B. Herron, Allison White, G. B. Heron, Joe De Olivera, Juan De Olivera, Frank Norris, Johnny Cole, Johnny Rowland, Floyd Gray, Guadalupe Lueras.

Carrizozo News 12/29/1911 First grade Mrs. Gumm 50 Students, Second grade(and 3rd grade) Miss Laws 54 students, Intermediate(4th and 5th) Mrs. Massie 45 students, Advanced(6th and 7th) Miss Brockway 28 students. High school Miss Spellman and Mr. Schreck, 8th grade 16 students, Freshmen 3, Sophomores 11 students. 186 Total.

Carrizozo News 9/12/1912 School opens Chas. L. Schreck-Carrizozo Principal, Miss Covington’s 1st grade 36 students. Mrs. Massie’s 2nd grade and 3rd grade 44 students. Miss Humphrey’s 4th grade and 5th grade 42 students. Mrs. Carson’s 6th grade and 7th grade 31 students. Miss Spellman’s 8th grade and high school grades 20 students. Total for the school 173 students.

Carrizozo News 1/31/1913 Capitan requests authority for High School. Carrizozo News 2/7/1913 Carrizozo / Capitan girls basketball game players: Capitan, Lena Highfill, Lillie Merchant, Jeanne Parker, Myrtle McDaniels, Edith Moore, Lola Highball. Carrizozo team: Ester Sager, Johnnie Spiller, Kittie Tinnan, Addie Johnson, Lalia Peck, Mildred Peters.

Carrizozo News 9/12/1913 Page four, Very blurry paragraph list some Carrizozo students:  Freshmen, Florence Spence, Katy Tinnon (Kittie Tinnon), Gladys Estes, Ula Edmiston, Johnnie Spiller, Allison Stevens, Bessie Gray. Sophomores, Livia Kennedy, Emuel Anderson, Lea Kennedy.  Juniors, Iona Stevens, Lula Hoffman.  Seniors: Mildred Peters.  This was a tiny HS of only 14 students. The only graduate in 1913 was Mildred Peters. One year later the HS expanded to 35 students.  Carrizozo news 10/3/1913 girls basketball player’s names: Carrizozo, Lena Highfill, Johnnie Spiller, Lola Highball, Mildred Peters, Patsy Johnson, Iona Stevens.

Carrizozo News 5/15/1914 Capitan School Play Chas. L. Schreck, Jenny Boone, Bert Pfingston, Chas. H. Thomason, James Howard, Myrtle McDaniel, Arthur Howard, Jenny Parker, Theresa West, Reuben Boone.

Carrizozo News 5/29/1914 graduation two teachers were Miss Organ, Miss Leach Ketchem.

Carrizozo News 9/18/1914 Carrizozo HS report: 35 Students, Freshmen Class: Bessie White, Mae Kennedy, Carleton Mentzer, Don Finley, Gladys Estes, Helen, Rufus Branum, Carroll Johnson, Saddie Johnson, Addie Johnson, Alma Roberts, Frances Goddard, Wayne Hamilton, Rachel Hughes, Willie Cole. Sophomore Class: Kittie Tinnon, Florence Spence, Allie Branum, Margaret Branum, William Peters, Bessie Gray, Robert Reynolds, Johnnie Spiller, Clara Brazel, Joe Finley, Allison Stevens, Ula Edmiston. Junior Class: Zella Mayes, Louis Adams, Senior Class: Emuel Anderson, Olivia Kennedy, Lea Kennedy, Iona Stevens, George Barber.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/21/1915 graduation Iona Stevens-class historian, George Barber-class poet, Dorothy McCarty-piano, Lea Kennedy-class Prophet, Oliva Kennedy-Valedictory. Three girls and two boys graduated. No other names.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/19/1916 Carrizozo graduation names 8th grade: Sallie Johnson, Elmer Eaker, Pink Roberts, Richard McDaniel, Erva Adams, Pearl Kennedy, Frankie Gray, Gordon Pine, Sam Branum, Bertha Branum, Linza Branum, Isabelle Tinnon, Florence Lacy, Willie Reily, Pearl Hyde, Perola Stevens, Laura Dalton, Lawrence Rowland, Homer Donaldson. Principal Mrs. Ethel V. Jewett. Merited Program 12/6/1918 Eva Wack, Clarence Hearndon, Ruth Schaeffer, Rose Conway, Barbara Hust, Jno. M. Boyd, Rosalind Burke, Dan Elliott, Olaus Manning, Catherine Pine, Carl Schele, Ethel Hoffman, Linza Branum, Clara Adams, Hillary Cooper, Minnie Taylor.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/19/1916 mentions a school house at Oscuro and building new class room. 5/26/1916 Oscuro School’s teacher was Miss Mary C. Monroe from San Antonio. 11/30/1917 Miss Broadhead was an Oscuro teacher.

Oscuro 6/2/1916 Mrs. Maud Blaney was the local teacher. By 1920 Maud Blaney lived in Carrizozo, occupation teacher, listed as Superintendent. The 1920 Oscuro census listed 159 people with about 30 of those being school aged. Her husband Dr. Robert Blaney was a dentist and was also part owner in the Lincoln County Oil Company.

Carrizozo Outlook The 4/9/1915 reported that the Oscuro School added a board fence, a Spanish cedar hedge, a windmill, and cottonwood trees. Oscuro cast 23 votes in the 1915 general election. In 1916 the County Supervisor ordered 8th grade graduation examinations in Carrizozo, White Oaks, Capitan Oscuro and Ruidoso.

Miscellaneous Facts about Oscuro. In 4/8/1910, Oscuro held a school election for school trustee in which E. F. Jones won three years, Robert Young won the two-year term. Joe Ashford and Charles Thornton also received votes. In 1910 continued, Joe Ashford was a merchant in Oscuro and also owned the Oscuro Hotel. Oscuro obtained a telephone line connecting from from Socorro in February 1910. Oscuro had a Women’s club in 1916. In 3/2/1917 Fred Roberts was town Constable and shot dead by Lum Bayfield. Teachers listed in Oscuro on 9/8/1916 were Miss Ida Schimpf and J. M. Smith. Oscuro had a Saloon. In 9/10/1909 Miss Alma Martin was in charge of the Oscuro School. In 1/22/1905 W. P. Doughrey was elected Constable. Oscuro Merchantile Company existed in 1920. In 2/6/1920 the Oscuro school was still open. 4/2/1909 a post office and store were built, same building. 1/23/1920, County School Superintendent visited Oscuro School. Oscuro had a doctor in 1920 Dr. Guide Ranniger. 9/1/1916 Albert Ashford was a student.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/7/1916 Punctual students: 1st grade Earl Carl, Miller French, Maryella  Calddwell, Ethel Johnson. 2nd grade:

Carrizozo Outlook 5/12/1916 graduation Junior-Senior picnic Mesdames Campbell, Squier Jewett and McCurdy, Misses Brazel Edmiston, Allie Branum, Margaret Branum, Lacey, Mayes, and Messrs Stevens, Rowland, Adams, Mayes, McCurdy, Mentzer, Brazel, and Franklin.

Neither absent or tardy HS students were Pearl Hyde, Peroia Stevens, Johnnie Cole, Alma Lacey, Alta Carl, Ella Rowland, Harry Cole, Alvie Porter, Kastler Taylor, Carl, Ella Rowland, Catherine Stidham, Earl Carl. A Spanish American School was established for “this” part of town, teacher Miss Mildred Peters. (This was the section of town known as across the tracks.) HS graduate names Louis Adams, Allie Branum, Margaret Branum, Danile Mayes.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/4/1917 graduation will be 5/23/1917 Clara Brazel, Zella Mayes, Margaret Scott, Mae Kennedy, Ula Edmiaton.

Carrizozo News 1/4/1918: Page four: Miss Olivia Kennedy transferred to Carrizozo from across the tracks. This is the first mention ever of “across the tracks”.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/17/1918 class exercises: 8th Grade: Claire Adams, John M. Boyd, Rosalind Burke, Johnnie Cole, Cora Davis, Juan De Olivera, Joe De Olivera, Daniel Elliott, Vera Howell, Wm. Johnson, Harriett Kimbell, Alma Lacey, Olaus Rowden, Ora Rowden(sic), Myrtle Rowland, John D. Sawyer, Ruth Scheffer, Laureen Wilson. Teachers Mrs. Maud Blaney, Mrs. J. M. Gardner. (No HS names mentioned.)

Carrizozo News 1/25/1918 Carrizozo now has 12 teachers. Miss Blanche Browmlee added Monday.

Carrizozo News 6/28/1918 Eighth Grade Examinations (for graduation) Carrizozo Highest scorers Miss Rhoda Murray-Tinnie, Miss Chloe Zumwalt-Smith School. Lincoln (village) had no 8th grade students but many 7th graders.
Examinations by District were:
District No. 1: Lincoln: Carmen Chavez, Lawrence Dow, Isabel Dow, Hilario Maes, Juanita Salazar, Frances Salazar, Jefferson Smith, Katie Tapp.
District No. 3: Ruidoso: Ulric Miller, Elger Miller.
District 7: Carrizozo: Velma Howell, Ore E. Rowden.
District No. 8: White Oaks: Lula Current, Lois Dudley, Edward Lane, Katie Ortholer, Grace Taylor, James Littell, Hattie Littell.
District No. 13: Corona: Geraldine DuBois, Amelia Locke, Dora Mariner, Crawford Mariner, Margaret Hillhouse, Effie Holcomb, Bythal Jolly, Ruby Killingsworth, Ruth Killingsworth, Virtle Shartzer.
District No. 16: Parsons: Etta Jennings.
District No. 19: Oscuro: Gladys Thornton.
District No. 21: Ancho: Effie dale, Reba Straley, Edward Williams.
District No. 28: Capitan: Capitan: Ethel Bryan, Christler England, Chas. Evans, Mortimer Green, William Smith, Maria Serna, Jessie Ereiden, Estella Howard, Clara Fritz, Pinkie Howard, Bertha Werner, Grace Lane, Frances Merchant, Francis Silva.
District No. 31: The Gap: Sussie Bennett.
District No. 33: Tinnie: Rhoda Murray, Seth Tailey.
District No. 35: Glencoe: Gerald Tully, Ralph Bonnell.
District No. 36: Smith School: Davis Smith, Maggie Smith, Edna Forth, Chloe Zumwalt.

Carrizozo News 5/9/1919 Eighth grade graduating students (who passed exams) in Lincoln County:
Capitan: Bessie Sellers, Ethel Bryan, Christler England, Charles Evans, Estella Howard, Marge Hillburn, Maria Serna, Lana Werner (blurry).
Nogal: Silvia Lamay, Mora Feerguson, Winifred Pfingsten.
Ancho: Marjery Green, Ola Guthrie, Kenneth Powers.
Angus: Pansy Elizabeth Bingham, Benate (blurry) V. Copeland, Earl Parker.
Alto: Ralph Bonnell(?), Maggie Smith.
Glencoe: Ala Stack.
Nogal: Eula Spillers.
Lincoln: Lawrence Wilson, San Patricio.

Carrizozo News 5/16/1919 Carrizozo High School close for term. Eighth Grade graduates: Myrtle Corn, Llyod Crutcher, Fern Forrest, Ioma Jennings, Jeanneita Johnson, Clarite McQuilla, Audrey Miller, Jewell Miller, Herndon Reily, Ella Rowland, May Schaeffer, Grace Taylor, Mary White.

High School commencement exercise graduates: Pearl L. Hyde, Perola Stevens, Pearl Clements. Students performing, singing: Perola Stevens, Pearl Clements, Pearl Hyde.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/23/1919 graduation Misses Pearl Clements, Perola Stevens, Pearl Hyde, Miss Hilary Cooper, (possibly Misses Cooper, Conway, Terrell, Schaeffer, Wack, Taylor who sang.) Teacher Mrs. T. E. Kelley.

Carrizozo News 5/30/1919 Lincoln County soldiers who died in WWI:
Pedro Analla of Tinnie.
Charles Walter Beaver of Corona.
Benjamin I. Berry of Carrizozo.
Jim Dearman of Carrizozo.
Milus Jefferson Grofton of Parsons.
William Randall Greer of Oscuro.
Robert James Hagee of Alto.
Roy Hamilton of Carrizozo.
Harvey Hughes of Carrizozo.
Richard Cecil Morgan of Carrizozo.
Louis Moya of Arabella.
Susano Sanchez of San Patricia.
Kenneth R. Watson of White Oaks.
Gladney Taylor White of Carrizozo.
Carrizozo Outlook 8/1/1919 Carrizozo Teachers:
Dr. E. E. Cole, Superintendent.
Mrs. Margaret Burt, HS.
Miss Minnie Sullivan, HS.
Miss Edith Luton, HS.
Miss Lois Tipton, 8th grade principal.
 Mts. Carlisle, 7th grade.
Miss Inea Holland, 6th grade.
Miss Humphrey, 5th grade.
Alice Tipton, 4th grade.
Lucille Lindsay, 33rd grade.
Mrs. Nora Massie, 2nd grade.
Miss Ivy Lindsey 1st grade.
Miss Neff (Lindsay?) 1st grade.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/5/1919 Carrizozo school opens 300 total students, 33 HS students. East side teacher (Referring to the area aka across the tracks, years later to be St Rita.) was Miss Hughes.

Carrizozo News 10/10/1919 This compiler senses the decline of White Oaks and Oscuro. White Oaks lost its news paper earlier, and now losses it Post Office. Telephones are widely found in Carrizozo with simple one or two numbers for the phone numbers. The Oscuro school still operates with Miss Woods and Miss Kimmons as teachers. Oil mania was sweeping Lincoln County. An Oscuro well was under way to drill up to 4,000 feet.

Carrizozo News 10/17/1919 Columbus Day activities included Miss Jarrett’s students’ presentations, songs, history and a play by Josephine Clements, Leslie Lopez, Joaquin Miller, Maxine Hoffman, Walter La Fleur, Nellie Shaver, Ethel Johnson, Miller French, Jean Riely, Emma Poage, Paul Wack, Jessie McIlhaney, Don English. 100% of students give support for the Junior Red Cross.

Carrizozo News 10/17/1919 reported massive poisoning of Mexican dogs (wolves), coyotes and lions at Ancho. A county poisoning plan will rid them from all of Lincoln County.

Carrizozo News 10/24/1919 Carrizozo School enrollment is up to 388.

Carrizozo News 11/21/1919 Carrizozo honor and perfect attendance students in November were: First grade teacher Mrs. Gumm: Yleria Lozono, Luiz Munos, Ramona Padilla, Viviana Soliz, Anita Soliz, Nestortia Gutierrez, Esther Sais, Rodsa Sandoval, Jose Martinez, Carlos Martinez, Jose Rios, Lauterio Chavez.
Second grade teacher Mrs. Massie: Dollie Corn, Frances Skinner, Georgia Saunders, Nellie Gallegos, Mary Romero, Leopoldo Ortiz, Pablo Gallegos, Teodoro Duran, Morris Benson, Mack Chavez, Otto Preham, Wilbur Smith, Raymond McClean, Johnnie Phillips, Maurice Lemon, Edward Johnson, Harold Fairbanks, David Saunders, Richard Patty, Julian Clements.
Teacher (second grade) Rachel Hughs: Mela Candelaria, Barbarita Chavez, Juanita Soliz, BenitoChavez, Juanita Soliz, Rosita Herrera, Rosendo Martinez, Bertha Vega, Ruperto Chavez.
Teacher (second grade) Ivy Lindsay: Bethel Treat, Jane Spencer, Hazel Whitaker, Evelyn Grumbles, Rita Montgomery, Dorothy Dozier, Dorothy Hutchinson, Fay Harkey.
Third grade teacher Miss Holland: Evelyn Hamilton, Christy Hobbs, Donaciana Gallegos, Luciano Gallegos, Pablo Pino, Lin Cooper, Maria Romero, Tone Pino.
Fifth grade teacher Elizabeth Jarrett: Miller French.
Sixth grade teacher Esther Seale: Frank Patty, Ida Bullion, Maurine Collin, Kathryn Stidham, Maudie Hamilton, William Moss.
Seventh grade teacher Velma Carlisle: Evelyn French, Aileen Haley, William Kahler, Kastler Taylor, Willis Hutchens, Robano Corn, Alice Aguayo.
Eight grade teacher Alice Tipton: Nellie Ayers, Ada Corn, Lois Jones, Lois Stidham.
High School grades: Linza Branum, Barbara Hust, Myrtle Corn, Lillian Merchant, Clarita Maquillen, Roy Stimel, Rudy Smith, Laursen Wilson.

Carrizozo News 12/19/1919 Honor roll students:
Abelina Lujan,
Alexander Chapman,
Alfredo Lopez,
Alvin Carl,
Antonio Verdugo,
Arnold Hobbs,
Arthur Boyd,
Barbarita Chavez,
Benito Chavez,
Bethel Treat,
Bill Hightower,
Boyd Loughrey,
Carlos Martinez,
Catherine Patty,
Catheryn Stidman,
Christiana Hernandez,
Christina Hernandez,
Clarite McQuillen,
Clifford Hobbs,
David Saunders,
Dollie Corn,
Don English,
Dora Anderson,
Dorothy Mae Hutchinson,
Earl Carl,
Edna Shaver,
Edward Johnson,
Ella Rowland,
Elsie McQuillen,
Evelyn French,
Florence Spence.
Frances Skinner,
Frank Patty,
Fred Lalone,
Genobeba Hernandez,
George Cooper,
Hada Corn,
Hallie Lou Moss,
Ida Bullion,
James Bently,
Jessie McIlhanny,
Jewel Bentley,
John M. Boyed,
John William Elliott,
Jose Gonzales,
Josephine Clements,
Juanita Pino,
Julia Romero,
Julian Clements,
Kastlar Taylor,
Lassie Ayers,
Lee Stimmel,
Lena Yates,
Leona Carlisle,
Leona Whittaker,
Lillie Mae Elliot,
Lorene Stimmel,
Lucile Jones,
Mack Shaver,
Maggie Lujan,
Margarita Verdugo,
Maudie Hamilton,
Maurice Lemon,
Maurine Collier,
Milla Byfield,
Mora Whittaker,
Morris Benson,
Myrle Corn,
Nellie Shaver,
Nue Peters,
Pablo Gallegos,
Preciliano Pino,
Richard Patty,
Robaba Corn,
Rosa Sandoval,
Rosendo Chavez,
Roy Richards,
Roy Stimmel,
Ryth Brickley,
Sam Payan,
Simon Chavez,
Truett McIlhaney,
Julian Lalone,
Vera Richard,
Viviana Luceras,
Viviana Solis,
Walter LaFleur,
Wayne Richard,
Wilbur Smith,
William Kahler,
William Moss,
Winifred Humphrey,
Woodrow Clements,
Yleria Lozono,
Additional list for January 1919 from other files-many duplicates:
Abelina Lujan,
Alta Carl,
Arcenia Abila,
Beatrice Pino,
Bethal Treat,
Bethel Treat,
Broadus Smith,
Bryce Duggar,
Charles Scott,
Charles Scott,
Charlotte Elliott,
Clinton Branum,
Dolly Corn,
Domisilia Abila,
Donaciano Gallegos,
Donald McLean,
Dorothy Dozier,
Edward Johnson,
Ella Rowland.
Elliott Lillian Johnson,
Elwin Miller,
Erma Poage,
Evelyn Grumbles,
Evelyn Hamilton,
Gladys Dozier,
Glenneth English,
Helen Rolland,
Herbert Tennis,
Hilary Cooper,
Hilary Cooper,
Jane Elizabeth Spencer,
Juanita Silva,
Juanita Silva,
Julian Clements,
Julian Lalone,
Julian Robert Taylor,
Kastler Taylor,
Laura Scharf,
Laura Schart,
Linza Branum,
Linza Branum,
Lois Jones,
Lois Stidham,
Margarie Rose Rolland,
Marguerite English,
Maria Romero,
Mary Ella Caldwell,
Maurice Lemon,
May Jaurequi,
Mela Candelaria,
Mildred Jones,
Miller French,
Morris Benson,
Nellie Ayres,
Nellie Gallegos,
Ollie Niles,
Otto Prehm,
Pablo Navarez,
Pablo Pino,
Preciliano Pino,
Robana Corn,
Rollo Place,
Roy Stimmel,
Ruth Brickley,
Sada Corn,
Urbano Wilson,
Velma Niles,
Vera Richard,
Virginia McKeen,
Walter LaFleur,
William Kahler.

Carrizozo News 12/19/1919 Sports team, first time mentioned: High School Girls Team Vs. the All Stars. Jeanette Johnson, Domecilia Abila, Merle Corn, Barbara Hust, Ada Corn, Grace Taylor, Hilary Cooper Jones. All Stars: Sallie Johnson, Lucile Lindsay, Verda Neff, Ivy Lindsay, Mrs. Spencer, Inez, Holland. HS won 21  to 17.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/23/1920 School play students: Bill Hightower, Jewell Bentley, Don English, Emma Poage, Elvib Harkey, Jeanne Reily, Jesse McIlhaney, Bryce Duggar, Rollo Place, Herbert Tennis, Helen Rolland, John Elliott, Josephine Clements, Walter LaFluer.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/14/1920 graduates Linza Wilson Branum, George Hilary Cooper.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/20/1920 graduation mentioned Miss Lillian Marchant, Miss Eva Wack, Miss Lauren Wilson.\

New Mexico Census: Names of people living in Oscuro in 1920 were:
Geo Holiday
Alice Holiday
Ola Holiday
Vernice Holiday
Ellice G Raffety
Hannah Raffety
M S Crocket
Della Crocket
Ervan F Crocket
Walter R Crocket
R H Rhodes
Josie Rhodes
Wealthy Rhodes
Calesta Rhodes
Bobbie Rhodes
Wealthy Cox Jr.
Thomas C Howeser
Allice Howeser
Hugh Chamberlin
Charles G Grey
Margaret L Grey
Harold F Grey
Charley Andrew
Geo Marcy
Horace D Jones
Geo T Carlile
Alverto Perez
Coromenfecha Perez
Ysiboro Perez
Juan Perez
Frastus Perez
Melia Perez
Aurora Perez
Santiago Ramirez
Petra Ramirez
John Ramirez
Manuela Ramirez
Paulina Ramirez
Lorina Ramirez
Henry E Mccalfin
Jennie Mccalfin
Edith Mccalfin
Alice Mccalfin
Martha Mccalfin
Henry Mccalfin Jr.
Lee Luttrell
Maud Luttrell
Cora Luttrell
Orville Luttrell
Benard Burns
Martha Burns
Howard Schaaf
Birth Wood
Sabra Wood
Nora Kemans
A M Purcella
Lillie Purcella
Arlean Purcella
Luthur Purcella
Woodrow Purcella
Albert E James
W H Carvin
Lottie Mae Carvin
L G Carvin
W H Carvin Jr.
John Carvin
Frank W Wehr
Charles Thornton
Malia Thornton
Gladys Thornton
W L Stearling
Susie Stearling
Raymond Stearling
Helen Stearling
Ray Stearling
J F Johnson
Willie Johnson
Iva Johnson
Frank Johnson
Carl Johnson
Jennie L Johnson
Zetta Chambers
Eugene F Jones
Fances Jones
Julia Jones
Eugene Jones Jr.
Oheo Ranigia
Helens Ranigia
Lee Black
Robert Black
Edwin Finley
Ruby Finley
Perry Lawson
Tip Noyes
Ed Hunter
M Pedeillo Jose
Paboleto Jose
Bernabe Candelnia
Semona Candelnia
Renolds Candelnia
Nadalia Candelnia
Fannie Candelnia
Pedro Candelnia
Eugene Candelnia
Minie E Hall
Ben F Nabors
Vida Nabors
E A Ewelans
Dorothy Ewelans
D Brownfield
Millie Brownfield
Effie Brownfield
Mary Brownfield
Martha Brownfield
Eugene F Jones
Fances Jones
Julia Jones
Eugene Jones Jr.
Oheo Ranigia
Helens Ranigia
Lee Black
Robert Black
Edwin Finley
Ruby Finley
Perry Lawson
Tip Noyes
Ed Hunter
M Pedeillo Jose
Paboleto Jose
Bernabe Candelnia
Semona Candelnia
Renolds Candelnia
Nadalia Candelnia
Fannie Candelnia
Pedro Candelnia
Eugene Candelnia
Minie E Hall
Ben F Nabors
Vida Nabors
E A Ewelans
Dorothy Ewelans
D Brownfield
Millie Brownfield
Effie Brownfield
Mary Brownfield
Martha Brownfield
W E Harris
Annie Harris
Walker Wesley
Nix Hugo
Jes Hugo
Domingo Montoya
Petre Montoya
Annie Montoya
Tom Sanches
Felipe Montoya
Salome Sanchez
Thos R Wellband
Barber Ralph

Carrizozo Outlook 5/21/1921 graduation Lillian Merchant, Laureen Wilson, Eva Wack.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/12/1922 Carrizozo Senior Class Play and Commencement: Claire Adams, Herndon Reily, Albert Lalone, Edwin McCarty, Archie Tuton, William Kahler, Grace Taylor, Max Taylor, Ada Corn, Wayne Richard, Audrey Miller, Lois Jones, Juell Miller, Kastler Taylor, Charlotte Elliott, H. B. Bamberger, Lillian Johnson, Ada Corn, Max Taylor, Earl Porter, Claire Adams, Robana Corn, Alta Carl, Rita Norman, Abelina Lujan, Lillian Johnson, Jeanette Johnson, Charles Scott, Claire Adams, Gwen Climer, Lois Jones, Charolett Elliott, Leora Taylor, Audry Miller, Alta Corn.

Carrizozo Honor Roll 1922 Carrizozo, and Recital members Floreinne Shifflette, Ruth Kelly, Lorene Baldwin, Myrtle Rowland, Helen Sterling, Jean Reily, Mary White, Margarete Lalone, Mary Louise Tuton, Claire Adams, Audrey Miller, Juell Miller, Lucille Jones, Rue Shulda, Claire Adams, Myrtle Rowland, Jean Reily, Helen Sterling, Mary White, Rue Shulda. Carrizozo Students Honor Roll 1922: High School attendance Kastler Taylor, 7th grade Jeanne Reily, Lena Yates, Mary Tuton, Walter LaFleur, 67th grade Lorene Stimmel, Lorena Dinwiddle, 5th grade Evelyn Hamilton, Helen Sterling, 4th grade Hattie Moss, Mary Romero, J. R. Taylor, 3rd grade Helen Huppertz, Julia Romero, Hada Corn, Beatrice Pino, 2nd grade Georgia Peckham, Georgia Lesnet, Warden Maxwell, Randall Keating, Gerald Sparks, 1st grade Nadine Lesnet, Primary grade Lorene Baldwin, Carmwlita Pino.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/19/1922, Carrizozo 8th Grade graduation: Dora Anderson, Ida Bullion, Maurine Collier, Lillie Elliott, Luz Flores, Maud Hamilton, May Juarigui, Lucille Jones, Maggie Lujan, Jessie Rustlin, Edena Shaver, Leona Whittaker, Wilma Hust, Clinton Branum, Miller French, Fred Lalone, Julian Lalone, Alfredo Lopez, Harold Massey, Urbano Montano, William Moss, Lee Stimmel, Albert Roberts, Britton Vincent, Rayford Jones.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/18/1923 Carrizozo HS Graduation graduates: Buelah Inez Burr, Mable Jeanette Johnson, Lois Elena Jones, Audrey Glenn Miller, Juell Elouise Miller, Ella Mable Rowland, Grace Helen Taylor.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/18/1923, 8th grade students 1923: Ruth Elizabeth Barnhart, Estella Chavez, Don B. English, Estella Chavez, Emilia Chavez, Emilia Gallegos, Ruth Gatewood, Ethel Vivian Johnson, Ernest Leslie Lopez, William Donald McLean, Jeanne Elizabeth Reily, Roy Marvin Richards, Stacy Elizabeth Rustin, Nellie Fleda Shaver, Jessie Raymond Sterling, Jean Stewart, Mary Louise Tuton, Lena Mae Yates.

Carrizozo News 2/1/1924 and 3/7/1924 Honor Roll.
Agnes R. Farris,
Albert McCall,
Alex Chapman,
Alfredo Lopez,
Andreas Lueras,
Arcadio Brady,
Audrey Saul,
Beatrice Pino,
Majorie Rolland,
Beatrice Romero,
Beatrice Treat,
Bertha Garcia,
Bertha Lucillio,
Bethel Treat,
Beulah Rustin,
Billie Spencer,
Billy Spencer,
Boyd Loughrey,
Brewer Chandler,
Candido Martinez,
Carlos Martinez,
Cecilia Vidaurri,
Clarence Dockrey,
Claude Hicks,
Clinton Branum,
Cosmo Gallegos,
David Saunders,
Dean Treat,
Dollie Corn,
Don English,
Dorothy Dozier,
Dorothy Galleges,
Dorothy Gallegos,
Dorothy Reddy,
Edith Byers,
Edna Shaver,
Edward Johnson,
Edward Lalone,
Eleanor Humphrey,
Elizabeth Green,
Elmer Dockrey,
Elwena Bryan,
Emillo Gallegos,
Emma Brady,
Ernest Gaines,
Ernest Gains,
Ernest Lopez,
Ernest Prehm,
Ernst Lopez,
Estella Chavez,
Ethel Johnson,
Eugene Miller,
Evala Saul,
Evelyn Grumbles,
Evelyn Martin,
Fannie Richardson,
Florence Miralez,
Florentino Lopez,
Florine Pittman,
Floyd Stadtman,
Frances Greene,
Frances Skinner,
Fred Elledge,
Fred Elledge,
Fred Silva,
Fred Tuton,
Fredrick Beitter,
Geo. Bryan,
George Cooper,
Georgia Peckham,
Georgia Saunders,
Glaydus Dozier,
Glenneth English,
Gordon Skinner,
Hada Corn,
Hazel Dockrey,
Helen Frances Huppertz,
Helen Huppertz,
Helen McCammon,
Helen Pittman,
Helen Sterling,
Helen Strauss,
Henry Humphrey,
Herman Jefferys,
J. R. Taylor,
James Keltey,
James Keltey,
Jean Bacot,
Jean Reily,
Jean Stewart,
Jessie Rustin,
John Bryan,
Johnnie Green,
Jose Marcias,
Josephine Brady,
Juana Pacheco,
Julia Galleges,
Julia Romero,
Kastler Taylor,
Kirk Snell,
Lahoma Bigelow,
Lala Joyce,
Lawrence Hicks,
Leeta Clark,
Lena Harris,
Lena Morris,
Lena Yates,
Leo Sanchez,
Leopoldo Ortiz,
Leslie Cooper,
Lillie Crenshaw,
Lin Cooper,
Lois Stadtman,
Lorene Dinwiddie,
Lorene Stimmel,
Louise Bacot,
Louise Hughes,
Louise Sweet,
Lucile Crenshaw,
Lucillie Archuleta,
Mack Shaver,
Mack Shaver.
Manson Hicks,
Manuel Chavez,
Manuel Ortiz,
Marciana Baca,
Margarita English,
Margie Rolland,
Marguerite Lalone,
Maria Ramirez,
Marshall Beck,
Marvin Peck,
Marvin Peckham,
Mary Chandler,
Mary Romero,
Mary Tuton,
Mary Vigil,
Maurice Lemon,
Maurine Collier,
Mela Candelaria,
Miller French,
Nary Bitter,
Nellie Gallegos,
Nellie Shaver,
Oliver Elliott,
Opal Fite,
Oscar Clark,
Otto Prehm,
Pablo Navarro,
Pablo Pino,
Pauline Martin,
Pelar Candelaria,
Peral Pfingsten,
Pete Rustin,
Preceliano Pino,
R. A. Crenshaw,
R. Sterling,
Rachel Chavez,
Randall Keating,
Rap Keating,
Raymond Sterling,
Rea Gains,
Refugio Pacheco,
Ria Lee Gaines,
Robbie Crenshaw,
Robert Bullion,
Robert Skinner,
Rosa Baca,
Ruben Chavez,
Ruth Brickley,
Ruth Kelley,
Salvador Ortiz,
Saturnino Chavez,
Sofia Pacheco,
Thomas Hughes,
Tonie Montoya,
Truman Spencer,
Velma Gage,
Vera Richards,
Walter Chapman,
Walter Grumbles,
Warden Maxwell,
Will Kahler,
Winifred Humphrey,
Wm. Nickles,
Wm. Wingfield.

Carrizozo News 2/22/1924 Valentine party for Baptist and Methodist intermediate school:
Ethel Bryan,
Esther Ayers,
Elizabeth Green,
Jeanne Reily,
Opal Fite,
Lucille Fite,
Erma Poage,
Mary Chandler,
Josephine Lalone,
Marguerite Lalone,
Lorena Dinwiddle,
Charlotte Elliott,
Lillie Elliott,
Pearl Pfingsten,
Edith Byres,
Vera Richard,
Ella Bell,
Mary Bell,
Lorene Stimmel,
Gladys Dozier,
Dorothy Dozier,
Helen Sterling,
Lahoma Biglow,
Maurine Collier,
Grace Taylor,
Rachel West,
Kirk Snell,
Raymond Lackland,
Charlie Ross,
Robert Poage,
Dayton Herron,
Gene Myers,
Fred Ellege,
Albert Julian,
Fred Lalone,
Marshall Beck,
Tennis Biglow,
Jim Dinwiddle.

Carrizozo News 4/23/1924 graduation mentioned. Honor roll: Ruben Chavez, Edward Gallegos, Robert Skinner, Anita Bigelo, Mary Maxwell, Jean Bacot, Emma Brady, Haxel Dockery, Agnes Ruth Farris, Frances Green, Pauline Martin, Marvin Peckham, Truman Spencer, Ray Keating.

Carrizozo Honor Roll students in 1924 from the files of C. W. Barnum. Carrizozo Outlook 1/4/1924
Mrs. Adams’ room:
Beatrice Romero,
Mrs. Tuton’s room:
Frank A. English,  
Edward Gallegos,
Myron Wells,
Helen Pittman,
Miss Fritz’s room:
Jean Bacot,
Emma Brady,
Hazel Dockery,
Francis Green,
Mary Maxwell,
Pauline Martin,
Tomas Ventura,
Marvin Peckham,
Floyd Stadtman,
Mrs. Nickle’s room:
Dorothy Dozier,
Winifred Humphrey,
Georgia Peckham,
Florine Pittman,
Lois Stadtman,
Bethel Treat,
Elsie May Zumwalt,
Walter Chapman,
Saturnino Chavez,
Randall Keatlog,
Warden Maxwell,
Lester McClane,
Miss Connell’s room:
Alex. Chapman,
Jose Marcia,
William Nickels,
Maanuel Ortiz,
Preciliano Pino,
Fulton Duggar,
Marciana Baca,
Roncila Bastia,
Mela Candalores,
Rachael Chavez,
Hede Corn,
Margarite English,
Evelyn Grumbles,
Helen Huppertz,
Beatrice Pina,
Margie Rolland,
Juana Romero,
Tonnie Montoya,
Miss Fite’s room:
Lucillia Archuleta,
Manuel Chavez,
Florentino Lopez,
J. R. Taylor,
Leoperido Ortiz,
Dollie Corn,
Robbie Crenshaw,
Gladys Dozier,
Nellie Gallegos,
Mary Romero,
Elizabeth Such,
Velma Gage,
Miss Blaney’s Room,
Elwewoa Bravan,
Ruth Brickley,
Glenneth English,
Helen McCammon,
Beatrice Treat,
George Bryan,
Henry Humphry,
Maurice Lemon,
Pablo Pino,
Fred Silva,
Mark Shaver,
Otto Prehm,
Ernest Gaines,
Miss Clarke’s room:
Josephine Brady,
Lena Harris,
Vera Richard,
Lorene Stimmel,
John Elliott,
illegible name,
illegible name,
Mary Chandler,
Lillie Elliott,
Velma Estes,
Daniel Elliott,
Velma Estes,
Emelia Gallegos,
Ethel Johnson,
Dorothy Reddy,
Jean Reily,
Jean Stewart,
Mary Tulco,
Marabal Beck,
Chotco Branson,
Brewer Chandler,
Don English,
Miller French,
Alfredo Lopez,
Ernest Lopez,
Raymond Sterling,
Kastler Taylor, Senior
Fred Tuton. Senior

Carrizozo Outlook 1/25/1924 Honor roll Beatrice Romero, Frank A. English, Edward Gallegos, Myron Wells, Helen Pittman, Jean Bacot, Emma Brady, Hazel Dockery, Francis Green, Mary Maxwell, Pauline Martin, Tomas Ventura, Marvin Peckham, Floyd Stadtman, Walter Grumbles, Ernst Prehm, Louise Bacot, Dorothy Humphrey, Lala Joyce, Juana Pacheco, Sofia Pacheco, Carmelita Pino, Dorothy Dozier, Winifred Humphrey, Georgia Peckham, Bethel Treat, Elise May Zumwalt, Walter Chapman, Saturnino Chavez, Randall Keating, Warden Maxwell, Lester McClane, Alex Chapman, Jose Marcas, William Nickles, Manuel Ortiz, Preciliano Pino, Fulton Duggar, Marciana Baca, Roncila Bastia, Mela Candalores, Rachael Chavez, Hede Corn, Margarite English, Evelyn Grumbles, Helen Huppertz, Beatrice Pina, Margie Rolland, Juana Romero, Tonnie Montoya, Lucillia Archuleta, Manuel Chavez, Florentino Lopez, J. R. Taylor, Leoperido Ortiz, Dollie Corn, Robbie Crenshaw, Gladys Dozier, Nellie Gallegos, Mary Romero, Elizabeth Such, Velma Gage, Elwewoa Bravan, Ruth Brickley, Glenneth English, Helen McCammon, Beatrice Treat, George Bryan, Henry Humphry, Maurice Lemon, Pablo Pino, Fred Silva, Mark Shaver, Otto Prehm, Ernest Gaines, Josephine Brady, Lena Harrris, Vera Richard, Lorene Strommel, John Elliott, Mary Chandler, Lillie Elliott, Velma Estes, Daniel Elliott, Velma Estes, Emelia Gallegos, Ethel Johnson, Dorthea Reddy, Jean Reily, Jean Bacot, Mary Tulco, Marabal Beck, Chotco Branson, Brewer Chandler, Don English, Miller (unclear, probably Miller B. French), Alfredo Lopez, Ernest Lopez, Raymond Sterling, Kastler Taylor, Fred Tuton.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/25/1924 Honor roll:
Mrs. Tuton’s room:
Ruben Chavez,
Edward Gallegos,
Robert Skinner,
Anita Bigelow.
Mrs. Lowe’s room:
Mary Maxwell,
Jean Bacot,
Emma Bradley,
Hazel Dockrey,
Agnes Ruth Farris,
Frances Green,
Pauline Martin,
Marvin Peckham,
Truman Spencer,
Ray Keatring,
Mrs. French’s room.
Elmer Dockery,
Dorothy Gallegos,
Eleanor Humphrey,
Juana Pacheco,
Sofia Pacheco,
Carmelita Pino,
Mary Vigil,
Mrs. Nichel’s room:
Dorothy Doaler,
Lois Stadtman,
Walter Chapman,
Borenzo Garcia,
Randall Keating,
Carlos Martinez,
Lester McClane,
Pablo Navarro,
Ansel Swearinger,
Miss Connell’s room:
Arcadio Brady,
Alex. Chapman,
Candida Martrinez,
Manuel Ortiz,
Preciliano Pino,
Rachel Chavez,
Hada Corn,
Margarite English,
Helen Frances  Huppertz,
Beatrice Pino,
Margie Rolland,
Miss Fite’s room:
Florentino Lopez,
J. R. Taylor,
Leopoldo Ortiz,
Dollie Corn,
Robbit Crenshaw, (as found)
Gladys Dozier,
Nellie Gallegos,
Georgia Sanders,
Mrs. Blanay’s room, blurry
Elwena Bryan,
Ruth Brickley,
Glenneth English,
Marie Ramirez,
Helen Sterling,
Kirk Snell,
Rafaila Garcia,
George Ryan,
George Ryan,
Henry Humphry,
Maurice Lemon,
Pablo Pino,
David Saunders,
Mack Shaver,
Otto Prehm,
Clarence Dockrey,
Mrs. Clark’s Room:
Ella Bell,
Lahoma Bigelow,
Josephine Brady,
Natire Brady,
Lorena Dinwiddie,
Lena Harris,
Vera Richard,
Lorena Stimmel,
Raymond Lackland,
Fannie Richardson,
High School:
Lucile Crenshaw,
Velma Estes,
Evala Saul,
Marshall Beck,
Ernest Lopez,
Kastler Taylor,
Fred Tuton.

Carrizozo News 5/9/1924 Graduating Seniors: Lucille Crenshaw, Ada Corn, Leora Taylor, William Kahler, Nonnie Little, Kaster Taylor, Fred Tuton.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/9/1924 Carrizozo graduating Seniors Ada Corn, Leora Taylor, Lucille Crenshaw, William Kahler, Nonnie Little, Kastler Taylor, Fred Tuton.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/23/1924 Capitan 8th grade Walter Lenard, Sislie Stewart, Harry Fambrough.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/16/1924 8th grade graduation Nogal: Anna Helms, Albert Helms, Roy Hust, Cory LaMay. School play students and Glee Club are Mary Chandler, Charlotte Killett, Lillie Killett, Josephine Lalone, Fred Tuton, Jean Kelly, Jessie Rustin, Stacy Rustin, Nellie Shaver, Ada Corn, Kleanor Connell, Kikal Johnson, Louise sweet, Marshall Beck, George Cooper, Clinton Brannon, William Kahler, Nonie Littell, Lucile Crenshaw, Kastler Taylor.

Note: By the end of 1924, the railroad took center stage in Carrizozo. All other business activities were of secondary importance. The Carrizozo School grew.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/18/1925 7th graders who wrote essays Mary Romero, Georgia Saunders, Manuel Chavez, Velma Gage, Dollie Corn, Elizabeth Such, William Nickels. 6th graders who wrote essays Otila Vega, Julia Romero, Helen Huppertz. Student who had accident Wayne Zumwalt.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/20/1925 Capitan Lincoln Day program, Capitan school song, “Capitan, oh, my Capitan!” Participants Lewis Rockwell, F. S. Copeland, Miss Grace Meng, Teacher Mrs. Copeland, Miss Bell. Graduating students this year are Helena Peters, Florence Huckaby, Reedie Dean, Montie Gardenhire. “Capitan high school girls are quoted very highly on the marriage. Market. It bespeaks praise for our home economics courses. Lula Hightower was the latest of our number to succumb. The faculty and school every wish for future happiness.”

Carrizozo Outlook 5/29/1925 HS Graduates Lillian Johnson, Anna Bert Hall, Robert Poage, Charles Pfingsten, Brewer Chandler, Wayne Zumwalt. Twenty-eight 8th graders graduated.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/30/1926 Boy Scouts promoted to Tenderfoot Mack Shaver, Ernest Lopez, Joe Holcomb, Leslie Faulkner, Henry Humphrey, Jim Kelsey, Morris Lemmon, Bennett Gingwall, Edward Johnson, Alfred Lopez, Raymond Lackland, Boyd Loughrey, Frank James.

Orchestra Concert HS Students Noda May Ido Ramsdale, Ernest Prehm, Clint Branum, Maurice Lemmon, Lahoma Bigrlow, Mack Shaver, Don Lemmon, Raymond Lackland, Alfred Lopez, Marshall Beck, Pete Rustin, Don English, Otto Prehm.

Carrizozo Outlook 6/4/1926 late report of graduate. This page was extremely blurry. Many errors herein may exist. That report listed all the schools in Lincoln County. Listed herein are for Carrizozo. HS: Miller French, Clint Branum, Alfredo Lopez, Nellie Shaver, Jean Stuart, Jessie Rustin. Luella Crenshaw, Ray Harmon, Myra Pfingsten, Lucille Jones, Maurina Collier, Marshall Beck.

8th grade no school specified, probably Carrizozo.  Totaling 51 graduates: Names below were extremely blurry.
Fred Terra, Maggie Chavez, Lillian Stoneman, Jim dale, Helen Kilgore, Ernest Patterson, Frances Gardenhire, Jane Elizabeth Spencer, (Jane was later shot by her daughter. That daughter who is still living, was apparently raised by an aunt in Artesia NM.), Mary Romero, Otto Prehm, Proelliana Pino, Beatrice Pino, Gladys Dozier, Manuel Chavez, Rhea Boughner, Tomas McCanant, Eldon Imheff, Beatrix Boughner, Lin Cooper, Hada Corn, Bobbie Crenshaw, Velma Gage, Nettie Gallegos, Evelyn Grumbles, Fay Harkey, Helen Hupperta, Florintino Lopez, Euda McMillian, William Nickels, Marjorie Rolland, Julia Romero, Jessie Pearl Rustin, Pete Edward Rustin, Elizabeth Luck, Carl Parker, Ethel Wilbur, Gertrude Willingham, Atilana Kimbrell, Pablo Sandoval, Edith Coe, Irving Brooks, Patrick Coer, Emelia Fritz, Tealta Herrera, Oleta Pipper, Jane Previck, Georgia Stuart, Leslie Kuykeandell, Forest Phillips, Johnnie Green, Dwight Allison.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/22/1927 HS Orchestra George Cooper, Ruth Brinkley, Evelyn Grumbles, Maurice Lemon, Lahoma Bigelow, Mack Shaver, Vera Richard, Don Lemmon, Billy Nichols, Jim Kelsey, Tennis Bigelow, Georgia Rustin, J. C. Burkett director.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/4/1928 Midterm report of honor roll students: 1st grade Fred Homer English, Billy Beck, Lonnie Frankie. 2nd grade Johnnie May, Bradley Smith, Ruth Barnett, Wilma Snow. 3rd grade Julia Gallegos, Fay Jefferies. 4th grade Lee Carl, Ruben Chavez, Robert Skinner, Helen Pittman, Helen Strauss, Beatrice Romero, Nellie Lee Smith, Lucinda May, Athol Franks. 5th grade (blurry) Lillian Ayers, Jodie Bryan, Frances Charles, Marvin Peckham, Floyd Stadtman. 6th Lawrence Hicks, Winifred Holcomb, Walter Grumbles, Ruth Kelley, Paul Ludlow, Carmelita Pino, Mary Ellen McMillen, Truman Spencer, Raymond Fisher. 7th grade none. 8th grade Dorothy Dozier, Lois Stadtman, Elise Withrock, Alvin Carl, Saturino, Walter McMillan, Billy Spencer.

High School (Honor Students only) Helen Sterling, Velma Estes, Jeanne Reily, Ernest Lopez, Don Lemmon, Frank James, Raymond Lackland, Lorene Stimmel, Ruth Brickley, Glenneth English, Erma Poage, Beatrix Boughner, Dolly Corn, Hada Corn, Helen Huppertz, Atilana Montoya Beatrice Pino, Margie Rolland, William Nickels, Julia Romero, Mary Romero, Evelyn Grumbles, Louise Hall.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/7/1928 2nd grade perfect attendance Johnnie May, Fructoso Osorio, Earl Stadtman, Walter Robinson, Bradley Smith, Ruth Barnett, Margie Bell, Yvonne Brown, Clara Bell Cornet, Ramona Guiles, Dixie Harmon, Eliza Hobbie, Mary Nell Loughrey, Rebecca Ransom, Wilma Snow, Agnes Degner, Dixie Harmon.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/4/1928 Senior Class Play Lorene Stimmel, Maurice Lemon, Frank James, Lahoma Bigelow, Don Lemmon, Mary Lou Ludlow, Bill Lumpkins, Vera Richards, George Cooper, Mary Lou Townsend, Raymond Lackland, Gerald Mats, Ella Bell.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/6/1927 St. Rita 8th grade graduates Mary Bell, Candido Martinez.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/17/1929 Seniors Gladys Dozier, Mary Romero (a Junior), Maurice Lemon, Tom Cook, Mack Shaver, Helen Sterling. Others: Marjorie Nickels, Louise Shelton, Otila Vega, Helen Pittman, Dorothy Nickels, Anita Bigalow, Ruth Barnett, Dorothy Dozier, Alfred Richardson, Florine Pittman, Lois Stadtman, Avelia Young, Frances Green, Irene Zumwalt, Wilma Lorene Snow, Maurice Lemon, Virginia Charles, Avella Young, Dorothy Nickels, Wilma Lorene, Dorothy Dozier, Florine Pittman, Mack Shaver, Ruth Brickley, Ruth Kelly, Ernest Prehm, Jr. Play: Fay Harkey, Maurice Lemon, Alfred Richardson, Mack Shaver, Gwen Climer, Helen Starling, Ruth Brickley, Johnnie Townsend, Irene Zumwalt, Elwens Bryan, Glenneth English, Frances Skinner, Ida Cleghorn, Gladys Dozier, Esther Dow, Frances Green, Erma Poage, Ellen Ludlow, Elizabeth Green, Frances Aguayo.

Carrizozo  Outlook 5/31/1929, 8th grade graduation and 12th.
Alfred Richardson, 12th
Buelah Rustin, 8th
Carmelita Pino, 8th
Charlotte Emerson, 8th
Dorothy Gallegos, 8th
Elizabeth Green, 12th
Ellen Ludlow 12th
Elmer Aguayo, 8th
Elwena Bryan, 12th
Erma Poage 12th
Ernest Prehm Jr., 8th
Ester Dow 12th
Florencio Mireles Jr., 8th
Frances Aguayo, 12th
Frances Green, 8th
Frances Skinner, 12th
Glenneth English, 12th
Gordon Skinner, 8th
Gwen Climer, 12th
Helen Sterling, 12th
Ida Cleghorn, 12th
Irene Zumwalt, 12th
Johnnie Townsend, 12th
Lala Joyce, 8th
Lawrence Hicks, 8th 
Mack Shaver, 12th
Mary Ellen McMillan, 8th
Maurice Lemon, 12th
Oscar L. E. Clark, 8th
Paul W. Ludlow, 8th
Raymond Fisher, 8th
Rea Lee Gains, 12th
Reid Dudrey, 8th
Rou Clark, 8th
Ruby Lea Leslie, 8th
Ruby Purcella 12th
Ruth Brickley 12th
Ruth Kelley, 8th
Walter Grumbles Jr., 8th
Mrs. M. L. Blaney Teacher.
Carrizozo Outlook 5/2/1930, twenty Seniors and Recital:
Aedene McCammon,
Avella Young,
Charlett Emerson,
Eliza Hobbs,
Evelyn Claunch,
Evelyn Grumbles,
Gladys Gardenhire,
Helen Mae Young,
Johnson Stearns,
Leslye Cooper,
Louise Shelton,
Marjorie Nickels,
Mark Sloan,
Reid Dudley,
Ruth Barnett,
Ruth Kelley,
Thelma Shaver.
Senior play: Madge Stevens, Evelyn Grumbles, Beatrix Boughner, Mary Romero, Helen Huppertz, Julia Romero, Rhea Boughner, Tennis Bigalow, William Nickels, Otto Prehm, Tom Brown. 

Carrizozo Outlook 5/24/1930 mentions St. Rita 8th grade Graduation. On May 19th. No names.

Carrizozo Outlook 8/9/1930: Carrizozo Teachers: J. M. Helm, Hazel Melaan, Raymond Gillette, Cecil E. Moore, John Crnkovich, Tressie A. Davis, Noda May Igo Ramedale, Mrs. Maude L. Blaney, Mrs. Clara Snyder, Mrs. Mary Fritz Johnson, Mrs. Nellie Shaver, Mrs. S. H. Nickels.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/9/1931 Senior Class Play and Seniors: Eva Vigil, Marguerite English, Gladney Zumwalt, Dorothy Dozier, Marvin Roberts, Carol C. Hines, George Young Jr., Manuel Chavez. Wayne Van Schoyck, Gladney Zumwalt, Eva Vigil, Ansel Swearengen, Raymond Lackland, Carol Hines, Manuel Chavez. Total 91 HS students 1931.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/1/1931: Senior Class Play Eva Vigil, Marguerite English, Gladney Zumwalt, Doprothy Dozier, Marvin Roberts, Carol C. Hines, George Young, Manuel Chavez. Recital Robert A. Coplin, Eliza Hobble, Edith Pruyn Hall, Edith Dudley, Joan Penfield, Robt. A. Coplin, Ethel E. lord, Aubrey Hines, Osgood Ardene McCammon, Louise Snow, Louise Shelton, Eliza Hobble, Carolyn H. Crawford, Margaret Shafer, Reid Dudrey, Adolf Waldig, Louise Snow, Ardeane McCammon, Reid Dudrey, Ruth Lydia Penfield, Dorothy Gibson, Jewell Treat, James Frances Cook, Aubry Hines, A. Coplin, Edith Dudrey.

Carrizozo Outlook 6/5/1931 St Rita 8th grade commencement Nellie Smith, Rhoda Freeman, Lily Tenorio, Juan Juaregui, Carl Freeman. Awards: Cecilia Vidaurri, Refugio Garcia, Lellie Lee Smith, Refugio Pacheco, Emiliano McKinley, Cenobio Pacheco, Anna Ackenbach, Mary Freeman, Trinidad Martinez.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/31/1931 Father Mitchell building addition to St. Rita School. Carrizozo Outlook 5/1/1931: Senior Class Play Eva Vigil, Marguerite English, Gladney Zumwalt, Doprothy Dozier, Marvin Roberts, Carol C. Hines, George Young, Manuel Chavez. Recital Robert A. Coplin, Eliza Hobble, Edith Pruyn Hall, Edith Dudley, Joan Penfield, Robt. A. Coplin, Ethel E. lord, Aubrey Hines, Osgood Ardene McCammon, Louise Snow, Louise Shelton, Eliza Hobble, Carolyn H. Crawford, Margaret Shafer, Reid Dudrey, Adolf Waldig, Louise Snow, Ardeane McCammon, Reid Dudrey, Ruth Lydia Penfield, Dorothy Gibson, Jewell Treat, James Frances Cook, Aubry Hines, A. Coplin, Edith Dudrey.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/15/1931 8th grade graduation:
Anita Bigelow,
Emma Brady,
Murel Burnett,
Lee Carl,
Ruben Chavez,
Leslye Cooper,
Frank A. English,
Neal Hanley,
Aubrey Hines,
Theodore Hobble,
Eva Keene,
Edna Littleton,
Beatrice Romero,
Thelma Shaver,
Louise Shelton,
Johnson Stearns,
Robert Skinner,
Helen Strauss
Wallace Walker,
Teacher Mrs. M. L. Blaney.

Recital Methodist Church students: (Mrs. O. J. Snow, teacher), F. Johnson, Jack Snow, Sue Lawson, Charles Snow, Wilma Lorene Snow, Vena Louise Snow, Martha Sue Lawson, Anna Selle Cole, Drew Cole.

Carrizozo Outlook 6/5/1931 St Rita 8th grade commencement Nellie Smith, Rhoda Freeman, Lily Tenorio, Juan Juaregui, Carl Freeman. Awards: Cecilia Vidaurri, Refugio Garcia, Lellie Lee Smith, Refugio Pacheco, Emiliano McKinley, Cenobio Pacheco, Anna Ackenbach, Mary Freeman, Trinidad Martinez.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/29/1932 by HS reporter Miss Stover’s track team Georgia Peckham, Katherine Kelt, Mary Lewis,Willie Kelt. Boys football lettering L. Hicks, F. Leslie, B. Lewis, R. Leslie, J. Leslie, E. Snell, A. Brady, W. Chapman, F. English, E. Aguayo, E. Call or Carl or Catt?, B. Crenshaw, L. Baca. Candido Martinez died before getting his letter. Basketball B. Crenshaw, E. Call or Carl, E. Aguayo, S. Chavez, L. Baca, A. Brady, W. McMillian, F. Mirelez. Girls basketball Dorothy Dozier, Georgia Peckham, Katherine Kelt, Ruby Johnson, Andrea Kundred, Mary Lewis, W-? Kelt, Frances Charles. Ruby Johnson having operation. Gertrude Lea(blurry) had died..

Carrizozo Outlook 5/6/1932 Recital Zane Harkey, Bill Allen, Mark Sloan, Evelyn Claunch, Marion Joyce, Helen Sloan, Helen Mae Young, Johnson Stearns, Murel Burnet, Margaret Shaver, Zune Harkey, Lula Joyce, Leslye Cooper, Virginia Fagan, Mark Sloan, Ruth Kelly, Inez Ward. Senior Class Play Emer Catt? Ansel Swearingen, Reid Dudrey, Alvin Carl, Georgia Peckham, Katherine Kelt, Dorothy Dozier, Mary Be–?

Lincoln County News 5/13/1932 This was the first time Oscuro (shown as Oscura) was given full coverage of HS graduation. “Oscura” Commencement: Miss Marie A. Brunk, School colors Crimson and Black, School Flower red Rose, School Song “Crimson and Black”. Eighth grade graduate Jimmy Taylor; Seventh grade Bessie Brown, Paul Brazel; Sixth grade Leo Keene; Fifth grade Jessie Brazel; Fourth grade Irene Keene, Mary Brown; Third grade Bill Brazel, Maggie Delgado, Maddy Keene; Second grade Ora Lee, Bernice Delgado, Catherine Wooten; First grade Johnny Ward, Dick Wooten, Le Velle Ward; Primer Chart Hazel Keene, Delor Delgado. Outgoing school board Judge Seth Crews, R. V. Holloway, J. V. Taylor. Incoming school board J.V. Taylor, Louis Keene, Sam, ward. Mrs. Geo. Dixon teacher. Residents of Oscuro in 1930 totaled 79, indicating that Oscuro was fading away. Only 9 were school aged:
L Dillard
Orval L Dillard
Crews Seth S Hollaway
Ira W Robinson
Ethel G Robinson
Ira N Robinson
Luther L Robinson
Madrid Reysaldo
Marie Reysaldo
Enoch Dillard
Ola M Dillard
Mildred L Dillard
Frankie E Dillard
Will W Beazzel
Maggie M Beazzel
Paul T Beazzel
Jesse M Beazzel
Bill Beazzel
James H Kinnons
Lillian M Kinnons
Ollie E Kinnons
Eugene H Kinnons
Joseph V Kinnons
Frank Newman
Grace V Newman
Babie Gene Newman
Julian Delgado
Andrea Delgado
William T Wilson
Belle Wilson
Tom Mcdonald
Janie Mcdonald
Anna Mcdonald
Mary J Mcdonald
Chas H Thornton
Molly A Thornton
Walter Riggs
Ramon Abvas
Rosa Abvas
Antonio Abvas
Roger V Hollaway
Ruth V Hollaway
Jas M Chavis
Chas Wickworth
Sam B Ward
Margurette C Ward
Johnie C Ward
Lanelle L Ward
Henry L Ward
Jose Valurdo
Angela Valurdo
Carmon G Valurda
Alberto G Valurda
Conseption Valurda
Elvira Valurda
Furana Gonnaery
James V Taylor
Una B Taylor
Dolris Taylor
Harold Taylor
James V Taylor Jr.
Guillerno Carbafal
Bullem M Carbafal
Jesus Carbafal
Solodad Carbafal
Delgado Petro
Marion Petro
Maggie Petro
Bennie Petro
Deborah Petro
Pecelia Petro
John H McMutten
Preston I Taylor
Ervin L Taylor
Violet C Taylor
Melba L Taylor
Floyd W Jones
James A Adams

Carrizozo Outlook 6/10/1932 Father Mitchell, St. Rita Commencement Exercises School colors Blue and White. Graduates Dolores Forsyth, Refugia Pacheco, Veronica Mirelez, Mary Zamora, Bradley Smith, Frank Vigil.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/13/1932 8th grade program Alice Degner, Oney McPherson, Edith Norman, Fay Jeffery, Marjorie Nickels Margaret Shafer, Class names Opal Crenshaw, Alice Degner, Vaden E. Elliott, Walter Fulmer, Annie Lou Gaines, Jack Harkey, Manson Hicks, Elaine Hurt, Faye Jeffery, Callie Leslie, Flora Leslie, Lura Leslie, Rex Lewis, Oney McPherson, Dorothy Nickels, Marjorie Nickels, Edith Norman, Louise Pino, Jack Snow, Margaret Shafer.

Carrizozo Outlook 7/22/1932 The Funny Page was added. It starred Finney of the Force, The Featherheads, Our Pet Peeve, Mickie-The Printer’s Devil, George Washington’s Travels, and Along The Concrete.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/23/1932 Carrizozo has a school song. Pep squad are Katherine Kelt, George Peckham, Walt Grumbles, Jane Kimbrell-senior, Walt Grumbles-senior, Marvin Peckham-junior, Mary Lewis-junior, Carl Freeman-sophomore, Maudie Warren-sophomore, Norman Kent-freshman, Edith Norman-freshman.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/30/1932 Class officers: Seniors: Pres. Laura Sullivan, Vice-President John Kelt, Secretary Ralph Hall, Treasurer Lala Joyce. Juniors: Pres. Dorothy Hall, Vice-President Marvin Peckham, Secretary Leonard Sanchez. Sophomores: Pres. Murel Burnett, Vice-President Dorothy Wisner, Secretary Leslye Cooper, Freshmen: Pres. Vaden Elliott, Vice-President Manson Hicks, Secretary Grant Miller, Treasurer Opal Crenshaw.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/14/1932 Lyric Theatre showing Ladies of the Jury.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/21/1932 St. Rita star athletes were Alfredito Martinez and Emillano McKinley.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/18/1932 First mention of Carrizozo Grizzlies, Carrizozo 19, Weed 7.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/16/1932 Home Ec. club election President Viloa Keene, Vice-Pres. Leslye Cooper, Secretary Helen Strauss, Treasurer Eva Keene, Advisor Miss Davis.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/21/1932 Carrizozo football squad: Tony Hicks, Elmo Aguayo, Frank English, Florencio Murelez, John Jackson, Paul Ortiz, Lawrence Hicks, Wayne Van Schoyck, Jim Leslie, Grant Miller, Bud Crenshaw, Salvador Ortiz, Luis Baca, Proceso Montoyo, Joe Garcia, Lee Carl, Jack Snow, Walter Grumbles, Johnson Stearns, Vaden Elliott.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/27/1933 The PTA and Women’s Club organized a soup kitchen in the HS Home Ec. For the under nourished, 54 starving school children and 20 adults served each day. The Funny Page was apparently dropped from the newspaper.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/17/1933 The Senior class is publishing the first HS School Annual. School photos to be taken next week.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/10/1933 The National Honor Society established at Carrizozo for Juniors and Seniors: Junior Vena Louise Snow. Seniors Edith Dudrey, Ernie Prehm, John Jackson, Lala Joyce. Post Graduate selected Adelina Marquez.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/21/1933 The Carrizozo HS Annual, The Carrizozo Tumbleweed is being completed.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/28/1933 8th grade graduates Ruth Barnett, Charles Bonny, Kesquiel Chavez, Evelyn Claunch, Raymond Cooper, C. O. Davis, Ralph Dow, Dixie Hermon, Wilton Haskins, Wilton Haskins, Eliza Hobble, Harry Kelt, William Kelt, Walker Leslie, Edna McBrayer, Proceso Montoya, Jane Norman, Fred Osorio, Wilna Lorene Snow, George Strauss, Willingham Kenneth.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/21/1933 HS Valedictorian Edith Dudrey, Salutatorian Ernst Prehm. John Jackson received Medal of Award. Baccalaureate services will be April 23. Mysteriously, no other HS graduating seniors were mentioned in the paper.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/22/1933 Seniors force Freshmen to build huge “C” on Willow Hill.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/24/1933 Students who gave talks Thelma Shaver, Vena Louise Snow, Margaret Shafer, Ralph Petty.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/12/1934 Carrizozo organizes The Carrizozo Country Club.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/9/1934 Limited Funny Page returns.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/16/1934 Junior Play Miss Davis, Leslye Cooper, Billy Lafferty, Ralph Petty, Bea Romero, Thelma Shaver, Margaret Phillips, Dorothy Yarbro, Carl Freeman.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/3/1934 English III free verse assignment William Compton wrote:

The Malpais
That vast ocean of rock
Whose metallic somberness
Defies all who near it
What untold secrets does it hold?
Those jagged crevices and mounds,
Which are so roughly hewn
By wind, rain, and snow
How? Why? And when did
Its presence permeates this district?
As history says, probably by some
Extinct Volcano, probably struggling
To rise again and scour the
Land with its black venom.

The Malpais;
 A no man’s land.
The refuge for robbers.
And thieves, a wonderful.
Place for stills and hide-outs.
A home for rattlesnakes.
A wonderful goat country.

But even this unconquerable
Supply of rock has been brushed
Aside by man,
And now a road traverses it.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/2/1934 Girls basketball team Mary Law, Maudie Warden, Opal Crenshaw, Evelyn Claunch, class captains. Scorers: Vaden Elliott, Johnson Stearns. Timer: Harry Kelt.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/9/1934 Rhythm Orchestra 29 children age 6 to 11, Junior Jones, Mossier Dudrey, Martha Sue Lawson, Pick Warden, Leslie Boughner, Roy Johnson, Joyce Sloan, A. N. Spencer, Billy Frame, Betsey Sloan, Bill Allen, Jane Gallacher, Dorothy Mae Jones, Betty Beck, Zelma Mae Jarvis, Margaret Brown, Allen Beck, Bobby Shafer, William Bollin, Jack Waldrip, Herman Kelt, Wanda Groce, Gerald Cooper, Ted Johnson, Paul Jones, Helen Sloan, Amaryllis Frame, Muriel Jordon, Lois Anne Jarvis.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/18/1934 Oscura (Oscuro) school is out May 18, ending with a big dance.

Carrizozo 8th grade Commencement Exercises May 16th, Herbert Aguaya, Billy Beck, Charles Carl, Orville Dow, Agnes Degner, Fred H. English, Graham Fitzpatrick, Haven Glassmire, Claud Hicks, Donald Lawson, Jobie McPherson, Imogene Miller, William Morgan, John Padilla, Manuel Padilla, Harry Pruett, Viola Sandoval, Pinkie Ruth Skinner, Catherine Smith.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/6/1934 Senior Class Play Marvin Peckham, R. A. Crenshaw, Virgil Cast, Sally Ortiz, Leonard Sanchez, Frances Charles, Mary Lewis, Vena Louise Snow, Cecilia Vidauri, Ardeene McCammon.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/11/1934 Senior Class roll Vena Louise Snow. Frances Charles, Refugio Garcia, Cecilia Vidaurri, Frances Pruett, Mary Lewis, Ardeene McCammon, Sam Dow, R. A. Crenshaw, Marvin Peckham Jr., Salvador Ortiz, Virgil Cast, Leo Sanchez, Fermion Montoya.

Carrizozo Outlook mentioned graduation 5/19/1941. Ralph Pruitt, Tom Jones, Morris Alcorn, Duano Chandler, Trinnidad Martinez, George Sanchez, Bradley Boberly, Isidro Muniz, Allan Beck, Joseph Forayth, Sammy Payne, Henry Burton, Joe Phillips, John Allen Hightower, Gene Hines, Walton Wilson, Milton Huffmyer, Paul Woodard. Mabel St. John, Shirley Phipps, Ninn Morris, Henrietta Degner, Kathleen Smith, Violet McDaniel, Josephine Dow, Oletta Drake, Dorothy Silva.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/21/1934 Oscuro School had 31 total students. (It has been declining slowly.)

Carrizozo Outlook 3/29/1935 Carrizozo Girls win honors at music meet Zane Harkey, Inez ward, teacher Mrs. T. E. Kelley. Note: Lincoln (village) Mascot waThe Billy the Kids.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/17/1935 List of 8th grade students in rural schools: This list is important because it gave a snap shot of the decline of rural towns as Carrizozo continued to grow.
Lincoln Emma Zamora, Josefina Luna.
San Patricio Robert Olguin, Carmen Gomez, Pablo Calderon, Eufracia Sanchez, Sigesmunda Gonzales.
Ruidoso Truett Andrews, Silvester Ream, Earl Wilkinson, Juanita Alexander, Bernice Westfall, Effie Campbell, Blossom Von Strune.
Picacho Julio Sandoval, Bracell Fresquez, Geo. Shanks, Eolfania Fresquez, Elisa Kimbrell, Mary Chavez, Sara Kamees, Carlota.
Bogle Ruth Shields, E. D. Ferguson.
Ramon Martha Nell Tate.
Nogal Amos Asher Emerson,
Angus Lucille Jones, Naomi Baily.
Rabenton (formerly Reventon) Manuelita Torres, Toribio Marrujo.
Jicarilla Grace Alsup, LaNelle Bailey, Robert Alsup.
Alto Robert L. Hagee, T. L. Kendrick Jr., Louise Hagee.
Mon Jeau Georgia Lucille Manous, Aaron Richard Manous, Sarah jane Keller.
Bluewater Erminia Romero, Danois Ortega, Rueben, Hudson Morris.
Oscura (Oscuro) Jessie Braxel.
Ancho Wm. E. Cathy, Joe Drake, Delfin Zamora, Vivian McKenzie, Lavina Storey, Burleson Strawbridge, Sophia Zamora, Wilma Sechrist.
Baca Canyon Hazel Loreen Nash.
Escondida Elvira Montoyo.
Jacks Peak Virginia E. Chavez, Federico Aragon.
Capitan Wayne Cozzins, Louise Copeland, Mary Lou Phillips, Samuel Hale, LaMoyne Peters, Lawrence Gardenhire, Albert Wallace, Oleta Winningham, Elizabeth Thompson, Paula Anaya, Frances Sheppard, Jeff Dockery, George Chavez, Laura Peebles, Boise Rountree.
Fort Stanton Ben Chavez, Laura Peebles, Boisae Rountree.
Lon Nerma Rainey, Norman Mosley.
Tinnie Joe Gutierrez, Rufus Montgomery, Joe Gonzales, Ralph Gonzales, Rufus Trujillo, Rufina Trujillo, Lucia Gonzales.
Asperus Jimmie Foster, Odell Payne. (Asperos may have been Precinct 9, location is not known by your compiler. It could have been a person’s name. In 1935 the Lincoln County Board of Education Assigned District No. 34 to Asperus, bus route No. 1. Erwin school district was No. also 34, with bus route No. 1. Stetson, Blackwater, Lon, Stetson, Araballa, San Patricio, Ramon, Encinoso, and Macho also shared bus route No. 1.)
Glencoe Leroy Perry, Esquiel Duran, Hatie Smith, Camerina Ambriz, Julio Salas, Helen Crawford, Olivia Gill, Emma May Dyas.
Macho Edina Mae Purcella, Patricia Mae McInnes, Jocie Purcella.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/6/1935 Carrizozo adds school bus service to Jicarilla and Hondo, thus consolidating much of Lincoln County’ schools.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/27/1935 Mrs. Ola C. Jones, County supervisor and Mrs. Mary Watson, Rural Supervisor, visited these rural schools: Nogal, Angus, Mon Jeau, Escondido, Bluewater, Arabela, Richardson, Encinoso, Stetson. Ruidoso, Jicarilla (teacher Mrs. Ufa), Capitan, Lincoln (teachers John Black, Ofella Muranda, Hazel Luck, Lucia Montez), Lon (teacher J. H. Gilbert, Mrs. Lola Jones), and Ramon (teacher Wyona Hall), schools were still operating. Rabenton’s teacher was Miss Nellie Miranda. Miss Julia Penfield teacher at San Patricio resigned, moving to Alamogordo. Oscura’s School teacher was Mrs. Olive Smithson.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/8/1935 mentions several rural schools: Lincoln, San Patricio, Ruidoso, Picacho, Encinoso, White Oaks, Bogle, Ramon, Angus, Jicarilla, Mon Jeau, Oscura aka Oscuro, Ancho, Baca Canyon, Escondida, Fort Stanton, Lon, Arabela, Asperos (also spelled Asperus), Glencoe, Macho, Erwin.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/15/1935 Student murdered in Tinnie, N. M. Hollis aged 18, killed his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Willard in their home including their son, George Willard with a hatchet. The boys’ body was decapitated and horribly mutilated. 

Intermission: The importance of the Southern Pacific RR, the Carrizozo school, churches and social clubs, had become the dominating forces in Lincoln County by 1935. Two classes existed, as they persist today. They were the land owners, businessmen, judges, and old money. Those people who excelled in school also joined the Order of Eastern Star, Women’s Club, Rainbow Girls, Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias-although declining in influence, and Lodges like Eastern Star, and The Carrizozo Lodge. The other class were the Mexican community who lived “across the tracks” and laborers of all races. Women might be included in a special class. They lost their identity after marriage becoming Mrs. John Doe, rather than Mrs. Lora Jean Thompson as an example.

It is said that ninety percent of the wealth today is controlled by only one percent of Americans. That is not true. Actually that 1% owns or controls everything-100%. The vast majority of people own nothing, because they are in debt. They die owing a home mortgage, a stack of credit card bills at obscene interest rates, college loans, and medical bills. Those bills are owned by that 1%. This situation was inevitable being part of the evolution of the elite over the classless.

Over the years, wealth and position in Lincoln County has passed from the early settlers, many of whom brought wealth from the East, establishing ranches, mining properties and businesses. Over the past hundred years, that wealth and most importantly, social position, has passed down to their descendants. However, that wealth and social position tends to dissipate over time due to marriages, deaths, and descendants. Wealth is passed to the children, ever being diluted. The more children a family has, the quicker the wealth is diluted. Furthermore, children do not hold the same values as their forefathers. The Duggar family is an example. They were a respected and wealthy family.

The parents eventually passed away, leaving the ranch to the boys. But the boys had no desire or an inclination to operate the ranch. The boys went separate ways, squandering the wealth or at least consuming it. That family’s wealth and position is now extinguished in Lincoln County. A few other families have faired better with their hand-me-down-wealth. But that free ticket will eventually elapse.

On another subject, in the spring of 1964 a car load of giddy girls from Carrizozo traveled to Capitan to attend a dance. I recall a 1925 newspaper snip: Capitan high school girls are quoted very highly on the marriage. Market. It bespeaks praise for our home economics courses. Lula Hightower was the latest of our number to succumb. The faculty and school every wish for future happiness.”
The dance was rocking until a group of Capitan girls escorted the Carrizozo girls outside the dance hall. They were not friendly. Pushing and posturing ensued. “Stay away from our boys, the Capitan girls warned. The Carrizozo girls jumped into the old Mercury. Departing, they were thankful they still had all their hair. So it was, and so it is. CB

Carrizozo Outlook 4/24/1935 Charles Thornton and Gege Kimmons are pain ting Oscura’s school fence. (Oscuro keeps on ticking.)

Carrizozo Outlook 5/22/1935 Senior graduation, names not listed, but included Opal Crenshaw, Bradley Smith, Dorothy Nickels, Mary Freeman and 17 others, no names given.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/20/1936 School was not a favorite topic this year-or last year. But the Senior class had a   Carrizozo Queen Contest. Alemeda Bowlin 772 votes. Evelyn Ellison 600, Lois Smith 482, Ruth Barnett 400. They also had a boxing match and a Kissing booth. Be mindful that the Great Depression of 1929-1939 was in high gear. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was at work in Lincoln County. Book drives were held to give to the CCC camps. They operated from 1933 to 1942 for unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/29/1935 Carrizozo Grizzles basket ball team Vaden Elliott, F. Greer- Captain, K. Willingham, Kermit Shaw, O. O. Davis, Charlie Mackey, Esquiel Chavez, Josquin Ortiz, Proceso Montoya. The booster club had almost 100 members.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/1/1937 We begin this year with a note about a relative. Albert Wood opened a grocery store in Oscura (Oscuro). Mrs. Wood is the new postmistress. Mrs. Olive Smithson is the teacher at the Oscura School. The school had a Christmas program for the public.

In 1940 the Oscuro precinct 15, was enumerated as Oscura but was officially listed as Oscuro. Only 41 people lived in Oscuro in 1940. By 1960 only a single building existed which sold alcohol.
Adams Jack
Ayers  William F
Ayers  Minnie G
Crew Cora
Dillard Sam
Dillard Maud
Gus Walter
Heath   William D
Loudon Dan
Loudon Gladys
Macaxio Tillie
Macaxio Jose
Macaxio Nellie
Macaxio Jane
Macchi Navarro
McDaniel Carl C
McDaniel Katie
Range  Julian
Range  Juana
Range  Carmen
Range  Emma
Range  Manuel
Range  Juanita
Ray Albert A
Ray Lucinda
Ray Lucinda A
Ray Dorothy Belle
Salvador Prudecia
Sandoval Jose
Sandoval Siria
Sandoval Pete
Smith   Vance
Smith   Mary
Smith   Jeannine
Smith   Van
Wood  Elmore S
Wood  Albert
Wood  Mary A
Wood  Sidney Clay
Wood  Wayland
Wood  Jack

Carrizozo Outlook 2/12/1937 4th grade new student Zita Harvey. 5th grade perfect attendance Bill Hobbs, Salvador de la Ross, Vena Barnes, Vena Barnes, Betty Beck, Viola Bates, Marion Joyce, Madeline Underwood, Prestinia Vigil. 6th grade Donis Aguayo, Walter Berry, Ted Johnson, Manuel Mirabal, Lillian Crumbly, Margaret Myers, Jane Gallacher. Other, 7th grade Tom Truax, Doris Aguano, Lorraine Aguano, student Carl Degner’s grandfather died.

Highest grade awards, 5th grade Paul Jones, Marion Joyce. 6th grade Walter Berry, Jane Gallacher. 7th grade Petra Pino, Dewey Stokles. 8th grade Margie Compton, A. N. Spencer. 

Carrizozo Outlook 2/19/1937 Elmer Wood of White Oaks visited his brother Albert Wood in Oscuro.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/21/1937 8th grade graduation A. N. Spencer, Elbert Dudrey, Gordon Bell, Junior Jones, John Harron, Allan Beck, Bradley Moberly, Frank Kelt, George Sanchez, Milton Huffmyer, Ralph Pruitt, Charles Norfleet, Thelma Collier, Katherine Smith, Heneritta Degner, Margaret Ramirez, Joseph Dow, Geraldine Hill, Virginia Grumbles, Marjorie Compton, Shirley Rhea Phipps.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/28/1937 HS graduation (all names blurry) Raymond Adams, Ruth Barnett, Esequiel Chaves, Evelyn Claunch, O. O. Davis, Helen Gatewood, Lela Mae Mae Gossett, Jerry Graves, Edith Hall, Diafe? Hermon?(Edith Norman), Aubrey Hines, Don? Kelt, Harry Kelt, Edna McBrayer, Noel McDaniel, Jane Norman, Fructoso Osorio, Tony Perez, Lauris? Pino, Wilma Snow, Richard Story, Margaret Wylie.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/3/1937 Edith and Jane Norman will leave for Albuquerque to attend the University. Evelyn Claunch to Tulsa for Business school.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/21/1936 Play titled Hermit House (I know not if the cast are students, but the paper did not report graduating students so I have added names as seemed appropriate.) Opal Crenshaw, Jane Norman, Marian Keller, Edith Norman, Jobie McPherson, Bradley, Smith, Aubrey Hines, Bob Bowlin, Charles Carl, Doyle Miller, Charles Snow, Tim Reh.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/20/1938 Senior Carnival Queen contest Alemeda Bowlin 772 votes, Evelyn Ellison 600 votes, Lois Smith 482 (she eventually won) votes, Ruth Barnett 400.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/8/1938 Junior-Senior Banquet Miss Evelyn Claunch-Junior toastmistress, Bradley Smith Senior Class president. Edith Norman Salutatorian. Dorothy Nickels Valedictorian. Other Class History by Opal Crenshaw, Class Will by Bradley Smith. 25 graduated, no other names.

8th grade graduation Mary May Freeman, Emma Pino, Earlena Berry class representatives. 17 graduated, no other names.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/29/1936 Some Rainbow girls mentioned Leslye Cooper, Evelyn Claunch, Wilma Snow, Faye Jefferys, Dorothy Nickels, Agnes Degner, Dixie Harmon, Sarah Keller, Myrtle, Anna Belle Hoffman, Margaret Elliott, Ruth Petty, Catherine Smith, Louise Degner, Lois Smith, Edna McBrayer, Velma Burleson.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/27/1936 Sky High children’s contest Frank Charles English, Big Boy Hall, Mildred Hoffman, Shirley Buie, Billy Karr, Jeanette Shafer, Villye Frances Ming, Hope Snow, Madaline Stokes, Rachel Ann young, Joe Devine, Sammy La Fleur, Marjorie Ann Moline, Judith Ann McPherson, Alta May grumbles.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/1/1936 Calendar May 1 Junior-Senior Banquet at Carrizozo eating House, followed by Prom at Community Hall. May2, trip to Carlsbad Cavern. May 10 Baccalaureate, May 13, Senior Class night. May 15 Commencement night. No names mentioned.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/10/1937 School opens; 1st grade 20 students, 2nd grade 25, 3rd grade 22, 4th grade 22, 5th grade 23, 6th grade 27, 8th grade 23. Freshmen 38, Sophomores 32, Junior 21, Senior 14 and 24 Post graduates. (Post graduates were students who assisted in teaching and who because they could not afford to go to a fancy college, furthered their education in post HS study.)

Carrizozo Outlook 10/29/1937 Carrizozo beauty queen candidates Audrey lamb, Louise Dehner, Lois Smith, and Evelyn Elison.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/11/1938 Junior Class School play Hilda Ann Barnett, Charles Snow, Mary Lou Phillips, Charles Carl, Ronald Walker, Lois Smith, Richard Dow, Betty Shafer, Bill Beck, Elizabeth Dow, Bill Bamburger.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/4/1938 newspaper asks for information about these Zozo graduates
1916 Olivia Kennedy, Allie Branum, Margaret Branum, Louis Adams, Daniel Mayes, Margaret Scott.
1917 Clara Brazel, Ula Edmiston, Mae Kennedy, Zella Mayes.
1918 Rachael Hughes, Rufus Branum, Bessie White, Margie Lacey.
1919 Peroia Stevens, Pearle Hyde.
1920 Liza Branum, Hilary Cooper.
1921 Eva Wack, Lillian Merchant, Barbara Hust.
1922 Herndon Reily, Claire Adams, Lois Jones.
1923 Jeanette Johnson, Grace Taylor, Ella Rowland, Audrey Miller, Juell Miller.
1924 Lucille Crenshaw, Nonie Little, Fred Upton, Kastler Taylor, Wm. Kahler, Lenore Taylor, Ada Corn.
1925 Lillian Johnson, Anna Bert Hall, Robert Poage, Wayne Zumwalt, Bruce Chandler, Charles Pfingsten.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/8/1938 Senior Class play Bill Beck, Evelyn Ellison, Charles carl, Lorena Smith, Ralph Wylie, Elinor Carpenter, Ralph Dow. Also 82 graduates attended the School Reunion.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/20/1938 Alto School had what appeared to be a paid notice about their Graduation Salutatory Mary Lou Luck, Valedictory Alice Blood. Class Colors Red and White. Roll Alice Blood, Barney Luck Jr., Iola McEuen, Lawrence Peebles, Mary Lou Luck, J. B. Hightower, Ruth Baily, Llyod Coe.

No other Lincoln County school graduations were mentioned, but they cover the ignorant Hee Haw Donkey baseball game between the town team and the CCC Camp Team. This is what drives genealogists insane.

Carrizozo Outlook 6/17/1938 Jane Elizabeth Spencer, the granddaughter of the late governor of NM, W. C. McDonald, was married to Dr. James Paul Turner. The Bar W Ranch belonged to T. A. Spencer. The wedding was attended by select people as far away as Hawaii and Kansas. The write up in the newspaper was a full column. Class means everything even in our so-called classless society. The marriage of a Juan Silva to a Jane Smith would get but one sentence of newspaper space. (By the time this compiler was in grade school, two doctors operated the hospital at Carrizozo, Dr. Turner and Dr. Spencer. Dr. Turner was a somewhat jolly man. He had a short but loud laugh. Any patient who visited him was assured of getting a shot of penicillin regardless of their complaint. Dr. Spencer was strictly clinical without a cheerful bone in his body. He offered out blunt, medical honestly.

Dr. James P. Turner was married to a Corrine or Corine Brasfield in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas in 1930. She was born in Arkansas, Turner was born in Illinois. His occupation was RR Physician. The fate of Corrine is unknown, but she may have been Corrine or Corine Brasfield born 9/2/1906 and dying in Ca. on 10/5/1997 as Corine Brasfield Bierbaum. Tragedy would later strike Dr. Turner’s family which will be revealed later in this collection. See entry 2/3/1961 below. James Paul Turner had a sister Augusta Turner who married I. L. Spratt. She was born in 1907 in Arkansas. James Paul Truman was also born in Arkansas.  James Paul Truman’s father was Frank T. Turner, a Baptist minister. His mother was Sallie Turner. His mother was Sallie or Sarah Truman.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/23/1938 Six post graduates are now enrolled in HS. I still do not understand what entails going to school as a post graduate. Perhaps they could not afford college. Also, the school begins sanctioned hazing of freshmen by the seniors.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/30/1938 Class officers:
Seniors Bill Bamberger, Chas. Snow, Elizabeth.
Juniors W. C. Dean, Helen Cathey, Louise Degner, Marion Pruitt.
Sophomores John Herron, Joe Phillips, Tom Jones Jr.
Freshmen Roberet Shafer, Patra Piono, Dorothy Pruitt.
Library science class are Henerita Degner, Mary Lou Phillips, Audrey Lamb, Herbert Harshman, R. D. Truax, Almeda Bowlin, Zane harkey, Kaztherine Smith.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/11/1938 Miss Ruth Howe from Hot Springs joined the senior Class making the total number of Seniors 26.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/2/1939
Two new students are Ial Hemphill and Paul Woodard. Two Sophomores moved away: Iva Lee Russell and Frank Kelt.
Miss Smith of Junior High is working on a Pageant project. Allen Beck is having his tonsils removed.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/17/1939 Senior Carnival Queen candidate is Mary Lou Phillips. Junior Dorothy Rogers, Sophomore Violet McDanie. Freshman Dorothy Pruett. 7th and 8th Jane Gallacher. 5th and 6th Jeanne Hall. 1,2,3 and 4th Janet Mae Shafer.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/7/1939 Orlando Vigil, Senior, won award for a poem.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/24/1939 Baby Walker won Track Meet medal.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/5/1939: Recital by Mrs. pupils of Mrs. J. E. Kelly April 29, 1939, Carrizozo HS. Ann Eaker, Jenie Riggs, Gerald Cooper, Adelen Stokes, Barbara Jean Branum, Gerald Cooper, Jane Gallacher, Marion Joyce, Betty Beck, Marion Joyce, Pinkie Ruth Skinner, Betty Beck.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/12/1939 Bill Gallacher won music award in lower grade contest.
Carrizozo Outlook 5/19/1939 Eighth Grade Graduation: Margarita Myers Salutatory, Jane Gallacher Valedictory, Sophia Vega, Audrey R. Sanders, Gilbert Norris, Jessie Shields, Margy Melton, Ralph Greer, Dan S. Conley, Walter G. Berry, Lillian Crumley, Lillie Bell Mae, Donis S. Aguayo, Bob Woodard, Carmel De La Rosa, Bertha Chavez, Jane Gallacher, Margarette Myers, Eugene E. Hust, Frances G. Huffmyer, Pansey Peacock, A. J. Bivens, Velma Lee Kennedy.
High School High School Commencement: Harold Hoffman Salutatory, Bill Bamberger Valedictory, Trumpet Trio Joe Phillips, Mary Freeman, Herbert Harshman.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/16/1939 The newspaper coverage school news has been greatly reduced but this short paragraph appeared. School enrollment 427, 60 band members, 42 students bus from Ancho, 12 from White Oaks, 15 from Nogal, and 31 from Red Hill.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/17/1939 The Carrizozo boys poll for Ideal Girl: “The ideal girl is a good sport and honest. She should not be a gold digger; neither should she swear, tell obscene jokes, drink, smoke, pet, or use too much cosmetics. (Girls) Running after boys, being boisterous, sarcastic, or acting bored soon lose their appeal to the opposite sex. A girl should never be ashamed to introduce her friends to her parents and invite them to her home.”
Also: Class selection for Carnival Queen:
Seniors: Mary Lon Phillips.
Juniors: Dorothy Rogers.
Sophomores: Violet McDaniel.
Freshmen: Dorothy Pruett.
Note: Jane Gallacher was elected Carnival Queen.

Carrizozo News 2/17/1939: Student Judy Pilant died.

Carrizozo News 5/12/1939 Senior class play:
Hilda Barnett,
Bill Bomberger,
Zane Harkey,
Betty Shafer,
Sylvia Claunch,
Charles Snow,
Mary Lou Phillips,
Harold Hoffman,
Elizabeth Dow,
Babe Walker,
Margaret Elliott,
Richard Dow,
Jack Adams,
Pauline Kimbrell,
Ramon St. John.

Carrizozo News 5/12/1939 St. Rita School Mass, Choir sang songs to the following children who were in class at that time: Lydia Chavez, Antonia Baca, Lupita Catideluria, Cibilia Herrera, Barbara Chavez, Felipe Chavez, Mary Maribal, Erminda Montoya, Rita Lopez, Felipa Chavez, Cecilia Lopez, Barbara Chavez, Mary Martha Richardson, Mary Magdalina Sanchez, Carmel Garcia, Pauline McKinley, Margarita Gonzales, Erminin Marrujo, Frank Sanchez, Andrew Sanchez, Joe Chavez, Isidore Lueras, Panciano Barela, George Barela, Rudy Padilla, Juan Sanchez, Richard Sandoval, Nike Vega, Sabino Vidaurri, Jake Herrera, Juan Sandoval, Elrin Juariga, Albert Vega, Ramon Pacheco, Albert Vega, Ramon Pacheco, Carlos Garcia.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/26/1939 St. Rita graduation Diploma girl was Lupita Candelario girls, and Sabino Vidaurri boys. 8th grade graduates Dometrio Candelaria, Arthur Martinez, Manuel Mirabal, Mary Alice Forsyth, Magdalena Madrid, Mary Vidaurri. Other students, honor roll Petra Ballegos, Margarita Gonzales, Pauline McKinley, Jake Herrera, Juan Sandoval, Richard Sandoval, Albert Vega, Antonia Baca, Lupita Candelario, Cibilia Herrera, Carmel Garcia, Rita Lopez, Deloras McKinley, Gregorita Gonzales, Natalia Sanchez, Therese Vidaurri, John Dolan, Mary Alice Forsyth, Mary Vidaurri.

The newspaper did not mention names of Carrizozo North side students.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/29/1939 St. Rita Choir Frank Vigil, Trinidad Martinez, Jose Morales, Marcus Morales, Mary Vidaurri, Refugia Garcia, Delores Forsyth, Mary Alice Forsyth, Madgalena Madrid, Mrsa. Salvador Ortiz.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/24/1940 St. Rita graduates Pedro Adler, John Dolan, Patricia Dolan, Lorena Torrez.

No mention was made of any other names of school graduates including Carrizozo.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/13/1940 Class Officers elected:
Seniors: Frank Martinez, Ralph Pruett, Joe Phillips, Katherine Smith.
Juniors: Bobby Shafer, Janice Hall, Dorothy Pruett.
Sophomores: James Ryan, Jane Gallacher, Mary Vidaurri, Carmen De La Rosa.
Freshmen: Danny Wood, Pick Warden, Jean Norris, Betty Beck.
Post Graduate Class Hazel Graves, Louise Degner, Earine Berry, Sarath Helen marshall, Beatrice Romero, Edith McKinley. (Students have various reasons attending a post-graduate HS year such as improving study skills, catching up on overlooked interests in HS, playing more sports, and correcting previous HS under-performance.)

Carrizozo Outlook 9/20/1940 St. Rita elected class officers Thomas Morales, Therese Vidaurri, Yeabel Ventura, Lucilla Gutierrez. Teachers Sister Mary Pauline, Sister Mary Regin, Sister Mary Caroline.

Carrizozo Outlook 10/25/1940
Honors Seniors: Violet McDaniel, John Hightower, Shirley, Phipps, Allen Beck, Tom Jones, Joe Phillips, Gene Hines, Joe Forsyth.
Juniors: Dorothy Bates, Myrtle Hobbs, Loraine Aguayo, Doris Aguayo, Margaret Holguin.
Sophomores: Mary A. Forsyth, Velma Lee Keeney, Petra Pino, Margaret Melton, Jane Gallacher, Mary Vidaurri, Gilbert Norris, Carmel De La Rosa.
Freshmen: Prestina Vigil, Paul Jones, Heidimas, Marion Joyce, John Dolan, Bill Hobbs, Gladys Alcorn, Jean Norris, Dorothy Rutledge, Patsy Dolan, Betty Huffmayer, Betty Beck, Theresa Page.
Elective Honors: Katherine Smith, Ralph Pruett, Bobby Shafer, Jane Gallacher, Pick Warden, Marion Joyce, Cheerleader Margery Melton, Charlene Page, Joe Phillips. Some had multiple awards.
Other: 50 Lincoln County boys drafted for the war.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/29/1940 Junior Class Play Dorothy Bates, Doris Aguayo, Lorraine Aguayo, Ben Barnett, Carl Degner, Charlene Page, Jacqueline Dixon, Jane Gallacher, Bob Shafer, Herman Kelt Jr.

Carrizozo Outlook 12/20/1940 Basket ball team Joe Phillips, Allen Beck, Bobby Shafer, Benny Barnett, George Shafer, Henry Burton, Lino Monreal, Pick Warden, Milton Evans, Manuel Mirabel, Dick Hicks, Joe West, Jimmy Louden, Sammy Payne, Ralph Pruitt, Milton Huffman. Earl Dow, Herman E. Kelt, Duran Chancellor, Bill Hobbs.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/13/1940 Class elections:
Seniors: Ralph Pruett, Joe Phillips, Katherine Smith.
Juniors: Bobby Shafer, Janice Wall, Dorothy Preuett,
Sophomores: James Ryan, Jane Gallacher, Mary Vidaurri, Carmen DE La Rosa.
Freshmen: Danny Wood, Pick Warden, Jean Norris, Betty Beck.
Post Graduates: Hazel Graves, Louise Degner, Eariene Berry, Sarath Helen Marshall, Beatrice Romero, Edith McKinley.

Carrizozo Outlook 11/29/1940 Scholarship exams leaders Shirley Rea Phillips, John Allen Hightower, Charlene Page, Lorriane Aguayo, Jane Gallacher, Mary Vidaorri, Marlon Joyce, Jean Norris.

1940 ends with Coca Cola selling for five cents a bottle, girls wearing knee length dresses that showed their natural form, a lingering depression, the CCC Camps still home to thousands of people, youth being called to serve in a war which caught America unprepared, and a war against mountain lions around White Oaks, Oscuro and Nogal, and with Carrizozo firmly in control of Lincoln County, and with Tom Bragg killing the largest mule deer ever at 229 pounds.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/31/1941 Hi School Tri was Jackie Dixon, Theresa Page, Charlene Page. (Singers?) Baton majorette Group Theresa Page, Betty Tom Huffmyer, Geraldine Dixon.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/21/1941 Received Scotsmanship awards T. E. Kelley, Carl Radcliff, James M. Carpenter. Typing awards Bob Shafer, Ben Barnett, Myrtle Hobbs, Dorla Aguayo.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/2/1941 Junior Senior Prom: Seniors: Neoma Beaver, Madelyn Greenwood, Winston Cape, Eugene Dawson, Eugene Perea, Alfonso Gallegos, Elmo Tracey, Jack Livingston, Shirley Willingham, Paul Hamilton, Roe Bob Porter, Betty Guinn, Julia Ann Clements, Thelma McGfiffin, Russell Reeder. Juniors: Jack Hancock, Ida Mae Welch, Max Penix, Steve Hilburn, Herbert Fair, Bennie Gallegos, Howard Porter, George Sorrell, Leonard Hall.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/16/1941 8th Grade graduation Salutatory Geraldine Dixes. Valedictory Queenall? Garrison. HS Graduation Salutatory Ekkley Ehra Phipps. Valedictory John Allen Hightower.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/23/1941 St. Rita 8th grade graduation Lucilla Gutierres, Ofelia Gutierres, Adela Jauregul, Geraldine Kimbrel, Ysabel Ventura, Theresa Vidaurri, Gorgonio McKinley, Antonio Zamora, Leo Zamora, Calvin Thomas, Joseph Vega, Thomas Zumwalt.

Carrizozo Outlook 7/4/1941 Bus routes for rural schools. Lincoln, San Patricio, Picacho-Hondo, Mon Jeau to Angus, Jicarilla-Ancho combined, Oscura-Carrizozo, Ancho-Morris and Dale, Spindle-Richardson, Escondido-Tinnie, Lon-Cape-Dale.

Asperus school-feeder route to Lon-Corona Highway. (Still a mystery where Asperus was located.)

Carrizozo Outlook 9/12/1941 Lone burial, near Luna Station, a man identified as Gustav Wilhelm Erickson found dead near Luna and buried where found near the RR track. Death by knife wound under the ear.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/26/1941 Home Ec. Club officers Marion Joyce, Dorothy Jones, Adela Meza, Mary Vidaurri, Charlene Page, Theresa Page. Typist awards Myrtle Hobbs, Doris Aguayo.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/16/1941 Graduation mentioned 5/17/1942. Awards: Myrtle Hobbs, Margaret Holguin, Jane Gallacher, Margaret Myers.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/20/1942 El Coyote Queen crowned Roswell HS Miss Ruby Crosby, Carrizozo girl mention was Miss Janlee Hall.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/20/1942 shuttle bus began from the “east side” (St. Rita side aka across the track, for those students to attend lunch at the Carrizozo School. This has stopped the extremely dangerous practice of those kids crawling under trains from the other side.)

Carrizozo Outlook 3/27/1942 Billy Hobbs HS Senior is a new student. (I mention this only because the paper has been overlooking student names in the past two years. I list names whenever I can find them.)

Carrizozo Outlook 3/6/1942 Rap-A-Jap thanked all 452 Carrizozo students for fund Raising $552.60. St. Rita students now number over 100. HS students spent free time playing baseball. Grade school kids use free time to play jacks and marble. A spinning tops craze would come in a few years. The Boy Scouts were very popular and took on a patriotic flavor. The war raged in Europe. The Red Cross was active in Carrizozo teaching first aid classes.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/1/1942 Miss Jackie Dixon a senior has been ill. / Sherrill Reed back in school after illness.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/8/1942 Myrtle Hobbs, Margaret Holguin, Jane Gallacher, typing awards. Also Margarett Myers awarded.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/22/1942 mentioned graduation 5/16/1942. No names.

Lincoln County News 5/22/1942 Salutatorian Margaret Holguin, Valedictorian Myrtle Hobbs. No other names listed. 8th grade co-Valedictorians were? No other names listed.

Carrizozo Outlook 6/26/1942 the administration orders peanut growers to increase production by 225% with no sales to the public. Peanuts were refined to extract the explosive chemicals for war use.

Lincoln County News 5/1/1943 Miss Jackie Dixon a Senior returned to school after illness.

Carrizozo Outlook 1/15/1943 Home Ec. Girls gave a party some names: Neva Rae Garrison, Mary Vidaurri, Prestina Vigil, Jerry Kimbrell, George Sharpe, Natalia Sanchez, Billy Carr, Barbara Branum, Margaret Shrum, J. D. Garrison, Josie Klassen, Janet Mae Shafer, Jack Hobbs, Willard Bloodworth, Patricia Reil, Jack Hobbs, Helen Jean Kelt, Nina Sanchez, Margaret Berry, Jeanne Hall, Natalia Sanchez, Neil Joy Bowlin, Marion Joyce, Louise Curry, Prestinia Vigil, Margaret Manire, Mary Vidurri, Dorothy Jones.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/2/1943 Band Concert a few names Ramona Halguin, C. A. Branum, Jane Gallacher, D. C. Slaughter, Margaret Truax.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/7/1943 mentions graduation 5/9/1943. No names. Salutatory Dorothy Jones, Valedictory Jane Gallacher. D. C. Slaughter song, Margaret Manire song. Recital Adeline Stokes, Janet Shafer, Adele Burton, Alma Eaker, Patricia Morrison, Veda Branum, Lois Curry, Louise Curry, Betty Ward, Geraldine Dixon, Gene Dixon, C. A. Branum.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/14/1943, 8th grade graduation Valedictory Bill Gallacher, Saluatory George Sharpe, Solo Patsey Bennett, Hellen Jean Kelt. No other names. HS Salutatory Doprothy Jones, Valedictory Jane Gallacher, Solo D. C. Slaughter.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/17/1943 A. J. Blevens, Oscura school bus driver, again has the contract for taking Oscura pupils to the Carrizozo Schools. (This is evidence that the Oscuro school is closed forever.)

Carrizozo Outlook 11/19/1943 Little mention of student names I suppose because of the war was the main topic. Milk production stopped in Carrizozo because the price of hay tripled. The Cleaners no longer provided hangers because of the war. But The Carrizozo Juniors had a class play: Jack Morrison, Gene Morrison, Elizabeth Jordan, Mary Lou May, Geraldine Dixon, Queenell Garrison, Hazel Chapman, Dorothy Lee Hoffman, Donald Hall, Tom Zumwalt, Richard Harkey, Howard Harkey, Arthur Holquin, Jess Petty, Lucile Gutierrez, Natalia Sanchez, Seferno Montoya, Bill Gallacher, Floyd Littleton, Frank Vega, Irvin, Margaret Berry, Ramona Holquin, Jean Hall, Betty Lou Ward, Louise Curry, Geraldine Kimbrell, Ysabel Ventura, Theresa Vidaurri. Name of Play: Hats Off.

Carrizozo Outlook 2/25/1944 The Carrizozo Municipal School Board will sell for cash to the highest bidder, the school building at Oscura, together with the land belonging to the school district. The land is a plot thjat is 300ft by 300 ft. out of the SW1/4 of SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 31, Twp 98 R9E. Bids will be received until 4:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 14th. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Carrizozo Municipal, Board of education, Mrs. Jane S. Turner, Pres.; Mrs. Clifton Zumwalt, Clerk.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/28/1944 Recital Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Burns teachers; Students Johnny Eaker, Tommy Stokes, Barbara Jean Branum, Hope Snow, Mildred Hoffman, Martha Miller, Jean Kelt, Jeanne Hall, Peggy June Campbell, Shirley Buie, Verna Ruth Petty, Mary Sanchez, Joy Dawn Reil, Patricia Reil, Mildred Huffman, Eugene Dixon, Bessie Brazil, Martha Miller, Adeline Stokes, Geraldine Dixon.

Senior Class of 1944: Jean Norris, John Dolan, Ida Dell Bunch, Lois Curry, Betty Beck, Ernestine Alsup, Patricia.

 8/18/1944 list of Carrizozo servicemen. Not enumerated here.

Carrizozo Outlook 9/8/1944 freshmen Class officers: Eugene Donaldson, Bessie Dobbs, David Sanchez, Joe Ventura. Total students 32, largest in history.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/4/1945 Seniors Natalia Sanchez, Mrs. G. E. Stokes-sponsor, Queenell Garrison, Elizabeth Jordan, Geraldine Dixon, Lucilla Gutierrez, Ysabel Ventura, Ticha Gabaldon, Gerldine Kimbrell, Pete Gilland, Mary Lou May, Richard Harkey, Theresa Vidaurri, Tom Zumwalt, Hazel C. Hayes, W. F. Manire.

Carrizozo Outlook 3/30/1945 School Carnival Queen Miss Betty Lou Ward.

Carrizozo Outlook 8/10/1945 President Truman says US has atomic bomb, and used it.

Carrizozo Outlook 8/17/1945 Japs Surrender.

Carrizozo Outlook 8/17/1945 The Lincoln County Board of Education will sell to the highest bidder the Rabenton School property. (The school system was slowly concentrating in Carrizozo.) Zozo school to open on August 27.

Carrizozo Outlook abruptly ended. This compiler shifts to the Lincoln County News and may search it back to 1933. Lincoln County news includes a full Funny Paper section and other differences compared to the Outlook. The 8/31/1945 issue stated Carrizozo Outlook sold to Lincoln County News.

Lincoln County News 5/10/1946, mentioned graduation for Capitan Union HS. Bill Bassford, William Luck, Roy Padilla, Vick Serna, Jack Wright, Robert Pior, Adele McDaniel, John Kennedy, John Kennedy, Katheryn Hale, Bill Merrill, George White, Sylvia Wilson, Rose Zamora, Emogene Poindexter, Eileen Cozzens, Lorraine Minter, Fay Hickman, Willa Mae McClellen, Elfda Vigil, Earl Harcrow.

Carrizozo HS Salutatory by Ramona Holguin, Valedictory Nova May Garrison. No other names.

Lincoln County News 5/31/1946 Better late than never, Carrizozo Graduates were Floyd Littleton, Eddie Petross, Neva Rae Garrison, Fay Talley, Ramona Holguin, Eloise Lindsey, Bettye Lou Ward, Betty Vega, Angelita Delgado, Vernon Greer.

Claunch 8th grade graduates (Some schools did not have HS.) Naoma Duncan, Betty Jo Edwards, Milton T. Dossey.

Lincoln County News 5/16/1947: Capitan Graduation mentioned. 20 names listed.

Lincoln County News 5/9/1947 Graduation mentioned. Patsy Bennett, Doloras McKinley, Adeline Baldondo, Dora Baros, Howard Harkey, Bill Dolan, Arthur Holguin, Ed Morales, Lorenzo Morales.

Lincoln County Outlook 2/20/1948 class Valentine party Baptist Church Harry Rickerson, Bobby Rickerson, Scott Lewis, Sally Lewis, Margaret Henley, Patricia Henley, Frank Montoyo, Lois Montoyo, Jeanette Means, Jean Means, Howard Alton McKibben, Wayne Tubbs, Garvis Tubbs, Herbert Stoneman, Nelda Stoneman, Lloyd Radford, Bessie Harvey, Joe Petty, Sonny Shrum, Robert Rutherford, Doyle Bradford, Marvin Aldrigh, Ronnie McDaniel, Bobbie Crenshaw, Mary Nickels.

Lincoln County News 2/7/1948 B. G. Barnum safety award SP RR. The RR was the economic backbone in Lincoln County.

Lincoln County News 3/26/1948 Grizzly hoops team played Capitan, Dyer Forbus, Salvatore Ortiz, Bobby Shafer, G. W. Chapman, Raymer Shaw, coach P. Heick. Capitan town team Grady Warren, G. Chaves, B. Wilson, B. Miller, N. Miller, E. Abeyta, B. Provine.

Lincoln County News 4/16/1948 Grade School Operetta John Eaker, Ann Gallacher, Andre Wooten, Jeanette Posey, Charlene Morgan, Pricilla Marabal(as found), Dorothy Withers, Marlene Longley, Barbara Mixon, Ina Withers, Marion Lincoln, Carole Bays, Mary Ann Nelda, Patricia Smith, Margo Duncan, Beverly Key, Paula Flores, Glenda Sue King, Betty Leslie, Doyle Radford, Harry Rickerson, Bobby Stearns, Maxie Sanchez, Patel Vigil, Scott Lewis, Richard Ortiz, Billy Lopez, Ernie Sanchez, Lorone (as found) Sanchez, Cecilia Barunda, Carol Romero, May Barnum, Herbert Stoneman, Frankie Spurlock, Joe Lucero, Paul Chavez, Joe Petty, Ernest Martinez, Alcario Baroz, Bess Spurlock, Johnette Harkey, Lupe Romero, Paul Lindsey, Mary Alice King.

Lincoln County News 5/07/1948 Carrizozo graduation Awards Glenn Snow, Mildred Hoffman, Josie Baroz, Mary Alice Shrum, Roy Dow, Thomas Morales, Don Shultz, Patty Stephenson, Mary Aldaz. Grade school awards Glenn Thornton, L. M. Huffman, Elaine Shultz, Roy E. Shafer, Ann Eaker, Juanita McSmith, Joy Dawn Reil, Ann Eaker-2nd award, Martha Miller. Margaret Shrum, Joe Ventura. Graduates G. W. Chapman, Eugene Degner, Clarence Hust, Andy Sanchez, Glenn Snow, Joe Ventura, Tommy Zumwalt, Dra Berry (blurry print), Felix Guiterrez, Mildred Hoffman, Velda Lenord, Elsie Lopez, Patricia Reil, Josephine Tellez, Darrow Turner.

Boys State Phil Smith-Junior. Glenn Thornton 7th grade had a five-year perfect attendance record. Joe Ventura and John Ed Stephens had perfect four-year attendance records.

Lincoln County News 6/04/1948 Santa Rita Girl Scouts receive Badges Carmen Aragon, Jessie Baca, Rita Baldonnado, Clara Barelo, Cecilia Chavez, Sofia Gallegos, Emma Herrera, Betty Jaurequi, Marina Marquez, Gloria Morales, Pablita Morales, Nellie Navor, Antonio (as found) Pacheco, Angelia Sandoval, Seferina Sedillo, Julia Vega, Margurita Vega, Viola Vega, Daisy Zamora. Brownie Scouts were:
Olympia Aragon,
Conception Dovolin,
Lucy Gallegos,
Aurelia Garcia,
Teodorita Jeron,
Dolores Martinez,
Rosita Martinez,
Juanita Navarro,
Rita Vega,
Frances Warner.

Lincoln County News 5/14/1948 for 1938 Ten Years Ago article: Carrizozo Graduation Mentioned. Herbert Aguayo, Wm. Beck, Charles Carl, Agnes Degner, Elmo Dale, Charles Dow, Orville Dow, Ralph Dow, Fred English, Miriam Hightower, Procesco Montoyo, Juan Padilla, Pinkie Ruth Skinner, Lorenn Smith, Catherine Smith, Lucio Viduarri, Madelle Yates, C. Dell Zumwalt.

Lincoln County News 5/14/1948 Santa Rita School Notes. Awards: Grade I. Miss Angelita Chavez, Rufina Aldaz, Rachel Najar, Tony Chavez, Wenceslas Herrera, Elfida Farmer, Beatrice Baca, Luisa Jiron, Evelyn Chavez, Peggy Lozano, Orlando Peres, Emilio Beltran, Manuel Vigil, Candido Martinez, Edward Sedillo, Paultin Sanchez, Jose Aragon.
Grade II. James Aragon, Manuel Zamora, Irene Navarez, Phlimon Morales, Naticidad Charvez, Larry Ortiz, Teodoro Zamora, Auelia Gutierrez, Carlotta Urquidez, Paulino Aldaz, Amelia Lueras.
Grade III. Michael Lueras, Charles Jauerqui, Juanita Navarro, Dismas Apodaca, Carmen Vidaurri, Gilbert Ortiz, Teodoro Duran, Rosa Baca, Lucy Pacheco, Elmon Jaurequi, Ramon Duran, Fred Baca.
Grade IV. Olympia Aragon, Conception Dovalin, Lucy Gallegos, Teodorita Jiron, Dolores Martinez, Rosita Martinez, Eugenia Warner, Aurelita Garcia, Antonio Beltran, Paul Gutierrez, Richard Sandoval, Claudio Ortiz.
Grade V. Carmen Aragon, Marina Marquez, Antonio Pacheco, Augustine Gallegos, Arthur Baca.
Grade VI. Emma Herrera, Aurelia Lueras, Gloria Morales, Geogia Griego, Erineo Ballegos, Rudolph Chavez, Billy Olivas, Antonio Lureas.
Grade VII. Antonio Adler, Juan Baca, Juan Beltran, Lloyd Candelario, Raymond Chavez, Rudolfo de la Rosa, Floyd Herrera, Joseph Herrera, Joseph Herrera, Antonio Lueras, Edward Vega, Rita Baldonado, Clara Barela, Betty Jauequi, Serferina Sedillo, Araenia Lueras, Ramon Pacheco.
Grade VIII. Flavio Herrera, Manuel Ragel, Sofia Gallegos, Pablita Moralez, Angeline Sandoval, Viola Vega, Daisy Zamora, Raymond, Frances Ortiz, Beatrice Najar, Juanita Lueras, Josephine Duran, Pauline Gallegos, Estella Chavez, Ruben Chavez, Julia Olivas, Salvador Morales, Arsenia Lueras, Nellie Navarro, David Pacheco, Manuel Aragon, Margurita Vega, Joe Lueras, Julia Vega, Marcario Lueras, Jessie Baca, Ramon Aragon, Rito Zamora.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/7/1948 Capitan Graduation mentioned. 15 graduated. See paper for names.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/7/1948 mentioned Carrizozo graduation and awards. Seniors: G. W. Chapman, Eugene Degner, Clarence Hust, Andy Sanchez, Glenn Snow, Joe Ventura, Tommy Zumwalt, Don Berry, Feliz Guiterrez, Mildred Hoffman, Velda Lenord, Elsie Lopez, Patricia Reil, Joseph Telles, Darrow Turner. Awards: Junior, Phil Smith, Boys State. Attendance: Glenn Thornton 7th grade. Joe Ventura Senior. John Ed Stephens Sophomore.

Lincoln County News 5/20/1949 Lincoln (the village) School Program. Class Motto: Ours the Victory. Class Flower: White Carnation. Colors: Lillac and White. Class Roll: Lloyd Cooper, Alfonso Gameros, Joe Gallos, Gloria Gomez, Max Gallegos, Roy Purcella. Teachers: Mrs. Alice Boyd, Mrs. Ofelia Salas, Mrs. Mollie Threa. Board of Ed.: Mr. James Ramey, Mrs. Nellie Edenton, Mr. Cristobel Zamor. 8th Grade graduation: Billy Richardson, Onosimo Maes, Jimmy McTeiguo, Teresa Salas, Prestinia Salcido.

Lincoln County News 5/6/1949 Graduation on 5/1/1949 students: Mary Aldez, Ann Eaker, Emeterio Gutierrez, Arben Lindsey, Mariette Deans, Martha Nichols, Joy Dawn Bell, Janet Mae Shafer, Mary Alice Shrum, Mervin Smoot, Hope Snow.

Lincoln County News, Carrizozo New Mexico 1950 Graduating Grizzlies, May 12, 1950. Josie N. Baroz, Charles W. Boone, Barbara Jeannie Branum, Lupita I. Candelaria, Lydia L. Chavez, George L. Dean, Roy N. Dow, Charles Wilburn Hodgin, Bobby John Huffmyer, Charles G. Maxwell, Homer Dale McDaniel, Juanita Louise McSmith, Ramon Samora Mirabal, Thomas F. Morales, Mabel A. Otero, Rudolfo J. Padilla, James H. Reynolds, Margaret Lutisha Shrum, Don Edward Shultz, John Ed. Stephens, Patricia Ann Stevenson, Leandro M. Vega Jr., Nick M. Vega Jr., Sabino F. Vidaurri Jr., Ted Zumwalt.

Carrizozo School notes: In 1950 the School Board ruled all students would attend the Carrizozo Schools instead of the split between St. Rita and Carrizozo. The class of 1950 had 45 students at the beginning of the school year. Gradually the girls married Red Canyon soldiers, or dropped out. The class finished with a graduating class of 25 students. Years later a superintendent burned all the pictures of former students that hung in the old auditorium. That was a ruthless disregard of history.

Carrizozo Outlook 4/28/1950 School band plays Glen Barnum, Crawford Garrison, Albert Lucero, Johnnie Saucedo, Carl Thornton, Glen Thornton. Paula Flores, Felix Guebara, Glenda Sue King, Bobby Stearns, Billy Sweeney, Richard Vega. HS Seniors went to Carlsbad Caverns. 6th graders play Carl Thornton, LaVerne McSmith, Johnny Saucedo, Albert Lucero, Richard Vega, Billy Blakely.

Carrizozo Outlook 5/12/ 1950 Diplomas awarded to 25 Seniors. Sabino Vidaurri, Juanita McSmith, Barbara Branum, Charles Hodgin, Roy Dow received awards.
Graduating Seniors:
Josie N. Baroz,
Charles W. Boone,
Barbara Jeanne Branum,
Lupita I. Candelaria,
Lydia L. Chaves,
George L. Dean,
Roy N. Dow,
Charles Wilburn Hodgin,
Bobby John Huffmyer,
Charles G. Maxwell,
Homer Dale McDaniel,
Juanita Louise McSmith,
Ramon Samora Mirabal,
Thomas F. Morales,
Mabel A. Otero,
Rudolfo J. Padilla,
James H. Reynolds,
Margaret Lutisha Shrum,
Don Edward Shults,
Patricia Ann Stephens,
John Ed. Stephenson,
Leandro M. Vega Jr.,
Nick M. Vega Jr.,
Sabino F. Vidaurri Jr.,
Ted Zumwalt.

Lincoln County News 4/13/1951 Senior play Miss Dickenson, Jimmy Barnett, Raymer Shaw, Bob Powelson, June Aguayo, Betty Lou Grogan, Mrs. Ana Rizzleri, Richard Sidwell, M. S. Mirimanian, Morma Compton, Alton Lenard, Jack Key, Glyn Zumwalt, David Lueras, Joe Sidillo, Donald Calentine.

Lincoln County News 5/4/1951 Senior graduation David Lueras, Jimmy Barnett, Joe Sedillo, Norma Compton, (Note this story was poorly written and confusing.) James Barnett, Jan Hurley, David Lueras, graduates: Graduating seniors from local schools listed with class pictures but no Carrizozo students mentioned.

Lincoln County News 5/25/1951graduates (reported 22 days late! No photos.) Jack Key, Bob Powelson, Dick Roberts, David Lueras, Joe Sedillo, June Aguayo, James Barnett, Norman Compton, Alton Lenard, Donald Calentine, Richard Sidwell, Glyn Zumwalt.

Lincoln County News 5/9/1952 graduates Richard Lopez, Connie Dean, Henry Vega, Daisy Samora, Viola Vega, Birtha Shrum, Roberta Key, Eddie Holguin, Walter Brininstool, Elaine Lenard, Betty Brewster, Angelina Sandoval, Alta Mae Crumley, Andy Baroz.

Lincoln County News 5/15/1953 St. Rita Graduation. (Over time that school has been called St. Rita, Saint Rita, and Santa Rita. I do not understand the Santa Rita designation. Perhaps it was just slang. It was in the 1950’s that I saw a Nun walking behind our house with her Rosary beads. She appeared to pray as she walked. A few days later I played on the tracks behind my house and found the Rosary beads. I never went across the tracks to the “Mexican” side but I did this time. I met a young Mexican about my age and asked him if he could return the beads to the Nun. A few days later, the boy came to my house and told me the Nun was very happy to have the beads returned.  Sometimes we do something nice that stays with us forever.)

Graduation Father Boennighsusen presenting Lucy Pacheco, Olimpia Aragon, Qulrina /or Quirina Beltran, Stella Chavez, Rosita Martinez, Juanita Navarra, Carmen Vicaurri (as found), Ralph Baroz, Ruben Chavez Jr., Paul Gutierrez, Elmon Jaurequi, Danny Mirabal. Father Boennighsusen stated a new Catholic Church would be built soon.

Lincoln County News 5/1/1953 Peggy Junne Cathy, Alma Eaker, Emily Johnson, Gerald King, Jessie Leslie, Dillon Lovelace, Arsenia Lueras, Donald Queen, Glenn Thornton, Julia Vega, Petra Vega, Sisie Vega, Janie Wedell, Betty Williams, Claude P. Wilson.

Lincoln County News 5/14/1954 graduation Pauline Maldonado, Benjamin Berry, Jane Delgado, Florintino E. Lopez Jr., Ray Lopez, James Lucero Jr., Felice Lueras, Celia Monrreal, Mary Ann Nalda, Margarita Vega, Samuel Wedell, Orvil Wilson.

Lincoln County News 5/8/1954 St. Rita Reyes Chavez, Teodoro Samoa, Rose Baca, Pauline Gallegos, Juanita Lueras, Beatrice Najar, Frances Ortiz, Mary Lou Salcedo, Lorene Sanchez, Delia Samora. Perfect attendance 8th grade Reyes Chaves. 3rd grade Christine Gallegos.

Lincoln County News 5/21/1954 Seniors Ray Lopez, Benjamin Berry, Sally Monrreal, Sam Wedell, Felice Lueras, Orvil Wilson, Florentino Lopez Jr., Jimmy Lucero Jr., Mary Ann Nalda, Rita Baldonado, Margarita Vega, Jane Delgado.

Lincoln County News 4/23/1954 Carrizozo Band Concert Carl Thornton, Jonette Harkey, Fay Barnum, Lupe Romero, Carol Romero, Pat Young, May Barnum, Willis Kilpatrick, Lee Adel Baker, Harry Rickerson, Gilbert Ortiz, Robert Firman, Shirley Young, Florence Melton, Glenda Sue King, Skipper Harkey, Jeff Morriss, Billy Hicks, Donald Hobbs, Benjamin Berry, Franklin King, Leon Ashcraft, Gene Garrison, Billy Lopez.

Lincoln County News 4/27/1955 Carrizozo Band concert Opal McBrayer, Mary Nickels, Susan Spencer, Carl Thornton, Jonette Harkey, Pat White, Faye(sic) Barnum, Pat Young, Maye(sic) Barnum, Betty Schlarb, Vivian Sandoval, Carmen Vidaurri, Eileen Hodgens, Buddy Duncan, Bill Harman, Pail Firman, Sandra Kay King, Johnnie Vigil, Lee Adel Bader, Harry Rickerson, Mary Alice King, Joe Petty, Tony White, Gilbert Ortiz, Robert Firman, Pat Vigil, Ralph Petty Jr., Frances Vega, Janette Ray, Orlando Lucero, Glenda Sue King, Sharon Jones, Sammy Hicks, Patsy Ann Long, Billy Hicks, Bobby Rickerson, Fred Vega, Donald Hobbs, Gene Garrison, Guy Maveety(as found), Eddy Bob Hemphill.

Lincoln County News 5/11/1955 all Sports awards Lettermen Billy Hicks, Skipper Harkey, Richard Vega, Scott Lewis, Natie Palimarez, Gilbert Ortiz, Greg Pino, Lonnie Nowell, Jeff Morrales, Tony Beltran, Guy warden, Bobby Firman, Vick Lopez, Tom Barnett, Lake Hilte, Thurl Ray, Jesse Nowell, Gene Garrison, Louis Montano, John Sandoval, Roy Helms, Rodger Pope, Willie Vega, Joe Petty, Billy Lopez, Buddy Duncan, Pat Aguilar, Gene Hite, Pat Auguilar, Larry Ortiz, Richard Ortiz, Robert Simpson, Jack Hefker, Louis Sandoval.

Lincoln County News 5/13/1955 graduates Barak Glen Barnum, Lester B. Chapman Jr., Victor Chavez, John R. Eaker, Anne Louise Gallacher, Warren B. Harkey, Barbara Jan Hurley, Weslie Byrl Lindsey, Tony Lueras Jr., Richard Lanear Means, Agnes Christina Meyers, Ramon O. Montano, Burley Leroy Nowell, Eugenia K. Ortiz, Verna Ruth Petty, Leo Robinson, Leroy Ewell Sidwell, Tony Lueras Jr., Samuel Preston Sidham, Harry Spurgeon Straley, Deloras Gayle Teague, Albert S. Vega, Robert F. Vega, Robert Charles Witham, Ina Verle Witham, Donna Sue Zumwalt.

Lincoln County News 5/20/1955, 1956 Football Team Skipper Harkey, Billy Hicks, Greg Pino, Gilbert Ortiz, Jeff Morriss, Gene Garrison, Tony Beltran, Lake Hite, Guy Warden, Jesie Nowell, Louie Montano, Pat Jones, Cope Straley, Billy Fitzpatrick, Thurl Ray, Tom Barnett, Lonnie Nowell, Nat Oalomarez, Richard Vega, Vick Lopez, Billy Lopez, Scott Lewis. Graduating players Barak Glen Barnum, Wesley Linsday, Victor Chavez, Richard Means. Sammy Stidham, Pete Straley, Leroy Nowell, Robert Vega.

Lincoln County News 4/27/1956 Carrizozo Grade School presented a play, “An Umbrella for Queen.” Janet Greer of the 4th grade played the queen. Michael Petty played the chief elf. Over 100 other players listed.

Lincoln County News 5/4/1956 Corona HS graduates. Gilbert Bryan, Elsie DeVaney, Sheldon Dickie, Odelia Flores, Sandra Fox, Jeanne Babb Garrison, Nora Ann McCloud, Betty Merritt, Elene Mulkey, Frank Mulkey, Norris Proctor, Lajuan Couch Roberets, Degrel Robinson, George Ryberg, Beverely Turner, William Kay Wieland, Jo Evelyn Yandell, Joan Ann Cook.

Lincoln County News 5/11/1956 graduates Tom Barnett, Tony Barreras in Absentia, Margo Duncan, Tony Beltran, Billy Fitzpatrick, Lucy Gallegos, Gene Garrison, George Skipper Harkey, Roy Helms, Jake Herrera, Nancy Jo King, Billy Lopez, Joe Lueras, LaVerne McSmith, Dolores Martinez, Billy Ray Means, Louis Montano, Jeff Morriss, Gilbert Ortiz, Richard Ortiz, Josie Otero, Antonia Pacheco, Della Samora, Ernest Sanchez, John Sandoval, Cope Straley, Esther Straley, Carl Thornton, Richard Vega, Rita Vega, Willie Vega, Guy Warden, Frances Warner, Grace Samora, Joe Sandoval.

Lincoln County News 5/18/1956 Zozo grade school students gives a party for Mothers. Janet Greer, Carol Vigil, Sue Shrum, Betty Crumbly served punch. Wanda Lovelace, Margaret Withers, Carmen Najar, Luras White, Linda White served cake. Julian Chavez, Robert Means, Raynell Sanchez, Buddy Hill served also. Wayne McDonald, Dopnnie Rickerson, Robert Means, Carmen Najar, George Chavez, Dale Hunter, Martha Lueras, Joey Means, recited poems. 43 other Class members were present.

Lincoln County News 4/5/1957 Spanish Mission of the Baptist Church holds Sunday School in Oscura at the Montoya store every store. (Oscura/Oscuro refuses to die.)

Lincoln County News 4/19/1957 First Track Relay held at White Sands. Schools Capitan, Hondo, Ruidoso, Hagerman, Cloudcroft. That became a wonderful event and evolved into a 4th of July all comers event, even having a fat-man’s race. Zozo ribbons awarded to Greg Pino, Billy Hicks, others Jessie Nowell, Lake Hite, Patrick Aguilar, Bobby Stearns, Gene Hite, Robert Ortiz, Fred Vega, Larry Ortiz, Robert Firman, Rodger Pope. The event died out after a few years, unfortunate. (Note: It was a practice for the early newspaper to print those admitted to the hospital in Carrizozo.

That list has some genealogical value, but I have avoided it. Left field, Readers may have observed that I leave off the comma after a surname and “Jr.” That is because I may use the comma to separate names for a future database. That extra comma gives a false separation between names. Query, as I peruse the columns, I noticed an absence of mentioning of Dr. Turner’s children, who being of a wealthy family and later graduating from such esteemed universities as North Carolina, North Western, and Duke, were obviously talented and superior students. It occurred to me that they were sent to the Roswell School where better opportunity existed. School ranking of the states has had NM ranked 50th for many years. They are now 49th.  Only Nevada is worse. Those coming out of HS without a silver platter serving wealth and social position and with no college degree would be at a life-long disadvantage.)

Lincoln County News 5/3/1957 Zozo HS honor students. Billy Hicks, Robert Firman Jr., Joe Petty, Mary Alice King, Marilyn Harkey, George Sanchez, Linda Witham, Minnie Narvaez, Lake Hite, Frances Vega, Carmen Vidaurri, Lee Adele Baker, Glenna Stoneman, Beverly Witham, Lorene Sanchez, Glena Jones, Vivian Sandoval, Bill Harman, Robert Ortiz, Bobby Rickerson, Billie Jane Crumley, Mary Nickels, Susan Spencer.

Lincoln County News 5/3/1957 Junior Class Honor Roll Waverly Duggar, Lillian Ortiz, Susan Watson, Patsy Ann Long, Juan Torres, Peter Aguilar, Linda Barrington, Barbara Taylor, Rosa Torres, Robert Lee Luna, Loretta Lovelace, Billy Nickels, Bobby Dan Crenshaw, Stephen Duggar, Dorothy Ann Garrison, Patty Sargent, Nick Serna, Judy Stearns, Rookie Straley, Wayland Dobbs, Sandra Kay King, Bernardo Mancha.

Lincoln County News 5/17/1957 Academic Honors Glenda Sue King, William Nicks, Robert C. Firman Jr., Lee Adell Baker, Marilyn Harkey, Robert Ortiz, Joe Petty, Minnie Navarez.

Lincoln County News 5/24/1957 Zozo Junior High graduates Juan Torres, Sandra Kay King, Julius Borja, Raul Chavez, Arsenia Delgado, Wayland Dobbs, James Farmer, Patsy Gallegos, Jerry Harris, Christene Jones, Bobby Lenard, Johnnie Leslie, Patsy Ann Long, Dolores Lopez, Johnny Lavoto, Orlando Lucero, Mary Lee Luna, Ronnie McDaniel, Iva Jean McGwier, Bernardo Manches, Eddie Montoyo, Frank Montoya, Virginia Montoya, Dan Ortiz, Willie Trujillo, Johnny Vigil, Delbert Yandell.

HS Graduation May 23rd. No Names listed…sloppy reporting. From other sources Evelyn Virginia Fitzpatrick Dobbs.

Lincoln County News 5/3/1957 Junior Class play Twixteen. Wayland Dobbs, Christine Jones, Barbara Robinson, Sandra Kay king, Stephen Duggar, Rookie Straley, Jerry Liartis (as found), Bobby Dan Crenshaw, Anna Jo Watson, Patty Sargent, Judy Stearns.

Lincoln County News 2/8/1957 Zozo Hoops team, Coach Volgt, Lake Hite, Billy Nickels, Rodger Pope, Greg Pino Robert Firman, Scott Lewis, Robert Simpson, Maxie Saucedo, Lewis Greer, Jack Hefner.

Lincoln County News 3/15/1957 Zozo Honor Roll A’s Robert Firman Jr., Marilyn Harkey, Freshmen B’s: Bobby Rickerson, Minnie Narvaez, Linda Witham. Sophomores: Joe Petty, Evelyn Chavez, Vivian Sandoval. Juniors: Lee Adele Baker, Glenna Stoneman, Beverely Witham. Seniors: Speedy farmer, Billy Hicks, Lake Hite, Macario Lueras, Glenda Sue King, Prances Vega.

Lincoln County News 3/15/1957 Jr. High Honor students Juan Torrres, Susan Watson, Sandra King, Wayland Dobbs, Eddie Chavez, Steve Duggar, Ronnie Richard, Nick Serna, Rookie Straley, Peter Ahuilar, Waverly Duggar, Lillian Ortez, Judy Sully, Barbara Taylor, Rosa Torres. Barbara Robinson Jr. High Queen, escorted by Johnny Vigil.

Lincoln County News 4/26/1957 Track lettermen Billy Hicks, Lake Hite, Pat Aguilar, Robert Ortiz, Gene Hite, Rodger Pope, Jessie Nowell, Joe Petty, Maxie Saucedo.

Lincoln County News 5/24/1957 22 Seniors graduate on May 23.

Lincoln County News 5/10/1957; Carrizozo High School Graduation, May 19,  p.m.; Donald Hobbs, Pat Jones, Merle White, Lake Hite, Scott Lewis, Elmon Jauregul, Speedy Farmer, Greg Pino, Billy Hicks(Salutatorian), Natie Palomarez, Carmen Vidaurri, Flavia Lopez, Frances Vega, Lucy Pacheco, Stella Chavez, Glenda Sue King, Jane Zumwalt, Maxie King(Valedictorian), Ruth Payne, Glenda Sue King, Jane Zumwalt, Maxie King, Ruth Payne.

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Source: Extractions from Various Lincoln County newspapers, compiled by Charles Barnum.

© New Mexico American History and Genealogy Project 2011 – 2020
Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White

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