1880 – 1883
- White Oaks Golden Era 3/6/1884.
Report of “A” grades in the White Oaks School on Feb. 29, 1884: Total students enrolled 56. Class standings were: Lane, Bruce; Lacy, Robert; Collier, Joanna; Collier, Lizzie; Collier, Elbert; Hope, Jennie; Parker, Morris; Lane, Ida; Lacy, Robert; Miller, Anna; Wanchop, Ina; Wanchop, George; Lea, Carrie; Blanchard, Willie; Blanchard, Clara; Blanchard, Willie.“B” students were: Lane, Mary; Biggs, Mary Joe; Green, Mamie; Davis, Paulie; Sperlin, Albert; Schaffer, Frank; Kelly, Alexander; Wells, Nona; Tucker, Robert; Tucker, Gabrel; Kelly, Jenny.
J. C. Culver, Principal; Jos. Collier, Jr. Assistant.
White Oaks Golden Era 4/10/1884 School Report.
B Department, J. Collier, teacher. No. Enrolled 49. Names of those promoted to A department: Gertrude Lea. Minnie Kelly. Alexander Kelly. Rebecca Sisneros.A Department, J. C. Culver, teacher. No. enrolled: 48. Absent or tardy students: Elbert Collier. Lizzie Collier. Jennie Hope. Ida Lane. Morris Parker. Frank Parker. Ada Wauchope. Gertie Lea. Sam Wells. Albert green. Anna Miller. Ina Wauchope. Clara Blanchard. Willie Blanchard. Willie Hudges. Bruce Lane. Anna Lane.
White Oaks Eagle 4/6/1884 School Report.
Misses Austin was praised. Misses Gilmore was praised.
Class 1 with grades:
Mabel Walsh 99
Florence Wharton 98
Julian Taylor 90
John Lane 87
Roy Trent 79
Richard Hamilton 72
Class 2
Ethel Walsh 94
Mabel Stewart 94
Willie Gallacher 93
Rosa Capuano (unclear) 92
Edith Parker 99
Gusseta Kastler 91
Pearl Keith 89
Class 3
Della Little 93
Bessie Reid 91
Marshall Parker 99
Ralph Treat 89
Class 4
Ruth Tompkins 92
Gordon Wharton 90
Clarence Ridgeway 88
Mimmie Capuano 84
Jones Taliaferro 83
Emma Uebrick (unclear) 80
Melvin Paden 79White Oaks Golden Era March 6, 1884 Student names.
Report of “A” grades in the White Oaks School on Feb. 29, 1884: Total students enrolled 56. Class standings were: Lane, Bruce; Lacy, Robert; Collier, Joanna; Collier, Lizzie; Collier, Elbert; Hope, Jennie; Parker, Morris; Lane, Ida; Lacy, Robert; Miller, Anna; Wanchop, Ina; Wanchop, George; Lea, Carrie; Blanchard, Willie; Blanchard, Clara; Blanchard, Willie.
“B” students were: Lane, Mary; Biggs, Mary Joe; Green, Mamie; Davis, Paulie; Sperlin, Albert; Schaffer, Frank; Kelly, Alexander; Wells, Nona; Tucker, Robert; Tucker, Gabrel; Kelly, Jenny. J. C. Culver, Principal; Jos. Collier, Jr. Assistant.White Oaks Golden Era 3/6/1884 School Report
A Grade; Pupils 43; Deportment:
Bruce Lane
Joanna Collier
Lizzie Collier
Elbert Collier
Jennie Hope
Morris Parker
Ida Lane
Robert Lacy
Anna Miller
Ina Wauchop
George Wauchop
Carrie Lea
Clara Blancher
Willie Blanchard
B Grade: 56 enrolled; Above 90% standing:
Mary Lane
Joe Biggs
Mamie Green
Pauline Davis
Albert Sperlin
Frank Schaeffer
Alexander Kelly
Nona Wells
Robert Tucker
Gabrel Tucker
Jenny Kelly
School Report continued from 1st month; 4/10/1884
B department, J. Collier, teacher
Promoted to A department:
Gertrude Lea
Minnie Kelly
Alexander Kelly
Rebecca Sisneros
A Department:
J. C. Culver teacher:
Elbert Collier
Lizzie Collier
Jennie Hope
Ida Lane
Morris Parker
Frank Parker
Ada Wauchope
Gertie Lea
Sam Wells
Albert Green
Anna Miller
Ina Wauchope
Clara Blanchard
Willie Blanchard
Willie Rudgers
Bruce Lane
Anna Lane -
- From the Newspaper clipping below, we know exactly where the school was being taught in White Oaks in 1887. Taking a look at the County records, Ah Nue purchased Lot 1, Block 38 April, 1887. See Records Here
Teacher Mr. Breece the Academy and Mrs. Bellomy
- Newspaper Article 1889
TEACHER: Miss Abbey F. Hull / Mrs. Rudisille
- Lincoln Independent July 7, 1890
Enrollment was 70. Average attendance was 42. Those maintaining an average above 75 per cent in recitations, reviews and examination, were as follows:
Grade V. Daine Nabours, Albert Sepulver.
Grade IV. Jodie Biggs, Cody Kempton, George Sepulver.
Grade III. Anna Wallace, M. Hice, Lois Anderson, Irene Chew, John Gallacher, Maggie McCort.
Grade II. John Sepulver, Leopoldo Parheco (sic), Nick Brill.
Grade I. May Lee, Jose Torres, Blythe Biggs, Eddie Queen, Willie Sepulver, Albert Hice, Gussita Kastler.
Those highest in deportment were Jodie Biggs, George Sepulver. Teacher: M. M. Rudisille.Lincoln Independent July 7, 1890
Best Letters written by boys and girls aged 6 to 12 contest.
6 years: Tucker Smith -Lookout
7 years: Edgar Watson-Nogal
8 years: John Gallacher-White Oaks
9 years: Robbie R. Lane-White Oaks
10 years: Henry Jernigan-Lookout
11 years: James Lerch Kibbee-Lincoln
6 years: Pearl Gallatin-Nogal
7 years: Mary Virgibia Levens-Nogal
8 years: Edna Johnston-Eddy
9 years: Ella Lea-Roswell
10 years: Nellie E. Howe-Eddy
11 years: Cora Perill-Seven Rivers
12 years: Ula Gilmore-Fort Stanton
New Mexico Interpreter March 27, 1890
Public School, Enrollment 70; Average attendance 42. Students in 75% grade rank.
Grade V: Daise Nabours
Albert Sepulver
Grade IV:
Jodie Biggs
Cody Kempton
George Sepulver
Grade III:
Anna Wallace
Mause Hice
Lois Andewrson
Irene Chew
John Gallacher
Margie McCourt
Grade II:
John Sepulver
Seopotdo (as found) Parheco
Nick Brill
Grade I:
May Lee
Jose Tories
Blyth Biggs
Eddie Queen
Willie Sepulver
Albert Hice
Gussita Kesler
Highest average level students:
Jodie Biggs
George Sepulver
Notes: The names of children were never published by the newspapers except in the school listings. Also, married women were referred to by their husband’s name. - Enrollment 70
Teacher: Miss McGrew
Teacher: Prof. Wharton. Location: Brown Building
- The Old Abe Eagle November 10, 1892 page four: 125 total number of students. Honor Students who received gold $15 metals: Joanna Collier, Burt Lund, Robert Lund, John C. Warton, Leona Rudisille, Edgar Watson, Thomas Alexander, Eugene Stewart, Medora Hurd, Addie Clayton, Bonnie Allen, Hattie Sutliff, Ella Watson, Hunter Watson.The Old Abe Eagle December 1, 1892:
Other: White Oaks School: Prof. Whartron, Primary Department-Miss Collier. Enrollment 147. (That is more students than Carrizozo HS had in 1962.) Scholars: Cora Arthur, Charles Arthur, Levi Russell, O. V. Russell, Miss Allie Leonard, James Lessley, Robert Lessley, Miss Ada Riviles.The Old Abe Eagle December 29, 1892:
Our Schools: Grade school examinations: Students with 80 or higher:
Addie Clayton, 98.
J. C. Wharton, 98.
Eugene Stewart, 93.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 86.
English grammar:
Addie Clayton, 99.
Bonnie Allen, 97.
Medora Hurd, 99.
Eugene Stewart, 98.
Robert Lund, 99.
Hattie Sutliff, 100.
Ella Watson, 100.
Lois Anderson, 90.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 90.
Jodie Biggs, 90.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 90.
Fannie Lalone, 85.
James Lee, 85.
United States History:
Medora Hurd, 92.
Hattie Sutliff, 84.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 85.
Ella Watson, 80.
Hattie Sutliff, 98.
Medora Hurd, 99.
Mary Fitzpatrick, 97.
Ella Watson, 99.
Jim Davis, 80.
Kirk Jacobs, 80.
John Gallarcher(sic), 90.
Harry Gallarcher(sic), 80.
Hunter Watson, 90.Mrs. Pool was the school teacher at Eagle Creek. Dec. 1891. White Oaks.
May 19, 1892, The Old Abe Eagle; Prof. J. E. Wharton opens public school Monday in Keith neighborhood between White Oaks and Raventon (later spelled Rabenton).
See Location of Brown Building
Teacher: Prof. Wharton and John Haley. Location: Brown Building
- The Old Abe Eagle January 4, 1893:
Our School: 141 students. Honor students:
Medora Hurd, 98.
Addie Clayton, 97.
Bert Lund, 97.
Ella Watson, 96.
J. C. Wharton, 95.
Elwood Heman, 94.
Hattie Sutliff, 94.
Hunter Watson, 94.
Robert Lund, 92.
John Gallacher, 92.
Allie Leonard, 92.
Gus Collier, 91.
Lang Keith, 91.
Harry Gallacher, 90.
Intermediate Students:
Edgar Watson, 95.
Lorena Sager, 95.
Rosa McDade, 92.
Claude Goff, 92.
Leopolo Pichaco, 92.
Lydia Forsythe, 92.
Leona Rudisille, 90.
Frank Owens, 91.
May Lee, 91.
Carrie Lalone, 91.
Blythe Biggs, 90.The Old Abe Eagle March 9, 1893: Page one:
Academic Students:
Addie Clayton, 98.
Hattie Sutliff, 97.
Anna Wallace, 97.
Leona Radisille, 97.
Medora Hurd, 97.
Ella Watson, 97.
Elwood Heman, 94.
Hunter Watson, 94.
Robert Lund, 97.
John Gallacher, 96.
Harry Gallacher, 95.
Allie Leonard, 92.
Bert Lund, 90.
Gus Collier, 91.
Lang Keith, 91.
Cody Kempton, 90.
Roy Gumm, 90.
Elwood Heman, 92.
Jas. Lee, 92.
Intermediate Students:
Maud Cooper, 90.
Leona Keith, 92.
Edgar Watson, 97.
Helen Allen, 94.
Agnes McMains, 93.
Lydia Forsythe, 92.
May Lee, 91.
Manda Littleton, 91.
Carrie Wilson, 91.
Rosa McDade, 90.
Maggie Wickson, 91.
Lorena Sagar, 97.
Claude Goff, 91.
Frank Owens, 92.
Mabel Stewart, 92.
(Above does not include the non-honor roll students of 110 students.)The Old Abe Eagle March 23, 1893: Page four: The Salado school is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. H. S. Smith.The Old Abe Eagle March 30, 1893: Page four:
School: Closes for the harvest and summer. Studies: Mediaeval and modern history, U. S. history, Physics, Physical Geography, and Pedagogy.
Honor Roll students:
Bert Lund, Leona Rudisille, Elwood Heman, Allie Leonard, Jodie Riggs, John Gallacher, Anna Wallace, Robert Lund, Jas. Lee, Addie Clayton, Mary Fitzpatrick, Roy Grumm, Medora Hurd, Harry Gallacher, Gus Collier, Ella Watson, Thos. Alexander, Edgar Watson, Robert Presley, Claude Goff, Blythe Biggs, May Lee, Maggie Wickson, Leona Keith, Rich’d Taliaferro, Minnie McDade, Levi Russell, Mary Eakers, Roy Treat, William Watson, Mary Mains, Carrie Wilson, Rosa McDade, George Forsythe, Edgar Strumquist, Richard Hamilton, Pearl Keith, John Strumquist, Gusita Kistler, Ralph Treat, Leo Schwarts, May Wallace, Bessie Taliaferro, W. Gallacher, Addie Lalone, Henry Gibbons, Johnny Duke.Other: White Oaks school enrollment was 100. Daily attendance was 80. Honor students were: (all blurry) Robert Lund, Paul McCourt, Harry Gallacher, Roy Gumm, Elwood Heman, Jas. Lee, Sas.(?) Davis, John Lane, Emma Parker, Emma Brothers, Susie McMains, May Lee, Medora Hurd, Jodie Biggs, Margie McCourt, Allie Keith, Helen Allen, Lora Leslie, Maud Littleton, Fannie, Lalone, Modero Hughes, Blythe Higgs, Carrie Lalone, Edward Strumgquist(sic), Duncan Ferguson, Robert Presley, Omer Owen, Ernst Keith, Flora Keith, Minnie McDade, May Wallace, Mary Keith, Guesita Kistler, Mary McMains, Adella Keith, Florence Murdock.
The Old Abe Eagle December 21, 1893, page four: First Session of White Oaks Graded School with 130 students.
Honor Roll:
John Gallacher
Robert Lund
Roy Gumm
Jas. Lee
John Gallacher
Lang Keith
George Queen
Jas. Wickson
Jas. Davis
John Lane
Kody Kempton
Lura Leslie
Carrie Lalone / LaLone
Medora Hurd
Jodie Biggs
Margie McCourt
Allie Keith
Fannie Lalone
May Lee
Blythe Biggs
Hellen Allen
Lorena Sagar
Leona Keith
Rosa McDade
Susie McMains
Modeno Hughes
Maggie Wickson
Edward Strumgquist (as found)
Fred Blackhart
Jesus Padilla
John Strumquist (as found)
Roy Treat
Nachu Capauano
Perfecto Archuleta
Omer Owen
Bennie Sandoval
Rich’d Hamilton
Robert Pressley
Mary McMains
Bessie Taliaferro
Florence Murdock
Adella Keith
Gusaita Kestler
May Wallace
Ada Steck
Pearl Blackhart
Janett Lee
Bonito Grieshaber
Agnes Ferguson. - See Link for more
Teacher: Prof. Wharton and John A. Haley. Location: Brown Building
- The Old Abe Eagle February 1, 1894 page four, Honor Students, 147 students; average attendance 84.
Robert Lund,
Harry Gallacher,
Roy Gumm,
Cody Kempton,
Coke Keith. - The Old Abe Eagle March 14, 1895: Page four:
White Oaks Graded School students, 156 enrolled, honor roll:
John Gallacher,
Lund Robert,
Roy Gumm,
Ella Watson,
Margie McCourt,
May Lee,
Lang Keith,
Jodie Biggs,
Lois Anderson,
Elsie Ricket,
James Lee,
Harry Gallacher,
Cody Kempton,
Elwood Heman,
Pearl Blackhart,
Bessie Taliaferro,
Mitte Cox,
Ernest Keith,
Nettie Lee,
Maud Bailey,
Edgar Stramquist,
May Cleghorn,
Addie Steck,
James Davis,
Edgar Watson,
Claude Goff,
Robert Presely,
Robert Parker,
Carrie Lalone,
Fred Blackhart,
Riley Watson,
Leona Keith,
Fred Lalone,
Anthony York,
Roy Treat,
George Queen,
Omer Owens,
Mary Keith,
Joe Schultz,
Clarence Rickert,
John Lane,
May Wallace,
Necho Capnano,
Frank Kiser,
Julian Taylor,
Addie Lalone,
John Strumquist.The Old Abe Eagle March 29, 1894: Page four:
School Examination Reports, students scoring 80 percent or above, all classes, many names duplicated for various courses:
Margie McCourt, May Lee, Carrie LaLone (previously spelled Lalone), Manda Littleton, Jas. Davis, Jodie Biggs, Harry Gallacher, Roy Gumm, John Gallacher, Lang Keith, Margie McCourt, Helen Allen, Lang Keith, Margie McCourt, Lang Keith, John Lane, Allie Keith, Helen Allen, John Gallacher, Cody Kempton, Roy Gumm, Harry Gallacher, Geo. Queen, Jas. Davis, Medora Hurd, Coke Keith, Roy Gumm, Margie McCourt, May Lee, John H. Lane, Robt. Lund, Jodie Biggs, Medora Hurd, John Gallacher, Harry Gallacher, Robert Lund, Medora Hurd, John Gallacher, Cody Kempton, Jas. Davis, Fred Blackhart, Earnest Keith, Leona Keith, May Lee, Gusaita Kestler, Perfecto Archaleta, Benio Sandoval, Mary McMains, Richard Hamilton, Fred Blackhart, Edw’d Queen, Roy Treat, Robt. Presley, Adella Keith, Jose Sanchez, Duncan Fergusson, Jose Torres, Benino Sandoval, Pearl Blackhart, Bessie Taliaferro, Jose Torres, Edgar Strumquest (spelled three ways in the records), Edgar Watson, Richard Hamilton, Roy Treat, John Strumquist, Leo Schwartz, Willie Owens, Clarence Rickert, Gusita Koetler (blurred), Leo Schwartz, Maggie Wickson, Blythe Biggs, Ed. Strumgquist(is this a different person or a different spelling?), Roy Treat, Henry Gibtens(blurry), N. Capauano, Adella Keith.The Old Abe Eagle December 20, 1894, page four: White Oaks Graded School 137 students, 134 average daily attendance.
Gallacher, John
Lund, Robert
Gumm, Roy
Watson, Ella
McCourt, Margie
Lee, May
Keith, Allie
Keith Lang
Biggs, Jodie
Anderson, Lois
Richert, Elise
Lee, James
Gallacher, Harry
Kempton, Cody
Heman, Elwood
Dearmore, W. H.
Owens, Omer
Blackhart, Pearl
Queen, George
Lane, John
Davis, James
Jacobs, Kirk
McMains, Alice
Hughes, Modina,
Baily, Maud
Lalone, Carrie; Also spelled LaLone
Blackhart, Fred
Watson, Riley
Keith, Joe
Keith, Leona
Biggs, Blythe
Tailliaferro, Bessie
Cooper, Maudie
Watson, Will
York, Laura
York, Anthony
Treat, Roy
Wharton, Florence
Littleton, Manda
Archuleta, Perfecto -
White Oaks Public School built in July 1894
Teacher: Prof. Wharton
- The Old Abe Eagle April 18, 1895: Page four: White Oaks school closes for the year due to scarlet fever, diphtheria, la grippe, croup and other diseases. White Oaks teachers were S. M. Wharton and Mrs. W. P. McComar?(blurry).
Teacher: Prof. Wharton
Teachers: Miss Austin and Miss Ula Gilmore
Teachers: Miss Austin , Miss Ula Gilmore, Mrs. W L. Gumm and Prof. E. S. Coombs
Teachers: Miss Ula Gilmore and Prof E.S. Coombs
Teachers: Miss Ula Gilmore, and Mrs. W. Gumm and Prof E.S. Coombs
Teacher: Mrs. Hollars
Teacher: Mrs. Hollars
Teachers: B. Stephenson and W.L. Gumm
- White Oaks Outlook, March 3, 1905 White Oaks School closes for lack of funds. Professor Stephenson continues the school using private funds.
Teacher: Callie Thompson