GUEBARA, SAMUEL 16 MAY 1904-10 MAY 1947
Died of myocarditis at the age of 42 yrs. 11 months, 14 days
Annado Guebara paid for the funeral costs.
Father – Felix Guebara
Mother – Carmen Guebara
Name: | Samuel Guebara |
Birth Date: | 16 May 1904 |
Birth Place: | White Oaks, Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States of America |
Death Date: | 10 May 1947 |
Death Place: | Carrizozo, Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States of America |
Cemetery: | Cedarvale Cemetery |
Burial or Cremation Place: | White Oaks, Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States of America |
Has Bio?: | Y |
URL: |… |
Newspaper Clippings
Lincoln County Ownership
Type Grantee Rec Book Page # Filed Grantor Instrument Description Doc# MARRIAGE LICENSE GUEBARA SAMUEL 8 7 2448 1 19370522 GUEBARA SAMUEL 19370522 MARRIED 5/22/1937 193782448 8 JARAMILLO FIDELINA 193782448 WD GUEBARA SAMUEL 1 A-20 1 1 19400125 LESLIE EVA 19400105 194010001 1 LESLIE ROBERT JR 194010001 Section 06 Township 07S Range 14E PART 194010001 WD GUEBARA SAMUEL 1 A-20 371 1 19420228 FARMER DELORES 19420228 2 ACRES OF SAMUEL FARMER ESTATE 194210371 1 EAST SIDE OF CARRIZOZO 194210371 PROOF OF LABOR GUEBARA SAMUEL 1 37 360 1 19790913 ESCONDIDA LODE MINING CLAIM 19790830 110134940