Texas Park and White Oaks – My Early Memories
By Ben Leslie
Retyped by Janet Barnum
White Oaks was quite a town in those days. Lots of men working in the mines and all the houses were full and tents were stretched into the foothills. The four major gold mines were North and South Homestake, Little Mack and Old Abe. A coal mine east of White Oaks was called the Old Abe Coal Mine. White Oaks had a fine school and three or four hundred children went to school. One of the teachers was Mrs. Covington and another was Mr. Davis.
I remember we used to get to school early in the morning so we could play base ball and we also played at noon hour. I remember so well there were three girls that could really play baseball with us boys. They were Sally and Ollie Grumbles, a sister of the late Walter Grumbles, and Margaret–Maggie, Gallacher who later married Bill Kelt. These girls could catch and throw a ball just as good as any of us boys.