Fred Lalone and Margarite Vega This document has a modified from one submitted by Frances LaLone Finley. Fred was the third of six children born to Tioflio and Estanislada La Lone; he was born on 29 Oct 1878. When he was born his father was a cattle rancher in Nogal, New Mexico. Fred went through the sixth grade in Nogal. His first job was working in the hay fields with his father when he was a little boy, He later did odd jobs. Fred used to see Margarite, who was six years his junior, peaking through the fence and he’d always say , “That’s, the girl I’ll marry”. When still a young girl Margarite was sent to a convent in El Paso, Texas, to become a nun. When her sister died she was called home and did not return to El Paso. Saddened by the death of their daughter, Margarite’s parents decided to go to Mexico. It broke Fred’s heart. He kept hoping they’d come back, He was getting ready to go to Mexico and get her when they returned. Margarite’s father had leased his ranch and there was some trouble so he came back to check on it. They never returned to Mexico. A year later, on November 23, 1903, Margarite and Fred were married. They had a big wedding at Tioflio’s ranch. They had a three day and three night party. Margarite wore two beautiful dresses. Her wedding dress was a cream color with a high neck.