1880 Census Precinct 8, White Oaks New Mexico
According to the 1880 census data for White Oaks, New Mexico:
The total population of White Oaks in 1880 was 279 people. 3
The census shows that the largest occupations in White Oaks at the time were gold mining (67 people) and laborers (with many men without families). 3
Other notable occupations included carpenter (9), blacksmith (6), merchant (5), stockman (3), lawyer (3), actor/actress (2), wagon maker (2), livery stable (2), assayer (2), doctor (2), butcher (2), clerk in store (2), and various other support roles. 3
The census indicates that White Oaks was still a relatively new town at this point, having been founded just the previous year in 1879 with the discovery of gold. Farming and cattle ranching had not yet become established in the area. 3
“Most of these miners getting ready for work are likely in the census below”
- John Watts 41,
David Struckand William McClure 58 - James Bruce 27, Henry Elfers 37, James Book 26
- David Wells 27, Elizabeth Wells (Wife) 26, Mynova Wells 3, Nillian Wells 1
- Moses Burke Wife Martha, Sons Harry and James
- Chas Daviess, Wife Nanie, daughter Pauline
- George Collins
- John Eaker
- William Mossip
- Erwin Martin, James Nabours and John Rollins Little Information on Martin
- Aceio Lacey, Wife Rosa, son Robert and Benjamin
- Samuel Beard, Ames Livingston
- John Forsythe, Wife Jane, Samuel Wells, Martha Wells and Susan Wells
- John Davidson, Victor Schell
- Joy David, Wife Mary, Sons Carson and Richard, daughter Alice Little Information on David
- Robert Bolton, Wife Ellen, son John, daughter Ellen, William Watts boarder Little Information
- Geo Briumger, John Thorn and George Light Little Information on all
1880 Page 1 living arrangements
- Richard Lea, Lorenzo Edwards, Jose Domigo, wife Marih Domigo, daughter Manuwela and Son Felix, and Frank Rundos No Information
- Nelson Harp, Wife Sarrah, son Mirvyer and daughter Rosa and Son Herman
- James Tomlinson
- Thomas Longworth
- William Watson, Wife Sarrah, Daughter Adda and boarder Charles Feast
- Charles Paterson, Wife Sarrah and Boarder Henry J Paterson, and James Holton
- John Alexander, WIfe Ruthi, Son Acsil, Charles, and Ernest and daughter Unes
- Michael Stapleton Little Information
- William Covin, James Barevis and Son James Barevis
- James Harris
- James Kelly, Wife Maria, son Alander, James, and Jackson, Daughter Emelia, and son William, and daughter Virginia, son John, Charles and David
- John Moore
- Benjamin Henry, Wife Tabitha, daughter Nora and Lillie, Daughter Susan Henry and daughter Laura Henry
- Manlius Brandhouser
- David Turner and Eugene Chase
- Ike Smith and William Rexford
- Gustav Kastler, Wife Stella Kastler
- Albert Hughes, James Cooper, Steven George, Thomas Carter, Jones Taliaferro, Henry Lander, Robert Brown
- John Weldon, Wife Louisa Hogue, daughters: Ednia, and Elizabeth and boarder Davis Victor
- George Mitchel, Wife Millie, daughters: May and Nellie
- James Taylor, Wife Lewey, James Netson
- Adna Lamson
- James Adison, William McDonald
- Henry Doerges, John Fulton
- James Allen, Son Henry
- Lyman Allen, Thomas Walters
- William West, Samuel Dedrick, John Root, John Philips
- Frank Lea, Wife Susan, Son Joseph, daughters: Minnie, Gertrude, Carrie, Mary and Jennie
- John Walters, John Robert, John Walkinshaw
- John Wilson
- Richard Deeves, Irwin McClury, Will McClury, George McGuyer
- Michael Clark, Richard Mc Guiness, Henry Miller, Thomas King
- Steven Perkins
- Eben Bess
- John Lilly
- James Hanson
- Joseph Cohen, Sam Williams, William Moody
- Jacob Wise
- Dr. Edward Morely
- Charlie Star, Robert Owens
- Jason Bell
- William Hudgins, Wife Mary, daughter WIllie, Son John, and Boarder John Wood
- James Bell
- Burt Oliver, Son William, William Miller
- Patrick McGraw, Son John
- Edbert Berry
- Harry George
- Thomas Haus, Mark Childress
- Patrick McClury died in 1883 and no account, Wife Julia, daughter Lewis and Laura English and James Redman
- John McComas, Fred mcGreedy
- James Sweet, Fred Prescott
- George Cook,
- Susan Rea
- Thomas Lyman and brother Frank
- john Hessley, Wife Mary, Son Marion
- Alselino Pachaca, Wife Pericito, daughter Adallia, Son Deopoldo and Rita Baca
- Alexander Lane, Son WIlliam, Isibal Bracken, and Son Walter Bracken
- Charles Buford
- James Young, Son Charles
- John Hewitt
- James Reynolds, Wife Lavonia, daughter Maud
- George Rope, Adam Hessberger Little Information
- Nathen Mains
- john Slack
- Erickson C L
- Frank Abbett, E W Parker
- Ely Whittaker, Ely Nickerson, James Watt
- Patrick McGovern
- Robert Gilberts, Earl Cockrune, Thomas Bell
- Frank Bickford, George guinn
- Edmond Ball, William Hathaway, Claud Hathoway,
- Edson Baird and Justin Baird
- Benjamin Gumm, Frederick Warner
- Garett Cullen, Jose Juan Gudirres, Joseph Dixon
- John Helphstein, Lewis Hollenwager, Isaac Rullen, Isaac Bell
- George Layman, A K Lee, Joe Langston, John Mosley
- Lloyd Schell, E F Coinrey, (Jey Redey, Jim Redman) William Stone, Albert Barns
- James Sligh, Wife Mary, Son George, Daughter Emie
- John D Fulton
- James Carlyle
- Abner English
- Jerry Hackradle, Wife Louisa, boarder John Watts, George Zimmerman
Thomas Tillerson enumerated the 1880 census beginning June 22, 1880 and ending at end of month.
Since the original discovery of gold etc. in 1879, less than a year later this census was taken.
The population had few families. The largest occupations were gold mining (mostly men without families) and laborers (again men without families)
Gold miner: 67
Carpenter: 9
Blacksmith: 6
Merchant: 5
Stockman: 3
Lawyer: 3
Actor/actress: 2
Wagon maker: 2
Livery stable: 2
Assayer: 2
Butcher: 2
Clerk in store: 2
Farmer: 1
Laundress: 1
Cook: 1
Baker: 1
Barber: 1
Notary: 1
Postmaster: 1
Druggist: 1
Bartender: 1
Constable: 1
Stone mason: 1
Machinist: 1
Mining Engineer: 1
Tailor: 1
Realtor: 1
Hewitt, Lacey, Taliaferro, Slack were there from the start.
Farming and cattle had not got started. The town contained the bare essentials needed to get the gold mining operation moving forward. Very few support people.
Total population: 279
Press Census below to enlarge

Here are the links from the search results 1880 Census White Oaks New Mexico :
1 https://www.whiteoaksnmgoldrush.com/1880-census/
2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Oaks,_New_Mexico
3 https://www.whiteoaksnmgoldrush.com/quick-lot-locator/
4 https://www.whiteoaksnmgoldrush.com/early-white-oaks-n-m-business-1880/
5 https://www.whiteoaksnmgoldrush.com/population-white-oaks/